Sunday, April 16, 2017


The conclusion of the first half of the year. No WWE title on the line.

Match 1. Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains - SmackDown Tag Team Championship
This was very back and forth in the early going. Ryder and Aiden at it. English hit a sit-out suplex and German suplex. Ryder countered with the Rough Ryder and got the win. English grabbed the rope but the ref didn't see.

Wow. Some controversy to start off the show. I expect some retaliation on Tuesday.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Bayley
Bayley countered a press slam into a roll up for a near fall. She then slapped Charlotte. Whoa! Some aggression out of Bayley. She continued with the Belly-to-Bayley for another near fall. Bayley tossed Charlotte around and wasted little motion as she hit a diving splash. Charlotte fired back with a press slam but Bayley hit another finisher to win.

A huge win for Bayley. She could be the next women's champion.

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - Intercontinental Championship
Kidd was in control early. He got a near fall after a Falcon Arrow. Ziggler took over and worked over Kidd's back and neck. Kidd blocked the Zig Zag and hit the Code Blue for a near fall. He then locked in the Hart Lock. After another super back suplex, Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper elbows and won.

I can't believe Ziggler retained. Kidd was dominating for most of the match.

Match 4. The New Day vs. The Club - Raw Tag Team Championship
Gallows hit E with a sit-out face buster. New Day tried building momentum, but The Club had their number. Every time Big E came in, Anderson tagged in Gallows. Smart move. Things broke down as all four men were in the ring. E kicked out of the two-hand chokeslam. Kofi tagged in E and was able to go after Anderson. Karl hit the fireman's carry cutter to win the titles.

After the match, Kofi went to pick up his partner but E shoved him away. Kofi questioned him. E turned and clotheslined Kofi!

A great tag match. What is Big E doing? Maybe it's just emotions. Let's hope.

Match 5. Rusev vs. Cesaro vs. Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus - United States Championship
This is a big test for the champ. Rusev worked over Cesaro on the outside. Sheamus pulled out a bat and Cesaro grabbed a sledgehammer. Cesaro won that battle. Neville clipped Rusev with a 450 dive and hit a German suplex. Rusev came back with a super Samoan drop. Cesaro hit Sheamus with three deadlift gut wrench slams. Rusev kicked out of the Neutralizer but Cesaro won with the Very European uppercut.

Cesaro wins back the US title. A great 4-way match. Another title change on this show.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batista was toying around with Balor. He hit a super back suplex and a Jackhammer for a near fall. Balor came back with a suplex and shotgun dropkick. After a modified GTS, he went for the Coup de Grace but Batista blocked it. He hit the spine buster but Balor grabbed the rope to break the pin. Balor went to the top again but Batista caught him with a spear in mid-air and won.

Balor held more than his own. He fought back and had a few chances to win.

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan - WWE World Championship
Bryan overpowered Owens early and Kevin looked shocked. Owens hit a German suplex and superkicked him on the outside. He then hit the cannonball splash. Bryan began his comeback with the Yes Kicks. He then caught Owens in the Yes Lock. Owens pulled out the package piledriver. Oh my God! They both hit their signature moves for near falls. Owens won wiht a second piledriver.

What a match. These two were at top speed from bell to bell. Owens is the man.

Recap: A great show. We had three big title changes. Things are about to change even more next week. Owens is a star. Batista is still The Animal. Why Big E?

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