Monday, April 10, 2017


The title of the event is apropos.

Match 1. Cedric vs. Mil Muertes vs. TJ Perkins vs. R. Strong vs. Aerostar vs. Sabre Jr
The winner will get a shot at the ROH Television championship next month. Aerostar almost eliminated Sabre. He returned the favor. Muertes powerbombed Cedric three times. Roddy hit TJP with a back stabber. Roddy then eliminated Muertes. Sabre hit Aerotar with a full nelson suplex. Roddy eliminated Cedric. He, Sabre and Aerostar eliminated TJP. Roddy recorded elimination No. 4 by kicking out Aerostar. Sabre then dropkicked Roddy over the top to win.

I thought Roddy had the clean sweep. Sabre gets the winner for the 4-way.

Match 2. American Wolves vs. The Addiction - Impact Tag Team Championship
The Wolves worked over Daniels. He got the hot tag to Kazarian. He hit Richards with a frog splash. Edwards came in and landed a fisherman piledriver. He then hit Daniels with a reverse hurricanrana. Richards hit Kaz with a straightjacket DDT and diving foot stomp to retain the titles.

A great tag match with two of the best teams.

Match 3. Fenix vs. Drago vs. Pentagon Jr vs. Prince Puma - ROH TV Championship
Puma hit Drago with the Pele kick. He then grabbed a bat but Drago took it. Fenix pulled out a sledgehammer. Here we go! These four were flying around the ring. Drago and Puma went to the outside as Fenix hit the sit-out pump handle slam to retain.

Wow. Fenix ma quick work of the three opponents. He gets Zack Sabre Jr next.

Match 4. Kassius Ohno vs. CM Punk
This is a blood feud. Can ROH contain these two? Punk took things to the outside and threw Ohno into the table. Ohno clocked Punk in the back of the head for a near fall. Punk busted Ohno open with a basement dropkick. He then hit a tornado DDT through the post. Ohno almost won with his feet on the ropes. Punk spiked him with a DDT and the diving elbow. Ohno won with the discus big boot.

This is far from over. Ohno gets the big win. What a boot. He hits hard.

Match 5. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Championship
This has been an amazing feud. Who walks out with the title? Cole dodged a punch and hit the back stabber. Lethal pulled out a cutter. Things are heating up early. Lethal hit two back suplexes. Cole hit the knee drop brain buster. Lethal busted Cole open. He then hit a dive to the outside. Cole hit the flipping piledriver, but Lethal kicked out. Cole dodged a diving elbow and won with a northern lights suplex.

Cole wins the ROH title for a third time. Lethal is owed a rematch...

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - X-Division Championship
Angle rolled Cody over and locked in a knee bar. He then hit three German suplexes. Cody stole Angle's move and hit the Olympic Slam but got a two count. Angle landed a moonsault and the real Olympic Slam to win the title.

Angle is a 2-time X-Division champion. Rhodes will also get a rematch.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio - Impact Championship
Hardy hit a dropkick and standing moonsault. He then landed a fisherman piledriver and a diving splash. Del Rio could not get anything going. Jeff connected with the Whisper in the Wind. Somehow Del Rio kicked out of the Swanton Bomb. He hit a spine buster and German suplex. Jeff hit a stalling German suplex from the top and a diving leg drop. Del Rio hit a back stabber and cross arm breaker. Jeff hit a sunset bomb pin to retain the title.

I thought Jeff was going to make quick work of Del Rio. He landed one too many big moves.

Recap: A great show with two big title changes. I see big changes happening for these two brands.

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