Wednesday, August 30, 2017

March Week 1, Year 3

The final four weeks start now.

Match 1. Naomi vs. Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks
Naomi took down Nia with a hurricanrana. Nia accidentally clotheslined the ref as Sasha ducked. Sasha then pulled out a chair. Nia caught Sasha with a super kick. Nia slammed Naomi on the chair and tossed Sasha over her head. She then took out Sasha with a fall away slam and pinned Naomi with a belly-to-belly.

Nia is just too strong to be taken down.

Match 2. Emma vs. Charlotte

Match 3. Kane vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Braun Strowman vs. Bo Dallas
Brock Lesnar came out and stared at Braun.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Finn Balor

Match 1. Mickie James vs. Tamina
The fall continues for Mickie.

Match 2. Mark Henry vs. Heath Slater

Match 3. Jack Swagger vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
The champ takes on the Rumble winner in a non-title match. These two Europeans traded strikes in and out of the ring. Barrett caught him with the Winds of Change and a second-rope elbow drop. Sheamus recovered and hit the Brogue Kick for a near fall. He then won with an Irish Curse back breaker and Celtic Cross.

The champ sets the bar for Barrett leading up to their match.

Main Event. Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens attacked Zayn from behind. Rollins took advantage and hit the Buckle Bomb. Zayn hit a back suplex onto the apron. Rollins hit Zayn with a diving elbow through the announce table. Sami pulled out the Blue Thunder Bomb. Rollins came back with a super kick to win.

Owens came back out and signaled he wants his rematch.

Rollins pinned the IC champ. We could have a triple threat at 'Mania.

Match 1. Roderick Strong vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Dana Brooke

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Andrade 'Cien Almas vs. ????
It's...Neville! What is he doing on NXT?

Match 4. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
Joe didn't even let AJ in the ring before attacking him. He then hit the Chimera-plex and made Styles tap with the Coquina Clutch.

Joe showed his ruthless side more than we've seen before.

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode
Roode attacked Nakamura after the match.

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Brian Pillman

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Unholy Alliance

Match 3. Vader vs. Taz

Match 4. nWo vs. Impact Players

Main Event. Hollywood Hogan vs. Rob Van Dam
Will Goldberg make an appearance? He did walk down and sat at ringside. Hogan dodged a heel kick and sent RVD to the outside. He then went after Goldberg but it backfired. RVD hit the frog splash but got a near fall. He then hit a reverse 450 senton and got the win.

Whoa! Rob Van Dam pinned the world champ.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Pentagon Jr vs. Drago
Drago pulled out a chair. Pentagon hit a butterfly suplex and full nelson suplex. Drago landed a few chair shots. Pentagon hit the drive by dropkick. Drago landed a string of moves and won with the rolling heel kick.

A nice opening match between two high flyers.

Match 2. WGTT vs. War Machine

Match 3. PJ Black vs. ????
Cody Rhodes answered the challenge.

Match 4. King Cuerno vs. Matt Sydal vs. Kassius Ohno

Main Event. James Storm vs. Adam Cole
A win for Cole can put him back in the title picture. Cole got a quick near fall. He then hit a knee drop brain buster. Storm caught Cole in mid-air with the Last Call superkick but he got a two count. Cole hit the brain buster again. Cole kicked out of a second super kick. Cole locked Storm in a Figure Four around the post. Cole ducked a clothesline and rolled Storm up to win.

Cole pins the champ. He's definitely deserving of a title shot.

Recap: What a week. We got a lot of matches taking form as we come to an end in Year 3.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Six title matches and an Elimination Chamber match. The winner will face the Raw champ at WrestleMania.

Match 1. Mickie James vs. Paige - SmackDown Women's Championship
Paige hit a belly-to-back slam and DDT. Mickie locked in an Indian Death Lock. After a couple of suplexes, Paige got a near fall after the Paige Turner. Mickie got her own near fall after the Mickie-DT. They brawled on the outside for a bit before Paige won with the Ram-Paige.

Mickie's title reign didn't last that long but it was good to see her back as champ.

Match 2. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens - Intercontinental Championship
Owens left the ring after creating some space. Zayn quickly followed him and hit a back breaker. He then locked in a Boston Crab and got a near fall after the Blue Thunder Bomb. Zayn landed a huge dive over the top rope. Owens hit a package powerbomb. Zayn busted Owens open with a DDT. After a half-and-half suplex and second-rope senton, Zayn won with a diving splash.

