Sunday, July 30, 2017

January Week 4, Year 3

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. Finn Balor vs. Braun Strowman
Huge win for The Demon

Match 3. 6-Man Tag - Kofi, Xavier and Cesaro vs. Big E, Corbin and The Miz
E hit Kofi with a sit-out powerbomb. Corbin then kept him down. Miz then hit a diving elbow. Kofi needs a tag badly. Miz hit Cesaro with a running knee and sent him out of the ring. E hit the Big Ending on Woods. Cesaro got a couple of near falls on E before winning with the Neutralizer.

The champ wins again, getting one up on his next challenger.

Match 4. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns

Match 1. The Hype Bros vs. Wyatt Family

Match 2. Natalya vs. Tamina

Match 3. Heath Slater vs. Alberto Del Rio
What?! Slater pins the SD champion!

Match 4. Paige vs. Mickie James
One final meeting before their title match. Paige got a quick near fall. Mickie hit two different face busters. After a bulldog, she hit the Mickie-DT for a two count. Paige tried coming back but James cut her off and won with a second DDT.

Mickie gets a big win over the champ. Can she do it again?

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

Match 1. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Carmella vs. Dana Brooke

Match 3. TJ Perkins vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 4. Bobby Roode vs. Apollo Crews
Crews caught Roode off the ropes with a spine buster. He then hit a schoolboy powerbomb. Roode landed a double underhook suplex. He then hit a superplex. Crews came back with three big powerbombs. Roode got his own near fall after a fisherman suplex and Death Valley driver. He won with a second DVD.

Crews was in control for the majority of the match. It's a shame he couldn't put Roode away.

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Samoa Joe

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Rhyno

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Unholy Alliance

Match 3. Hollywood Hogan vs. The Giant
Sting walked out before the match began. Giant hit a press slam. Hogan took him down with a clothesline and then stomped on him. Hogan hit a big boot and then went after Sting. Giant threw Hogan into the steps. Hogan landed the leg drop. Giant came back with a chokeslam and won.

Wow. Hogan too distracted with Sting to focus on the match. Big win for The Giant.

Match 4. Impact Players vs. Harlem Heat
Justin took Booker to the outside, throwing him into the railing. Stevie hit a falling powerbomb. Justin tagged in Storm. Stevie caught him with a shuffle kick. The tag champs hit a leg sweep/STO combo. Justin got a near fall on Booker with an Impact Driver. He then won with a Tombstone.

After the match, Nash and Hall came out and pointed at the tag titles.

Main Event. Vader vs. Taz vs. Rey Mysterio

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Mil Muertes vs. Matt Sydal

Match 2. War Machine vs. WGTT

Match 3. The Wolves vs. The Briscoes

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Johnny Mundo
Matt Morgan attacked Angle from behind. Angle recovered and was able to keep up with Mundo. He locked in the knee bar. Mundo missed a moonsault. Angle kicked out of the Moonlight Drive and hit three German suplexes. Mundo pulled out a suplex and quick cover to get the win.

Morgan came back out and jawed at Angle.

Main Event. James Storm vs. PJ Black
Champ vs. champ. PJ locked in a camel clutch. Storm threw Black into the steps. After a back breaker, PJ connects with a beautiful moonsault but got a two count. Black continued with a running knee and 450 splash to win.

Wow. Black dominated the Impact champion. Maybe he's legit.

Recap: What an end to the week. Black gets a huge win over Storm and Morgan is making an impact. Hogan/Sting is heating up.

Thursday, July 27, 2017


Three championships, two 4-ways, and a grudge match. Should be a good night.

Match 1. Jay Lethal vs. Johnny Mundo vs. Adam Cole vs. Drew Galloway
All four of these men have had issues in the past. Cole hit Mundo with the knee drop brain buster as Drew hit the Irish Curse on Lethal. Cole landed the straight jacket German suplex. Galloway busted Cole open with a DDT. Cole came back with a northern lights suplex and bridge to win.

A fast-paced opening match with Cole getting the big win.

