Saturday, August 26, 2017


Match 1. Johnny Mundo vs. Jay Lethal
This is a falls count anywhere match. Johnny hit a heel kick. Lethal landed a nice standing dropkick. He later hit the Lethal Cutter and diving elbow. Mundo came back with the Moonlight Drive and got the win.

Hmmm. Not the exciting opening match I thought that would be, especially between two former champs.

Match 2. The Hardyz and Mil Muertes vs. WGTT and Drew Galloway
What a pairing. Shelton hit Jeff with a heel kick and back suplex to start. Drew hit Mil with a back suplex onto the apron. Haas and Matt then had their turn in the ring. Matt got a near fall after a Side Effect. Shelton landed a cross body and t-bone suplex on Mil. Drew got a near fall after the Claymore and Future Shock. Matt pinned Drew after a Twist of Fate.

This was a fun 6-man tag. The Hardyz

Match 3. PJ Black vs. ????? - X-Division Championship
Black's challenger is...Prince Puma. He got a big win two days ago. Can his momentum carry him to a title victory? Puma landed an axe kick at the start. He then hit a gator roll. Black kicked out of a reverse 450 splash. Puma kept the pressure going with a Pele kick. He got the three but Black had his foot on the rope. He argued and Black rolled him up to retain.

Wow. Puma got screwed there. He had the match won but Black got lucky.

Match 4. The Wolves vs. The Briscoes
These two teams have been feuding forever. Mark hit Eddie with a powerbomb. Davey locked in a couple of Calf Killers. Jay then Davey with his own powerbomb and Death Valley Driver. Eddie saved his partner from a loss after a butterfly piledriver. Mark then got a near fall with a torture rack driver. Eddie hit a double underhook suplex and got the win.

Not the best tag match these two teams have had. Maybe the Wolves can get a title shot next month.

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan
Morgan cost Angle his X-Division championship last month. Morgan countered a DDT and tossed Angle over his head. He continued with punches in the corner and a release fall away slam. Morgan hit the Carbon Footprint but Angle kicked out. Angle landed three German suplexes and the Angle Slam to get the win.

Angle gets his revenge on Morgan. Now, he's going after the title.

Match 6. War Machine vs. Bad Influence - ROH Tag Team Championship
The challengers were able to take the big men off their feet. Kaz hit Rowe with a diving senton. War Machine worked over Kaz in their corner. Hanson went to the top and hit a nice moonsault for a two count. Daniels hit a Blue Thunder Bomb and Kaz won with an underhook reverse piledriver.

We have new tag champs! Bad Influence overcame the odds.

Main Event. James Storm vs. Adam Cole - Impact Championship
This is Storm's biggest challenge yet. Storm hit a straightjacket neck breaker. He continued with a suplex and Death Valley Driver but Cole kept kicking out. Storm tossed Cole in the air and connected with the Last Call super kick. Cole slowed things down a bit and regained his composure. After two more super kicks, Storm got the win and retained his title.

Cole tried coming back but he didn't have enough time on offense.

Recap: This was a good show but some of the matches could have gone a little longer.

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