Zayn becomes the second new champion of the night. Owens threw a tantrum after the match.

Match 3. Big E vs. Tye Dillinger - United States Championship
Big E has defeated some top talents since becoming champ. Tye caught E off the ropes with a perfect dropkick. He hit a superplex for a near fall. Tye continued with a diving cross body and suplex. E landed a DDT on the apron. Tye recovered and won with the Tye Breaker.

The Perfect 10 took down Big E to win his first championship. 3-for-3 in title changes.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus - WWE World Championship
Ziggler hit a hip toss into a neck breaker. Sheamus drove his knee into the head of Ziggler. Dolph landed a missile dropkick and Zig Zag but Sheamus kicked out. Sheamus hit White Noise. Ziggler came back with the Heart Stopper elbows. They both hit their signatures one more time. Ziggler hit a super sit-out face buster. Sheamus hit the Irish Curse back breaker and won the title.

That makes four straight title changes. Sheamus/Barrett for the World title.

Match 5. Chamber - Balor vs. Jericho vs. Batista vs. Punk vs. Strowman vs. Lesnar
Holy crap, what a lineup. The first two entrants were Strowman and Punk. Braun beat down Punk early. The next entrant was Lesnar. Here we go! Braun exited the ring as Brock went after Punk. Braun landed the Omega Driver as Batista entered fourth. Punk made a comeback and took the big man off his feet. Jericho left his pod fifth. He was getting double-teamed by Braun and Batista. Balor finally entered and all six men went at it.

All six men were hitting finishers and high-impact moves but still no eliminations. After another Omega Driver, Strowman made Brock tap out. WOW! Jericho eliminated Punk after a northern lights suplex. Balor eliminated Batista after a Bloody Sunday. Braun eliminated Jericho after the Omega Driver. As he went after Balor, Brock ran back down and attacked Braun. Balor then won with the shotgun dropkick and sunset bomb.

Braun was dominant throughout the whole match and would have won if it wasn't for Lesnar.

Match 6. Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks - Raw Women's Championship
Can Sasha overpower the big Samoan? Nia almost took Sasha's head off with a clothesline. Banks kept Jax grounded with a hip toss and stomps. She later pulled out the back stabber but Nia grabbed the ropes. Nia escaped from the Bank Statement and hit a super kick. She then won with the one-arm spine buster.

Sasha tried everything to keep Nia down but she was just too powerful.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose - Raw Universal Championship
This could be Dean's last chance. Balor will get the next shot at 'Mania. The two former friends quickly spilled to the outside. Reigns got a close near fall after a suplex. He hit a huge diving elbow to the outside. Dean locked in a cross face. He then blocked the Superman punch. Reigns recovered and connected with the punch to retain.

Damn. Ambrose could not get revenge against Reigns. Roman goes into 'Mania as champ.

Recap: Four title changes leading up to WrestleMania. Sheamus/Barrett and Reigns/Balor are the top two matches. Can't wait!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

February Week 4, Year 3

Match 1. Naomi vs. Bayley

Match 2. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin vs. Ryback
All three of these men want a shot at Big E's title. Ryback and Cesaro worked over Corbin. Corbin came back with a super back suplex to both opponents. Cesaro caught Ryback with a huge uppercut. Ryback came back with three powerbombs. Corbin took out Cesaro with a superplex and pinned Ryback after a t-bone slam.

A hard-hitting triple threat. Corbin moves up the ranks.

Match 3. Big E vs. Tye Dillinger
E attacked Dillinger after the match.

Match 4. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax

Main Event. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Enzo and Big Cass
Oh man. I don't see Dean and Roman getting along. Cass in Ambrose with two running knees. Reigns then slammed Enzo. The two big men traded strikes. After a superplex, they hit the Air Enzo, but Dean broke it up. Things broke down as Cass and Dean fought on the outside. Reigns ended up busted open. Cass pinned Ambrose after a big boot.

Ambrose and Reigns actually worked well together. I guess they put their pride aside for the win.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus
Sheamus helped Ziggler up after the match.

Match 2. Heath Slater vs. Tyler Breeze
Breeze landed a dropkick and jumping STO. He hit the super kick but Slater grabbed the ropes. Slater got a near fall after a jumping DDT. He missed a diving leg drop, giving Breeze an opening. After some back and forth, Breeze won with a diving elbow.

A good undercard match. Slater impressed me in a losing effort.