Match 2. War Machine vs. ReDragon - ROH Tag Team Championship
Warbeard hit a diving shoulder tackle on Fish and Rowe planted him with a spine buster. ReDragon recovered and wore down Rowe and Warbeard. O'Reilly locked Hanson in a triangle choke. Rowe hit Fish with a spike DDT. O'Reilly no-sold a super back suplex and locked in another submission. Hanson dominated O'Reilly in the corner and won with a cannonball splash.

War Machine is a dominant tag team. Who can take them out?

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes
Sandow quickly took the match to the outside. Cody caught Damien on the top and hit the Muscle Buster! He later hit the Disaster Kick for a near fall. Sandow hit a front headlock driver and the Skull Crushing Finale for a two count. Sandow then targeted the legs and won after a dropkick to the knee.

A very underwhelming finish to an all-out war.

Match 4. The American Wolves vs. The Briscoes
These two teams have been at each other's throats for months. Eddie hit Jay with a backpack stunner. Mark hit Eddie with a running cutter. He then landed a fisherman piledriver. Jay came in and hit a DVD. Davey finally got the tag and locked Mark in a Texas Cloverleaf. He followed up with a butterfly piledriver. Eddie hit a springboard moonsault and backpack stunner on Jay. He then won with a second piledriver.

What a match. These two teams hate each other. I wouldn't be surprised if we see them again.

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. PJ Black - X-Division Championship
Wait...that's Matt Morgan at ringside with Black. PJ caught Angle with a superkick out of the gate. Angle locked in a quick knee bar. He later wrapped the knee around the ropes. Black hit a sit-out slam and second superkick. He hit a second-rope senton and 450 splash but Angle kicked out. Angle hit three German suplexes. Morgan shook the ropes as Angle was on the top. Black landed a standing shooting star press and another 450 splash to win the title.

Morgan's interference was the difference maker in the match. Black's win is tainted.

Match 6. EC III vs. Ohno vs. Lashley vs. Matt Hardy
The winner will get the next shot at the Impact title. Ohno hit EC III with a diving elbow to the outside. He then cracked him over the head with a chair. Lashley and Hardy traded moves. Ohno had Carter in the electric chair but dropped him and hit an elbow to the back of the head. Ohno hit another elbow. Hardy hit the Side Effect. Lashley landed the spear. Hardy went to set Lashley up but Ohno hit an elbow from behind and got the win.

Wow. That might have topped the other 4-way. Ohno will get a title shot.

Main Event. James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy - Impact Championship
Storm landed a cheap shot in the corner. He then targeted the neck with two different neck breakers. Jeff came back with a dropkick and hurricanrana. Storm got a near fall after a super kick. Jeff countered a clothesline with another rana and standing moonsault. Storm then threw Jeff into the ropes, tossed him up and caught him with another super kick for a near fall. Jeff hit a sunset bomb for a two count. Storm hit a clothesline and a third super kick to retain the title.

Storm kept Jeff at bay with three super kicks. Jeff failed again to retain the world title.

Recap: Wow. Matt Morgan's first appearance makes a huge impact. We got Storm/Ohno as the next title feud.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

January Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Tye Dillinger vs. The Miz vs. Kane

Match 2. Bayley and Naomi vs. Charlotte and Emma

Match 3. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin
Corbin hit a back suplex and tossed Cesaro out of the ring. Cesaro came back by throwing Corbin into the post. He then got a near fall after a butterfly suplex. They went back and forth. Cesaro hit three gutwrench slams. Corbin kicked out of the Neutralizer and super underhook suplex. After busting Corbin open, Cesaro won with three more gutwrench slams.

Match 4. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax
Nia overpowered Sasha early. Banks landed kicks and forearms. She then lifted Nia up for a big back suplex. Sasha connected with a senton over the top to the outside. Nia caught Sasha for a one-hand slam to get the win.

Sasha connected with everything she could to win, but Nia was just too strong.

