Sunday, April 9, 2017

September Week 3, Year 3

Two more weeks until we have the mid-year lottery.

Match 1. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Despite losing, Balor got to exact some revenge on The Animal.

Match 2. Naomi vs. Tamina

Match 3. The New Day vs. The Club

Match 4. Bayley vs. Charlotte
Bayley hit a hurricanrana. Charlotte shook it off and beat down Bayley. Bayley kept getting up and she hit a t-bone suplex. Charlotte locked in the Figure Eight. Bayley escaped and won with the Belly-to-Bayley.

Bayley defeated the former women's champion. Huge.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Rusev
Champion vs. Champion. Rusev sent Lesnar to the outside and the brawl began. After a super kick, Rusev locked in a leg lock. Lesnar landed four straight punches and then three German suplexes. Rusev had Lesnar in the Accolade. Lesnar locked in the kimura and hit three powerbombs. Lesnar likes things in threes. He then won with an F5.

Rusev put up a good fight. Lesnar proved why he is the current champ.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. The Usos

Match 2. Natalya vs. Summer Rae
Big win for Summer.

Match 3. Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd attacked Dolph from behind. Ziggler came back with the Famouser. Kidd locked in the Hart Lock. Ziggler escaped and hit a diving elbow. He continued with a super kick and the Zig Zag to win.

Wow. Ziggler wasn't even phased by the pre-match attack. Can Kidd win the IC title?

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan

Match 1. Bo Dallas vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas

Match 2. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss
Alexa slapped Asuka twice. Asuka came back wth a bicycle kick. She later countered a slam and hit a German suplex. Asuka landed multiple kicks and a DDT on the apron. Bliss kicked out of a dive and planted Asuka with a DDT and a diving elbow. Asuka connected with more kicks and won the match.

Bliss got in some offense but Asuka dominated her with kicks.

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Elias Samson

Match 4. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Tye Dillinger vs. AJ Styles
This should be good. Tye made the first statement and put down both challengers. AJ locked Nakamura in the Calf Killer and hit the Styles Clash. He barely connected with the Pele kick from behind. Nakamura hit Dillinger with a sit-out driver. He then superplexed AJ to the outside. Tye busted out a single-leg Codebreaker on Shinsuke and got the win.

Oh my God! Dillinger gets the biggest win of his career. He pinned Nakamura!

Main Event. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe

Match 1. Dusty Rhodes vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. Roddy Piper
Piper was pulling out every trick in the book. Biting the forehead and raking the back. He then hit a slam and a running bulldog. Page escaped from the sleeper hold. He got a near fall after a back suplex. Piper caught him below the belt and hit a running knee. He then won with a piledriver.

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. The Unholy Alliance

Match 4. Sting vs. The Giant
Giant got his win back from the PPV

Main Event. Impact Players vs. Anderson and Luger

Match 1. Bobby Lashley vs. Matt Morgan

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 3. Jeff Hardy vs. Damien Sandow

Match 4. James Storm vs. Christian vs. Drew Galloway
Storm took out his opponents with neck breakers before getting a chair. He hit Christian over the head with it. Christian then recovered and took control. Galloway and Storm went at it. He DDT'd Drew through the announce table. Storm hit Drew and Christian with the Eye of the Storm. Storm took out Christian again. Galloway then pinned him with the Future Shock.

That was a great triple threat. The weapons added a nice flavor. Drew can be a main eventer.

Main Event. Cody Rhodes vs. Kurt Angle

Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal

Match 2. Roderick Strong vs. Son of Havoc
Two of the up-and-coming stars in ROH. Strong hit two different back breakers. Havoc threw Strong into the ref and hit a super kick. Strong countered a hurricanrana into a powerbomb. Strong then hit falling gut buster to get the win, but the ref didn't see Havoc's hand grab the rope.

Strong was aggressive early, targeting the midsection of Havoc.

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Kassius Ohno

Match 4. Zack Sabre Jr vs. Matt Sydal

Main Event. Drago vs. Pentagon Jr vs. Prince Puma
Pentagon had Drago in a Mexican surfboard. Puma just stood by. Drago landed a springboard 450 splash. Puma got involved and hit Drago with a super STO. Drago and Pentagon fought as Puma took apart the announce table. Puma hit Drago with a tornado DDT between the steel post. Pentagon pinned Drago after a brain buster.

Another great triple threat match this week. There is so much talent on these rosters. Hard to get them all time.

Recap: A great week. Next up, TNA and ROH special event. After what we just saw, this should be good.

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