Match 3. Paige vs. Mickie James

Match 4. Wade Barrett vs. Mark Henry
Nice win for the Rumble winner

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

Match 1. Adam Rose vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Ember Moon

Match 3. Cedric Alexander vs. Rich Swann
Swann hit a hip toss and sit-out powerbomb. Cedric hit a jumping spin kick. Swann came back with a springboard cutter but got a two count. He then jumped to the top and won with a frog splash.

An entertaining match between two of the top athletes on the roster.

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami
Joe and Styles brawled after the match.

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode
Nakamura kept Roode grounded early. Roode hit a high knee and spine buster. Shinsuke hit a Michinoku Driver and back suplex. He continued with a dive but Roode countered with a punch. Roode got a near fall after the Glorious DDT. Nakamura hit a reverse exploder with a bridge to win.

Wow. Nakamura got the win without using his finisher. Roode will seek revenge.

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Tazz

Match 2. 4 Horsemen vs. Harlem Heat

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. Unholy Alliance

Match 4. nWo vs. Impact Players

Main Event. Hollywood Hogan vs. ?????
Sting came out to let Hogan know he isn't his opponent. He introduced...Goldberg! Hogan landed a back suplex. Goldberg slammed Hogan down and then hit a big boot. Hogan dumped him to the outside. Goldberg hit the Jackhammer but Hogan kicked out. Hogan then connected with brass knuckles and got the win.

Wow. Goldberg made his debut but Hogan needed to cheat to win.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Bobby Lashley vs. Ethan Carter III
Lashley put the pressure on Carter. He hit a suplex. He went for a second one but Carter countered. ECIII worked over the legs and brought the fight to the outside. Lashley hit two press slams. Carter hit a spinning cutter and The 1% but Lashley kicked out. Lashley hit a couple of suplexes before winning with a t-bone suplex.

Match 2. War Machine vs. WGTT

Match 3. PJ Black vs. ????
The next challenger is Zack Sabre Jr. Another win for the X-Division champ. 

Match 4. Matt Sydal vs. Mil Muertes vs. King Cuerno
Sydal hit Mil with a German suplex. Mil returned the favor with a full nelson slam. Cuerno landed a package suplex. Cuerno hit Matt with a tornado DDT through the post. Mil hit Cuerno with a power slam. Cuerno took out Matt with a super kick. Muertes then pinned Cuerno after a chokeslam.

A nice triple threat match. Muertes is one step closer to a world title match.

Main Event. James Storm vs. Kurt Angle

Recap: What a week. We saw the debut of Goldberg. There were a couple of good triple threat matches. Four weeks left.

Saturday, August 26, 2017


Match 1. Johnny Mundo vs. Jay Lethal
This is a falls count anywhere match. Johnny hit a heel kick. Lethal landed a nice standing dropkick. He later hit the Lethal Cutter and diving elbow. Mundo came back with the Moonlight Drive and got the win.

Hmmm. Not the exciting opening match I thought that would be, especially between two former champs.

Match 2. The Hardyz and Mil Muertes vs. WGTT and Drew Galloway
What a pairing. Shelton hit Jeff with a heel kick and back suplex to start. Drew hit Mil with a back suplex onto the apron. Haas and Matt then had their turn in the ring. Matt got a near fall after a Side Effect. Shelton landed a cross body and t-bone suplex on Mil. Drew got a near fall after the Claymore and Future Shock. Matt pinned Drew after a Twist of Fate.

This was a fun 6-man tag. The Hardyz

Match 3. PJ Black vs. ????? - X-Division Championship
Black's challenger is...Prince Puma. He got a big win two days ago. Can his momentum carry him to a title victory? Puma landed an axe kick at the start. He then hit a gator roll. Black kicked out of a reverse 450 splash. Puma kept the pressure going with a Pele kick. He got the three but Black had his foot on the rope. He argued and Black rolled him up to retain.

Wow. Puma got screwed there. He had the match won but Black got lucky.

Match 4. The Wolves vs. The Briscoes
These two teams have been feuding forever. Mark hit Eddie with a powerbomb. Davey locked in a couple of Calf Killers. Jay then Davey with his own powerbomb and Death Valley Driver. Eddie saved his partner from a loss after a butterfly piledriver. Mark then got a near fall with a torture rack driver. Eddie hit a double underhook suplex and got the win.

Not the best tag match these two teams have had. Maybe the Wolves can get a title shot next month.

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan
Morgan cost Angle his X-Division championship last month. Morgan countered a DDT and tossed Angle over his head. He continued with punches in the corner and a release fall away slam. Morgan hit the Carbon Footprint but Angle kicked out. Angle landed three German suplexes and the Angle Slam to get the win.