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns

Match 1. Mark Henry vs. Jack Swagger

Match 2. Natalya vs. Tamina

Match 3. Hype Bros vs. Wyatt Family

Match 4. Mickie James vs. Nikki Bella

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Tyson Kidd
This is a big opportunity for Kidd. Sami Zayn came out and sat at ringside. Kidd landed two quick takedowns. He later hit a flipping neck breaker. Owens seemed distracted up until this point. He took out Kidd and then went after Sami. Kidd attacked Owens from behind. Owens recovered and walked up the ramp, likely going after Zayn, and Kidd won by count out.

This feud is going to boil over in a couple of weeks.

Match 1. No Way Jose vs. Elias Samson vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Carmella

Match 3. TM61 vs. The Revival

Match 4. Austin Aries vs. Rich Swann
Brian Kendrick attacked Swann from behind. Aries hit the rolling elbow and brain buster but got a near fall. After a back suplex, Aries won with a sweeping STO.

Kendrick came back out and Swann immediately went after him. They had to be separated.

Aries will gladly take that win. Swann wants his revenge.

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Apollo Crews
Nakamura wrenched the neck. Crews landed a snap suplex and neck breaker. He continued with a fall away slam and press slam. Crews hit three powerbombs but Shinsuke grabbed the ropes. Crews hit a standing moonsault but still got a two count. Nakamura speared Crews through the barricade. He hit a back suplex. Crews hit another press slam and moonsault to win.

Samoa Joe then came out and signaled he wants the NXT title.

Crews gave Nakamura everything he could. Shinsuke almost won, too.

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. Impact Players

Match 2. Cactus Jack vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 3. Rey Mysterio vs. Rhyno vs. Brian Pillman

Match 4. Diamond Harts vs. nWo

Main Event. Sting vs. Hollywood Hogan
Hogan makes his Thunder debut against the champ. Sting wrestled around Hogan. The match spilled to the outside. Hogan threw Sting into the steps and hit a low blow without the ref seeing and won by countout.

Typical Hogan tactics. Let's see if he can win in a fair match.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Kassius Ohno vs. EC III
Ohno created separation and pulled out a table but it backfired. Carter then hit a diving elbow to the back. Ohno tried fighting back but EC III caught him with a spinning cutter. Ohno got a near fall after a spinning big boot. Carter cracked Ohno over the head with a bat. He then won with a headlock driver on the ramp.

These two made sure to use all weapons under the ring. EC III is an up-and-comer here.

Match 2. War Machine vs. Bad Influence

Match 3. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm

Match 4. Davey Richards vs. Jay Briscoe
Jay continued the attack after the match.

Main Event. Mil Muertes vs. King Cuerno
After receiving a dropkick, Muertes kept Cuerno grounded. Cuerno came back with the Whippersnapper for a near fall. He then hit a superkick. Muertes made it to his feet and stomped on Cuerno in the corner. They then went to the ouside where Muertes hit an STO. Cuerno won after a super kick and Falcon Arrow.

Cuerno pinned the big man. He could get an Impact title shot down the line.

Recap: What a week. The nWo is firing on all cylinders. Sami/Kevin is heating up and NXT is crowded with young talent. Only a few more months left.

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Five championships on the line.

Match 1. Ricky Steamboat vs. Brian Pillman
Pillman was hitting everything in his arsenal. He landed head scissors, suplexes and hip tosses. He connected with a springboard clothesline but got a two count. Pillman busted Ricky open. He then got the win after a brain buster.

A decent opener with Pillman dominating Steamboat. Pillman's gone crazy.

Match 2. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick - Cruiserweight Championship
This is a Last Man Standing match. Kendrick hit a delayed suplex and a tornado DDT. Swann hit a jumping heel kick. Kendrick busted Swann open with another DDT. Swann was unable to answer the count, giving Kendrick the win.

The first title change tonight. Swann could be concussed after the second DDT. He was unresponsive.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss - NXT Women's Championship
This is a Last Woman Standing match. This seems appropriate for these two. Asuka suplexed Alexa on the outside. Bliss came back with a rana and hit Asuka with the steel steps. Asuka landed with kicks to the chest and head to win.

