Sunday, April 23, 2017

Impact of Honor BOUND FOR GLORY, Year 3

This could be the show of the year.

Match 1. Hell in a Cell - Puma vs. Pentagon vs. Drago vs. Aerostar vs. Havoc vs. ECIII
Puma missed a shooting star press on Carter. Havoc brought in a baseball bat, as if this match wasn't violent enough. Havoc hit Pentagon with a fisherman piledriver. Drago grabbed Aerostar and dropped him on his neck. Puma tossed Pentagon up and caught him with a heel kick. Carter caught Pentagon in midair and hit a back breaker. Aerostar caught Carter with a springboard cross body and won.

That was a fast-paced match with more action than I could keep up win. Big win for Aerostar.

Match 2. The Wolves vs. ReDragon - TNA/ROH Tag Team Championships
Davey worked over Kyle on the outside. Kyle came back with a combination of kicks. He landed a step-up enzuigiri. Eddie came in and hit the backpack stunner. Bobby hit a super Falcon Arrow and a step-over heel kick on Eddie. Bobby kicked out of a butterfly piledriver. Davey came in and another backpack stunner to win.

A great tag team match. Neither team wanted to lose. The Wolves just hit one more big move.

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley wore down Sandow by the table. Damien hit a front headlock driver. Lashley hit a fall away slam and a huge spear, but Sandow kicked out. He then swung Sandow around before getting the win.

After the match, Lashley continued the attack on Sandow.

Sandow will get his revenge. He isn't done with Lashley yet.

Match 4. Ladder - Fenix vs. Zack Sabre Jr - ROH TV Championship
Sabre knocked Fenix off the top and set up a ladder in the middle of the ring. Fenix then had his turn with the ladder. Sabre tossed Fenix out of the ring and went for the title. Fenix recovered in time, but Sabre sent him back out and won.

A quick, hard-hitting ladder match. Sabre has been on a roll.

Match 5. Submission - Kassius Ohno vs. CM Punk
The loser leaves Impat of Honor. Ohno targeted Punk's head and neck early. Punk locked in a quick arm bar. Ohno connected with a rolling elbow to the jaw and a forearm to the back of head. Punk made a comeback with two dropkicks. Ohno took Punk down and won with a triangle choke.

Punk is now gone from Impact of Honor. Where will he end up?

Match 6. Submission - Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - X-Division Championship
The winner will face Sabre next month to unify the TV and X Division titles. The second submission match. Angle locked in a quick knee bar. Cody hit a straightjacket DDT. Angle hit three German suplexes. Angle hit the Angle Slam. Cody came back with a back suplex and slingshot Falcon Arrow. After two finishers, Angle made Cody tap from a modified STF.

There was no way Cody was defeating Angle is a submission match.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. Adam Cole - TNA/ROH Championships
This is a unification match for both world titles. Jeff hit two hurricanranas and a rolling headlock followed by a kick. After a super German suplex, Jeff landed a diving splash and a leg drop. Cole began his comeback with a back breaker on the outside. Cole dodged a Swanton bomb. Cole hit a knee drop brain buster and straight jacket German suplex for two near falls. A bloody Hardy won with a northern lights suplex.

Cole took a lot of offense but he was able to hit some big moves. Jeff wins it for Impact.

Recap: Angle vs. Sabre Jr next month. That should be awesome. Hardy is the sole champion. Punk is gone. Times are a'changing here.

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