Angle gets his revenge on Morgan. Now, he's going after the title.

Match 6. War Machine vs. Bad Influence - ROH Tag Team Championship
The challengers were able to take the big men off their feet. Kaz hit Rowe with a diving senton. War Machine worked over Kaz in their corner. Hanson went to the top and hit a nice moonsault for a two count. Daniels hit a Blue Thunder Bomb and Kaz won with an underhook reverse piledriver.

We have new tag champs! Bad Influence overcame the odds.

Main Event. James Storm vs. Adam Cole - Impact Championship
This is Storm's biggest challenge yet. Storm hit a straightjacket neck breaker. He continued with a suplex and Death Valley Driver but Cole kept kicking out. Storm tossed Cole in the air and connected with the Last Call super kick. Cole slowed things down a bit and regained his composure. After two more super kicks, Storm got the win and retained his title.

Cole tried coming back but he didn't have enough time on offense.

Recap: This was a good show but some of the matches could have gone a little longer.

Friday, August 18, 2017

February Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

Match 2. Big E vs. Tye Dillinger
Tye looks to be the next contender for Big E. Tye hit a suplex and neck breaker. He then tossed E out of the ring. E landed a t-bone slam and press slam. Tye hit a pump handle gut buster. After a diving forearm, Tye hit the Tye Breaker and won.

Big non-title win for Dillinger. He may have Big E's number.

Match 3. The Miz vs. Bo Dallas

Match 4. Emma vs. Nia Jax

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus

Match 2. Paige vs. Nikki Bella

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Mark Henry

Match 4. Mickie James vs. Natalya

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn
Owens attacked Zayn from behind. Zayn came back with a diving elbow to the back and then a senton bomb. Owens landed a package powerbomb. Zayn pulled out the Blue Thunder Bomb. After some back and forth, Sami hit the Exploder for a near fall. Sami locked in the Koji Clutch and got the win.

A good main event. I feel like they will give a little more at the PPV.

Match 1. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Carmella

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 4. Andrade 'Cien' Almas vs. Carlito
After returning in the Rumble, Carlito is back with NXT. Almas countered a suplex into a DDT. He then countered a hurricanrana into a powerbomb. Carlito's gotta keep up. Carlito spit something into Almas' eyes and took control. Almas hit the running double knees for a near fall. Carlito got a near fall after the back stabber. Almas then won with the running knees.

Carlito looked good but he has to shake off some of the rust.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries
Joe overpowered Austin early. Aries pulled out a back suplex and dropkick. He then hit a swinging STO. After a German suplex, he landed a brain buster and won.

Whoa. Quick win for Aries as he pins the current NXT champion.

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. Unholy Alliance

Match 2. Cactus Jack vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Diamond Harts vs. 4 Horseman
Page got the quick, hot tag to Hart and he took out both opponents. He then hit Arn with a diving forearm. Page hit Anderson with a super back suplex. The Horsemen attacked Page on the outside. Bret hit Luger with a piledriver. Bret locked Arn in the Sharpshooter. Arn pinned Bret after a spine buster. Bret did have a hold of the bottom rope.

A good tag match. Bret and Page still working well together. They got screwed.

Match 4. Hollywood Hogan vs. Rob Van Dam
Hogan tossed RVD around. Van Dam hit a back suplex. Hogan knocked him off the top rope. RVD landed the Rolling Thunder. After a big boot and shove, Hogan hit the leg drop but Van Dam kicked out. No one kicks out of the leg drop! Hogan busted RVD open. Hogan won with a second boot.

RVD had Hogan stumbling a bit but the champ came back and won.

Main Event. Impact Players vs. nWo

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Matt Morgan vs. Kurt Angle

Match 2. The Wolves vs. The Briscoes

Match 3. PJ Black vs. James Storm
Another big win for the X-Division champ.

Match 4. Bobby Lashley vs. Ethan Carter III

Main Event. Fenix vs. Prince Puma vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Pentagon Jr.
What a main event! Puma pulled out a sledgehammer. Fenix hit Cody with a Frankensteiner. All four men wound up on the outside. Fenix later hit the Solida del Sol. Puma caught Cody hit mid-air with a spin kick. He then won with a fireman's carry heel kick.

That was a fast-paced main event. I was waiting to see the sledgehammer get used. 

Recap: A fun week in Universe. The challengers get big wins over the champs.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Seven championships on the line. Things will be changing.