Asuka absorbed Alexa's attack and unleashed her pain.

Match 4. TM61 vs. The Revival - NXT Tag Team Championship
Dawson and Miller started. Scott accidentally took out the ref and Dash immediately brought in a bat. The Revival kept Miller away from his corner. Miller took out Dash but Dawson came in and cut him off. Thorne finally got the tag. He took his eyes off Dawson for a second and he hit a missile dropkick. The 2-on-1 strategy continued. They then hit the Shatter Machine and won.

The Revival were focused and stayed true to their strategy to win the titles. A second title change.

Match 5. Rey Mysterio vs. Rhyno - ECW Television Championship
Rey took Rhyno down with a spinning head scissors. Rhyno pulled out a kendo stick and cracked Rey over the head. He threw him into the steel post. They went back and forth with pin attempts. Rhyno speared Rey off the apron and both crashed on the floor. Rey got a couple of chair shots in. Rey kicked out of the Gore. Rhyno countered a head scissors and rolled Rey up to win.

Rey put up a great fight but Rhyno broke Rey in half with the Gore.

Match 6. Diamond Harts and ??? vs. The Outsiders and ???
DDP and Hart chose Dusty Rhodes. Hall and Nash's partner is....HOLLYWOOD HOGAN! Holy shit! Hogan got into the match and took control of Page and Dusty on the outside. Hall hit Hart with a super fall away slam. The heels worked over Dusty. Hogan hit the leg drop. Dusty came back with the Bionic Elbow and busted Hall open. Things broke down for a while. Nash eventually pinned Page after the Jackknife.

What a 6-man tag. Hogan made his debut and the nWo is now in full force.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura - NXT Championship
The final Last Man Standing match of the night. They quickly went to the outside. Joe hit a super double underhook suplex. Nakamura was down until 7. Nakamura ducked a knee and hit a Samoan driver. Shinsuke kept the pressure on Joe and hit multiple high-impact moves. He hit a DDT and fisherman piledriver. Joe was unable to get up.

Wow. We have a new NXT Champion! Joe received one too many blows to the head.

Recap: Three NXT titles changed hands. The Era of Strong Style begins. Joe will get a rematch. ECWCW is under a...New World Order.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

January Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Neville vs. Miz vs. Ryback vs. Big E
Winner faces Cesaro at the PPV. 

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte

Match 3. Emma vs. Bayley

Match 4. Enzo, Big Cass and Cesaro vs. The Club and Baron Corbin

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns
Will Reigns back out? Dean landed a bulldog at the bell. He kept him grounded for a while. Reigns hit a Samoan drop and a power slam. He continued with a powerbomb. After a Regal Stretch, Dean hit a dive through the ropes. He got a near fall after a powerbomb. Reigns busted out a dropkick and spear in mid-air but got a two count. Dean came back and won with a running knee to the head.

Ambrose gets his revenge on his former friend. I have a feeling this isn't over yet.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. The Ascension

Match 2. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev vs. Wade Barrett
Wade hit Rusev with a German suplex. Rusev came back with a back breaker as Ziggler watched. Dolph caught Barrett with a superkick. Barrett hit Rusev with the Winds of Change and pinned Dolph after the Bull Hammer elbow.

Wow. Barrett was forgotten for a while but picks up a big win here.

Match 3. Paige vs. Nikki Bella
Mickie James walked out and stared down Paige.

Match 4. Hype Bros vs. Wyatt Family

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens
Owens will face Zayn for the IC title.

Match 1. Rich Swann vs. Austin Aries
Brian Kendrick attacked Swann from behind. After attempting Last Chancery, Aries won with a brain buster.

Kendrick then signaled that he has Swann's number.

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Ember Moon
Summer gets a huge win.

Match 3. Alexa Bliss vs. Asuka

Match 4. AJ Styles vs. Elias Samson

Main Event. Joe and Nakamura vs. The Revival
Nakamura told Joe to start on the apron. Uh oh. Nakamura hit Dawson with a reverse exploder suplex. After another suplex, Joe decided to walk away, making this a handicap match. The Revival took control of Shinsuke. Dash hit an exploder as Dawson kicked him in the chest. Nakamura fell victim to the Shatter Machine.