Match 1. Asuka vs. Dana Brooke - NXT Women's Championship
I don't see this going well for Dana. Dana hit a clothesline but Asuka came back with a huge front kick. Dana landed a back breaker. Asuka fired up with a few kicks. Dana hit two front slams and got two near falls. She then hit a neck breaker from the top rope and won with a diving elbow.

Holy crap. Dana Brooke defeated Asuka. I have no words.

Match 2. TM61 vs. The Revival - NXT Tag Team Championship
Shane put the pressure on Dash early. Dawson landed a spine buster. Thorne came back with a snap STO and inverted 450 splash. This match just got started! Miller and Dawson fought on the outside. The match broke down for a bit. Miller then planted Dawson with a Blue Thunder Bomb and won.

A great tag match with TM61 on the top of their game. I'd expect a rematch.

Match 3. Rhyno vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW Television Championship
Will we have a third title change in a row? Van Dam hit a double heel kick and head scissors. Rhyno landed a deadlift suplex and snapmare. He then hit a fall away slam. Rhyno continued with a superplex and belly-to-belly slam but RVD kicked out. Van Dam hit a tornado DDT through the turnpost. The two stood face-to-face. RVD hit a super kick and won with the split-legged moonsault.

A great wrestling match, which is weird from these two. Three matches, three title changes.

Match 4. Impact Players vs. Hall and Nash - WCW Tag Team Championship
Hall hit Justin with the electric chair drop. Nash hit a sidewalk slam and spinning side slam. He then landed a big boot for a near fall. He then busted Credible open with the snake eyes and won with the Jackknife.

Lance Storm didn't even get into the ring. The nWo dominated Credible. Can Hogan make it a sweep?

Match 5. Brian Kendrick vs. Rich Swann - Cruiserweight Championship
There was some mat wrestling early. Kendrick hit a Complete Shot and a basement dropkick. He continued with a DDT on the apron. Swann tried to get up but Kendrick locked in the Bully Choke. Swann landed a frog splash. He then hit a butterfly powerbomb. He won with a package powerbomb!

Kendrick has been defeated. This could be the biggest win of Swann's career.

Match 6. Sting vs. Hollywood Hogan - WCW Championship
Hogan hit two suplexes and a knee to the face. Hogan taunted and Sting took advantage. Sting suplexed him and Hogan rolled to the outside and took apart the announce table. Hogan hit a big boot and almost won by count out. He then hit Sting with the brass knuckles but Sting kicked out. Sting made a comeback but Hogan blocked the Stinger Splash and busted Sting open. Sting countered the leg drop. Hogan hit a third boot and won with the leg drop.

Hogan wins the world title and will headline Starrcade as the champ. nWo is on top.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura - NXT Championship
Here we go! The two wrestled around and locked in some holds at the beginning. Joe hit a body slam and t-bone suplex. Nakamura landed a full nelson suplex and Death Valley Driver. He then hit a super reverse suplex. He got a near fall after a Samoan driver. Nakamura hit a superplex. Joe pulled out the Muscle Buster from out of nowhere but Nakamura kicked out. He then locked in a cross arm breaker. Joe blocked the Kinshasa and hit the Chimera-plex. Joe hit a second Muscle Buster and won back his title.

Recap: Holy crap. ALL seven titles changed hands just a month before Starrcade. This is going to be an exciting month.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

February Week 2, Year 3

Match 1. Naomi vs. Bayley

Match 2. Tye Dillinger vs. Ryback
Big E walked out and sat at ringside. Ryback landed a running splash. Dillinger came back with a snapmare and soccer kick. Ryback halted that momentum with a spine buster. He then hit the meat hook clothesline. Tye confronted Big E. Bad idea. Tye kicked out of a frog splash. Ryback won with the Shell Shock.

Ryback dominated most of the match. Tye got distracted by Big E. He won't win the title like that.

Match 3. New Day vs. Los Matadores
We haven't seen Diego and Fernando in months. Let's see if there is any rust.

Match 4. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte
Nia Jax attacked Sasha after the match.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin
Dean Ambrose made an appearance before the match. The two big man went back and forth. Reigns hit a gutwrench slam and the Superman punch for a near fall. Reigns then went after Ambrose but Corbin attacked him from behind and threw him into the steps. Reigns hit the Drive-by. Corbin won with the Falcon Arrow.

A good match with drama in the middle. Reigns and Ambrose are clashing at the next PPV.

Match 1. Natalya vs. Paige

Match 2. Tyler Breeze vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Mickie James vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Tyson Kidd

Main Event. Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio
Sheamus walked out before the match. A lot of stars want a better view of the match apparently. Del Rio slammed Ziggler down and a spine buster. He then hit a jumping arm breaker. Ziggler fought back but went after Sheamus instead. Del Rio wore down Ziggler and won with the back stabber.

These stars have to stay focused. It's not good just weeks before the PPV.

Match 1. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick
Kendrick attacked Swann from behind with the title. Kendrick hit a Death Valley Driver on the outside. He then hit a snap reverse neck breaker. Swann got a near fall after two package powerbombs. He continued with a Frankensteiner and springboard 450 splash. Kendrick hit a suplex but Swann rolled him up and won.

A great opening match. Swann recovered and got one over on Kendrick. Big win.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Summer Rae vs. Carmella

Match 3. TM61 vs. Blake and Murphy
Thorne wore down Blake on the outside. Miller continued the beat down with a basement dropkick. Thorne landed an inverted 450 splash and sit-out powerbomb on Murphy but still got a two count. Wow. Blake landed a running power slam. Miller planted Blake with a spinning side slam to win.

Decent tag match. TM61 is building momentum, though.

Match 4. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Adam Rose

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Roode
Nakamura got involved in the match.

Match 1. Rhyno vs. Rob Van Dam

Match 2. Cactus Jack vs. Dusty Rhodes

Match 3. Ric Flair vs. Vader

Match 4. Hall and Nash vs. Impact Players
Credible countered the fall away slam. Hall slammed Storm down and tagged in Nash. The big man took out both opponents. Credible lifted Nash up for a Samoan driver and ducked a big boot. Storm hit Hall with a super back suplex and busted him open with a super kick. Nash pinned Justin after a big boot.

Justin and Lance were scrappy but the strength of Hall and Nash was too much.

Main Event. Sting vs. Hollywood Hogan
Hogan attacked Sting before the match.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal vs. Drew Galloway
An elite opening match. Lethal hit the first move on both opponents. Drew hit Lethal with a German suplex and a full nelson slam to Cole. He then pulled out a sledgehammer. After a few hits, he landed the Irish Curse. Lethal planted Cole with a DDT and the Lethal Cutter but got a two count. Cole grabbed a baseball bat and hit both men. He then hit Drew with a knee drop brain buster. Drew came back with the Future Shock. Cole then hit Lethal with a bridging German suplex to win.

Holy crap! These three wanted to kill each other. Cole wants his title back.

Match 2. Davey Richards vs. Mark Briscoe

Match 3. Elimination - ReDragon vs. The Hardys
This is the first time Matt and Jeff are teaming up in a while. O'Reilly hit a sit-out suplex on Jeff. Matt locked in a dragon sleeper. Matt and O'Reilly countered each other's moves. Matt then hit the Side Effect to eliminate him. However, Kyle had the ropes but the ref didn't see. Wow. Jeff landed the Whisper in the Wind and won with the Swanton Bomb.

ReDragon is definitely entitled to a rematch, especially because of the incompetent ref.

Match 4. PJ Black vs. ?????
Drago answered the call this week.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan

Recap: Impact of Honor was brutal. There were a lot of mid-match attacks. Only six weeks left!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

February Week 1, Year 3

Match 1. Naomi vs. Bayley

Match 2. Chris Jericho vs. Braun Strowman
Strowman hit a press slam and full nelson suplex. He then hit a pump handle piledriver but Jericho kicked out somehow. The both attempted submissions. Braun kicked out of the Codebreaker. Strowman hit a superplex and powerbomb. He then tossed him into the stairs. I wonder if Braun wants to win. Jericho pulled out the Lionsault to get the win.

Whoa! Jericho pins the big man. Look out for revenge, though.

Match 3. Big E vs. Baron Corbin
Tye Dillinger walked out to scout Big E apparently.

Match 4. Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus
A tough first matchup for Ziggler. Sheamus overpowered Ziggler early. Sheamus landed an overhead belly-to-belly. He continued with a clutch slam and White Noise for a near fall. Ziggler somehow kicked out of the Brogue Kick. Ziggler hit a diving elbow through the announce table! Sheamus hit a diving elbow and rolling senton. After a submission attempt, Ziggler got the win.

A good match for Ziggler, his first match as champion.

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. Mark Henry vs. Tyler Breeze
A big win for Breeze.