Joe must have loved seeing his future challenger get beat up.

Match 1. Dusty Rhodes vs. The Giant
Giant immediately targeted the head again. Dusty landed some moves but Giant cut him off and hit multiple German suplexes. Dusty connected with the Bionic Elbow but Giant kicked out at one. Giant hit three standing leg drops and chokeslams but Dusty still kicked out. Stay down! After a fourth chokeslam, Giant finally beats Dusty.

Match 2. Brian Pillman vs. Sting

Match 3. Tommy Dreamer vs. Taz

Match 4. Diamond Harts vs. The Outsiders
Hall took down both Page and Bret. Page threw Hall into the railing. The Outsiders hit a back breaker/diving elbow combo. Hall continued with a super fall away slam and chokeslam. Nash took out Bret as Hall got the three count.

The experience of Hall and Nash showed here. They quickly took out their opponents.

Main Event. Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Bobby Lashley vs. King Cuerno vs. Matt Sydal

Match 2. Mil Muertes vs. Ethan Carter III

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. James Storm
Jeff Hardy attacked Storm from behind. Officials had to pull him off. Things are getting serious. Storm recovered and hit a diving clothesline. He pulled out a Codebreaker for a near fall. Sandow hit a superplex and Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Regardless of Jeff's help, Sandow pinned the champion.

Match 4. Johnny Mundo vs. Kassius Ohno

Main Event. The Wolves vs. The Briscoes

Recap: Big E vs. Cesaro at the Rumble. People are getting desperate as the year is one more week closer to ending.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

January Week 1, Year 3

Wow. After the Raw/SD PPV, things are heating up.

Match 1. Naomi vs. Bayley

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Emma Nia Jax
Nia Jax took out Emma and walked to the ring. Sasha hit a leg sweep and arm drag. Jax picked her up with ease by the throat and slammed her down. Later, Nia connected with a super kick but Sasha had the rope. After a superplex, Nia won with another super kick.

The women's champ has a lot to handle with Nia.

Match 3. Baron Corbin vs. Roman Reigns
Corbin got a big win over Reigns.

Match 4. Kane vs. Braun Strowman

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar
Let's see if the champ interferes. Lesnar quickly took down Ambrose. Dean came back with a running clothesline. Lesnar hit the three German suplexes. Dean got a near fall after a spike DDT. They fought by the steps and announce table. Three mores suplexes and an F5 gave Lesnar the win.

After the match, Reigns walked out and laughed at his former friend.

This was the match we should have gotten at TLC. Reigns/Ambrose should be good.

Match 1. Hype Bros vs. Wyatt Family
The champs have a tough non-title match ahead here. Rowan hit Mojo with a fall away slam. Ryder came back with a neck breaker but Rowan quickly recovered. Harper hit Mojo with a reverse pump handle toss. The Hype Bros fought off the monsters and hit the Hype Rider but got a near fall. Harper pinned Mojo after a super back suplex.

The Wyatts are a scary team. Watch out.

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. Sheamus vs. Heath Slater

Match 4. Paige vs. Mickie James
Mickie pins the champ!

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd
Owens' distraction allowed Kidd to win.

Match 1. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Ember Moon

Match 3. TM61 vs. The Revival

Match 4. Brian Kendrick vs. Austin Aries
Kendrick climbing the cruiserweight ranks.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Joe got a couple of cheap shots. Nakamura landed kicks to the ribs. Joe hit the uri nagi and a dragon sleeper. Joe kept the pressure with a jumping heel kick in the corner. Nakamura got a near fall after a Samoan driver. After 3 German suplexes, Joe hit the Muscle Buster and won.

Joe actually went for a handshake, but Nakamura slapped it away.

The champ downs another challenger.

Match 1. Brian Pillman vs. Rhyno

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Unholy Alliance

Match 3. Ricky Steamboat vs. Vader
Vader grabbed Ricky by the throat and hit a chokeslam. Steamboat took control on the outside. After a snapmare, Ricky landed a diving crossbody and got the win.