Match 4. Mickie James vs. Paige

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

Match 1. Roderick Strong vs. Elias Samson

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Ember Moon

Match 3. Brian Kendrick vs. Rich Swann

Match 4. Bobby Roode vs. Cedric Alexander
Roode hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and snap back suplex. He gave Cedric no space as he hit a spine buster. Roode took apart the announce table. Cedric hit a lot of counters and an exploder suplex and brain buster. He then hit a fireman's carry into a heel kick. After a cross face, Roode won with the Death Valley Driver.

Cedric held his own but was unable to hit a BIG move.

Main Event. Samoa Joe and Nakamura vs. TM61
I don't see this going well. Joe tagged himself in at the start. Here we go. Joe hit Thorne with the Chimera-plex. Miller came in and wore down Joe's legs and hit a sit-out powerbomb. Nakamura hit a reverse DDT and Samoan driver. Joe hit Thorne with more suplexes. TM61 were working well in this match. Miller hit Nakamura with a spinning back suplex and won.

Surprisingly, no funny business between Joe and Nakamura.

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Rhyno

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Unholy Alliance

Match 3. Diamond Harts vs. 4 Horsemen

Match 4. Impact Players vs. Hall and Nash

Main Event. Sting vs. Hollywood Hogan
Sting tossed Hogan up and let him fall to the mat. Sting looked good as he was flying around the ring. He then hit a Tombstone but Hogan kicked out. Hogan came back with a big boot and leg drop but got a near fall. Hogan then kicked out of the Death Drop. A couple of minutes later, Sting won with his finisher.

Sting went for a handshake, but Hogan just walked away.

A great main event between two veterans. Their title match is coming up.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Matt Sydal

Match 2. James Storm vs. Cody Rhodes

Match 3. Eddie Edwards vs. Jay Briscoe

Match 4. PJ Black vs. ??? - X-Division Championship
Black is issuing an open challenge every week until someone can beat him. His first opponent is...Fenix. Black hit a super kick and head scissors to start. Fenix hit a couple of back suplexes. Black landed the lifting cutter but got a two count. He kept the pressure and won with another super kick.

Fenix hit some offense but Black put him away. Who challenges him next?

Main Event. Matt Morgan vs. Johnny Mundo
Kurt Angle attacked Morgan and threw him into the steps. Mundo landed a dive over the top to the outside. Morgan made a comeback that finished with a running cross body. Morgan hit a press slam. Mundo won after a moonsault.

Wow. That ended quickly. Mundo gets a big win over the returning star.

Recap: I'm digging the Nakamura/Joe feud and the PJ Black open challenge

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Six title matches and the Rumble match. Let's go!

Match 1. Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE World Championship
Ziggler hit a back suplex and snap slam. He continued with a jumping STO. After some back and forth, Ziggler connected with a super kick but got a two count. Del Rio couldn't get his footing in this match. Ziggler DDT'd ADR on the apron. Del Rio hit an arm breaker and jump kick in the corner. Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper and Zig Zag to win the title.

Whoa! First match title change. Ziggler is the new champ.

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax - Raw Women's Championship
Sasha ran at Nia, but that was a mistake. Jax hit a huge clothesline. She hit a powerbomb on the outside floor. Sasha tried making a comeback but Nia cut her off. Sasha landed some kicks and a tope suicida to the outside. She hit a back stabber for a near fall. Nia shook off a super back suplex and won with a chokeslam.

Nia dominated Sasha for most of the match. Who can defeat her?

Match 3. Cesaro vs. Big E - United States Championship
E locked in a couple of sleepers early. Cesaro hit a deadlift gut wrench slam. E hit a press slam and tossed Cesaro into the ropes. E then landed a running splash and won the title.

Another surprising finish. E has been a whole new man since turning on New Day.

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens - Intercontinental Championship
These two are destined to fight forever. Zayn hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Owens hit a German suplex. Zayn landed a half-and-half suplex. Owens hit a senton bomb and cannonball splash. He continued with a Koji clutch suplex and pop-up powerbomb but Zayn kicked out. Wow. Owens kept the attack with multiple suplexes. Zayn landed a tornado DDT through the post. Owens countered Zayn on the apron and won with a sunset flip.

Damn. Zayn was mounting a comeback but Owens stole the win and the title.

Match 5. Paige vs. Mickie James - SD Women's Championship
After some holds, Paige hit a German suplex. Mickie came back with punches and a back breaker. They went back and forth in and out of the ring. Paige hit a back suplex and Paige Turner. Mickie barely kicked out of the PTO. Mickie hit a dropkick and Mickie-DT to win the title.