After the match, Pillman came out and Steamboat went after him. They had to be separated.

Steamboat took out the Mastodon, sending a message to Pillman.

Match 4. Cactus Jack vs. Sting

Main Event. Bret Hart w/ Page vs. Kevin Nash w/ Hall
We are just a couple of weeks away from the 6-man tag.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Matt Sydal

Match 2. Mil Muertes vs. Pentagon Jr.
Mil was completely dominant early. Pentagon landed a springboard dropkick. He then hit a German suplex and reverse DDT on the outside. Mil came back with a sidewalk slam and the chokeslam to win.

Pentagon had a flurry of offense but Mil hit three impact moves to win. It was enough.

Match 3. Eddie Edwards w/ Richards vs. Jay Briscoe w/ Mark

Match 4. Drew Galloway vs. Jay Lethal vs. Fenix
Fenix and Lethal teamed up to take down the big Galloway. Fenix pulled out a chair. He German suplexed Galloway onto the chair. He hit Lethal with a package suplex and Salida del Sol but got a one count. Lethal hit Fenix with a cutter. Galloway tossed Lethal from the top onto Fenix. Fenix hit Galloway with a pump handle bomb. Huge moves. Galloway pulled out a Tombstone! Moments later, Fenix hit a second Salida del Sol and won.

An amazing triple threat match. Fenix pulled out some big moves. Galloway even hit a Tombstone.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm

Recap: Great week for surprising moves and finishes. New stars are on the horizon.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

RAW/SD TLC, Year 3

What a lineup we have here!

Match 1. TLC - Cesaro vs. Ryback - United States Championship
Two big men with weapons. Cesaro countered a press slam and brought in a ladder. Ryback hit three powerbombs and meat hook clothesline. Ryback went for the belt but Cesaro stopped him in time. Cesaro slammed Ryback and sent him to the outside. He was then able to pull down the belt.

Cesaro was able to hold off Ryback and retain his belt.

Match 2. Tye Dillinger vs. The Miz
Miz kept the pressure on Tye. He hit a back suplex and immediately followed up with a diving elbow. After a Falcon Arrow, Tye drove Miz head first into the turnbuckle. Miz kicked out, ducked a clothesline and hit the Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Miz proved why he's the veteran and why he's...awwwwwesome.

Match 3. Zayn vs. Ziggler vs. Kidd vs. Rusev - Intercontinental Championship
Kidd and Ziggler traded neck breakers. Zayn tried to put the Bulgarian Brute down on the outside. He got a near fall after the Blue Thunder Bomb. Ziggler got his own near fall after a super kick. Rusev cracked Zayn over the head with a bat. Rusev went after Ziggler. Zayn caught Kidd with the Blue Thunder Bomb and won.

What a 4-way. Rusev was taking out everyone left and right. The underdog wins again.

Match 4. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
Cena kept Bray grounded with multiple suplexes. Bray tossed Cena around. He then hit a running senton. Cena threw Bray into the ropes, tossed him up and caught him with an AA but Wyatt kicked out. Bray kicked Cena's head against the post. Cena no-sold it and won with a second AA.

Bray wanted to end Cena but John came back and put him away.

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar 
Lesnar was tossing Ambrose around early. Roman ran down to help his friend. He got Lesnar's attention, allowing Dean to take control. Lesnar took Ambrose to Suplex City. Out of nowhere, Reigns attacked Dean! What?! He landed the Superman punch and rolled him back into the ring. Lesnar then hit the F5 and won.

Why Roman, why?! Reigns and Ambrose were a force on Raw. Why turn on your friend?

Match 6. TLC - Kevin Owens vs. Alberto Del Rio - WWE Championship
Del Rio hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and brought in a ladder. He hit Owens with it multiple times. Owens came back with a Samoan drop. He made the first attempt at the title. ADR pulled him down and hit the backstabber. Del Rio then planted him with a DDT. They were on the outside for a little. Del Rio tossed Owens into the steel steps. He climbed the ladder and pulled down the title.