This caps off a big comeback for Mickie. She is women's champion once again.

Match 6. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose - Universal Championship
Can the ref contain these two? Reigns landed a rare dropkick. He hit a power slam. Ambrose hit two back suplexes. Reigns hit a fall away slam and gut wrench slam. Reigns hit a running knee on the apron. Reigns then connected with the spear and retained his title.

Not Ambrose's best showing. Reigns stands tall.

Main Event. 30-Man Royal Rumble
A WrestleMania main event on the line. No. 1 and No. 2 were Brock Lesnar and Carlito. Not a good way for Carlito to make his return. Lesnar immediately hit an overhead belly-to-belly. No. 3 was Bray Wyatt. What a trio. Brock and Bray went at it as Carlito watched. No. 4 was Braun Strowman. Oh man! Brock went after him. Carlito was able to recover from that ambush. No. 5 was Randy Orton. Some big names in here already. Bray eliminated Carlito. Orton eliminated Brock! No. 6 was The Miz. Braun tossed around Orton. Bray hit Miz with a t-bone suplex. No. 7 was Mark Henry. A lot of weight in the ring. No. 8 was Kofi Kingston. We got a full ring. Miz almost eliminated Orton. Braun hit Henry with a powerbomb into a piledriver. What?!

Kofi eliminated Bray. he then hit a diving leg drop on Orton. No. 9 was Karl Anderson. He kicked Strowman off the apron for the elimination. The rest worked over Henry. No. 10 was Jason Jordan. Orton hit Miz with the RKO. He's on a roll. Jordan eliminated Kofi. He and Orton eliminated Henry. Jordan continued and eliminated Orton. No. 11 was Finn Balor. He's the sixth Raw guy to enter. Anderson hit Jordan with a running knee. No. 12 was Daniel Bryan. Some great wrestlers, and Miz, in the ring. No. 13 was Big Cass. Jordan eliminated Anderson for his fourth of the match. No. 14 was CM Punk. Punk hit Jordan with a butterfly back breaker. He then eliminated him. What a run for Jordan. Cass then press slammed Bryan over the top and out of the ring.

Cass then flipped Punk over the top. No. 15 was Christian. He quickly flipped Cass over the top. No. 16 was Chris Jericho. How is Miz still in this?! No. 17 was Chad Gable. Jericho and Balor eliminated Miz. Jericho then knocked Balor off the apron. A disappointing run for Balor. No. 18 was Tyson Kidd. Jericho hit Chad with a brain buster. No. 19 was Tye Dillinger. No. 20 was Triple H. Here we go! He planted Tye with a DDT. Jericho eliminated Kidd. Chad hit Christian with Three Amigos. No. 21 was Sheamus. Trips planted Gable with a spine buster and eliminated him. Sheamus eliminated Christian. Tye, Jericho and Sheamus eliminated Triple H. Whoa! Tye eliminated Jericho. No. 22 was Shane McMahon. Here comes the money! Sheamus kicked Tye off the apron.

Shane eliminated Sheamus! No. 23 was Seth Rollins. He quickly eliminated Shane. Rollins was standing by himself. No. 24 was Ryback. He held on long enough. No. 25 was Rusev. He helped Rollins with Ryback. No. 26 was Rikishi. Rollins, Ryback, Rusev and Rikishi. Rollins hit Rikishi with a super kick. Rusev eliminated Ryback. No. 27 was John Cena. Rusev took him down. No. 28 was Baron Corbin. Cena powerbombed Rollins. Rollins hit Cena with a package DDT. No. 29 was Batista. Cena came back and eliminated Seth. Rikishi planted Rusev with a driver. Cena then eliminated Rikishi. Batista hit Rusev with a Jackhammer. No. 30 was Wade Barrett. Cena hit Corbin with the AA and eliminated him. Rusev dropkicked Cena and then tossed him over the top rope. Barrett eliminated Rusev.

Barrett and Batista were the final two. Barrett hit a German suplex and pump handle drop. Barrett then tossed Batista out and won.

Holy crap! Wade Barrett wins the Royal Rumble. I guess that's what happens when you enter at No. 30. Now, how to make him a viable title contender.

Recap: All the SmackDown singles titles changed hands. The US and Raw Women's titles changed hands too. What a show. Two months left!

Stats: Jericho and Jordan tied with four eliminations. Cena and Sheamus tied with three.