Whoa! A huge title change. Albertoooooooo Dellll Riiiiiiooooo!

Main Event. Batista vs. Finn Balor - Universal Championship
Balor hit a heel kick and suplex. Batista fought back with a huge spine buster and went for a chair. The ref took it away, giving Balor and opening. He hit the shotgun dropkick and sling blade. Batista caught Balor in mid-air with a spear and won with the Batista Bomb.

After defeating Balor, Reigns' music hit. He had the briefcase with him and handed it to the ref.

Main Event 2. Batista vs. Roman Reigns - Universal Championship
Reigns hit the Superman punch and spear and won the title.

Recap: Wow. After turning on Ambrose, Reigns wins the title. What a way to begin the Road to WrestleMania. Zayn is the new IC champ but that seems like an afterthought.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

December Week 4, Year 3

Match 1. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

Match 2. Kofi Kingston vs. Big E

Match 3. Tye Dillinger vs. Ryback
Ryback landed a hip toss and a snap powerbomb. He later hit a buckle bomb. Tye came back with a double underhook suplex and Miz's music played. Ryback took control of the distraction with a meat hook clothesline. Tye shook it off and landed a diving elbow. Ryback won with a press slam and second clothesline.

Miz came out and Tye went after him. They needed to be separated.

Ryback was the more powerful man but Tye showed some resilience.

Match 4. Cesaro vs. CM Punk

Main Event. Ambrose and Reigns vs. The Club
Reigns accidentally speared Ambrose, allowing Anderson to score the pin.

Match 1. Mickie James vs. Nikki Bella

Match 2. Ziggler and Zayn vs. Rusev and Kidd
These four men will be competing for the IC title at the PPV. Zayn hit Kidd with a half and half suplex. Rusev planted Ziggler with an uri nagi. Zayn got a near fall after a Blue Thunder Bomb. Kidd hit a second-rope senton and diving elbow. Ziggler hit Rusev with the Heart Stopper. Zayn landed a diving elbow to Kidd on the outside. Kidd pinned Zayn after Code Blue.

A great tag match. If Kidd does that Sunday, he'll be IC champ again.

Match 3. Becky Lynch vs. Natalya

Match 4. Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Main Event. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Match 1. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick

Match 2. DIY vs. The Revival
Dawson planted Gargano with a spine buster. Ciampa hit a release belly-to-back but Dawson locked in the Indian Death Lock. After a double slam, DIY hit Dash with a buckle bomb/heel kick combo. Dawson planted Ciampa with a DDT and got the win but the ref didn't see Ciampa grab the rope.

The Revival didn't earn this win. They cheated, as usual.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Dana Brooke

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. Apollo Crews

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode
Joe walked out and sat next to the announcers. Nakamura hit a couple of clotheslines. Roode took the match to the outside. Nakamura landed a Samoan driver. Roode planted him with a Death Valley Driver. He then hit the Glorious DDT and won with his feet on the ropes.

Another heel cheating to win. Nakamura likely had Joe on the mind.

Match 1. Vader vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Rey Mysterio
Big win for the TV champ.

Match 2. Roddy Piper vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. The Horsemen

Match 4. Dallas Page w/ Bret vs. Kevin Nash w/ Hall

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes vs. The Giant
Dusty has a minor head injury but demanded this fight. Dusty came out swinging but Giant halted him with a big boot. Dusty got the big man off his feet. Giant landed a leg lariat, sidewalk slam and two chokeslams but didn't go for the pin. Dusty went for a chokeslam, but Giant countered and hit one for himself. He finally won after a fourth chokeslam.

This was a fight, not a match. Dusty was barely able to get to his feet without help.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. James Storm vs. Drago vs. Cody Rhodes
Nice win for the champ

Match 2. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 3. The Wolves vs. The Briscoes
Eddie hit Jay with a backpack stunner. Jay pulled out his own stunner. Mark landed a Rock Bottom and frog splash on Davey. Richards came back with a butterfly piledriver but got a near fall. Eddie hit a package piledriver on Jay. Mark hit a reverse DVD and got the win.

These two teams can fight forever. The Briscoes are one win closer to the tag titles.

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy
Jeff hit a rana and heel kick. Angle quickly came back with a knee bar. Who thought Angle would hit the first aerial move? Angle continued with three Germans and the Angle Slam but got a two count. Jeff tried fighting back but couldn't hit anything Angle hit three more suplexes and a Slam to win.

After the match, James Storm ran out and attacked both men.

A decent match that was erased by the post-match attack.

Main Event. King Cuerno vs. Prince Puma

Recap: A great week. Storm is taking out everyone. Dusty may not have much longer.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Match 1. Jay Lethal vs. Adam Cole
A former main event opens the show. Cole hit a delayed suplex. Lethal came back with a full nelson suplex. They fought over a bat for a bit before Cole swung at Lethal's head. Lethal pulled out the Lethal Cutter and busted Cole open. Cole connected with the flipping piledriver and won.

After a bat hit to the head, but piledriver was enough to put Lethal away.

Match 2. Ladder - PJ Black vs. Sydal vs. Fenix vs. Zack Sabre Jr
The winner gets a shot at the X-Division title. Sabre and Sydal brought in ladders. Fenix drove Sydal into the railing. He then made the first attempt at the contract. Black hit Sydal with a moonsault. Fenix and Sabre went back and forth. With Sydal lying on the ramp and Sabre and Fenix down on the mat, PJ climbed and pulled down the briefcase.

A great ladder match. PJ will face the winner of the X-Division title match next month.

Match 3. War Machine vs. Bad Influence - ROH Tag Team Championship
This is a tornado tag match. Kaz took down Rowe with a tornado DDT as Daniels hit Hanson with an Overdrive. The match spilled to the outside. Hanson pulled out a kendo stick. Rowe planted Kaz with a Samoan driver and won.

Wow. That was one-sided. War Machine destroyed Kaz and Daniels.

Match 4. Iron Man - Johnny Mundo vs. Prince Puma
Puma got the first fall after a rising heel kick. Mundo tied it up but the ref didn't see Puma's hand on the rope. Mundo then superplexed Puma to the outside. Puma took a 2-1 lead after a cutter. It went up to 3-1 after a 540 splash. Mundo cut it to 3-2 after Starship Pain. He tied it up with Moonlight Drive and then quickly took the lead. Momentum is on his side. Puma tied it back with another 540. Mundo got another fall with Puma grabbing the ropes. Puma was setting up for a pin but time ran out.

Puma would have won 4-3 if the ref saw the rope breaks. Maybe we need a rematch.

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - X Division Championship
This is a Last Man Standing match. Appropriate for these two. Angle planted Cody with a DDT and hit a frog splash. He continued with three German suplexes. Cody tried fighting but Angle kept the pressure with an Angle Slam. Cody got up again. Angle was ready and hit another finisher to keep Cody down.

Possibly the worst LMS match ever. Cody got like three moves in.

Match 6. Galloway vs. Lashley vs. Ohno vs. Sandow
No stipulation for this one, but it could lead to something. Galloway and Lashley went to the outside. Ohno and Sandow joined them. There were suplexes and tosses and slams on the ramp. Lashley brought Ohno back into the ring and hit a belly-to-belly suplex to get the win.

Lashley stayed away from the weapons and ramp, keeping healthy on his way to the win.

Main Event. Iron Man - James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy - Impact Championship
Jeff then pulled out the Swanton Bomb for the first fall. Jeff got the second pin after a DDT. Storm hit the Last Call superkick but got a two count. Storm cut the deficit in half with another super kick. He quickly got another win after the Eye of the Storm. Jeff got a point back after a flipping sunset bomb. With little time left, Storm scored two points with the Eye to take the lead. He was able to keep Jeff away to retain his title.

That came down to the wire for Storm, but he got the win.

Recap: Angle will face PJ Black at the next PPV. The main event was great. Let's see who is next for Storm.