Thursday, April 6, 2017


Match 1. Submission - AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode
Roode targeted the neck and locked in a dragon sleeper. AJ locked in the Calf Crusher out of nowhere. Roode escaped and hit a spine buster. AJ hit the Pele kick. He then DDT'd Roode on the apron. Roode one upped him and DDT'd him through the announce table. They went back and forth in the ring before Roode won with a crossface.

A great first match. Is Roode the next title contender?

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss
After a jumping arm breaker, Lynch locked in a camel clutch. She kept going with the submissions as she locked in an Indian death lock. Bliss countered and hit Eat Defeat. She then hit a diving elbow. Lynch kicked out of the Sparkle Splash. Becky locked in a couple of more submissions. Alexa landed a huge diving leg drop. They traded blows before Bliss won with a second moonsault.

A solid match. Could Bliss be the next opponent for Asuka?

Match 3. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain - NXT Tag Team Championship
Akam did not give Miller any breathing room. The AoP then wore him down on the outside. Thorne landed a standing moonsault and locked in the Sharpshooter. Rezar hit a Stinger Splash. Thorne dodged a running clothesline. AoP hit Miller with a double shoulder tackle. They later hit back-to-back meat hook clotheslines to win the titles.

Wow. TM61 tried to get some offense in, but they were stifled by Akam and Rezar. Good luck to whoever tries to beat them.

Match 4. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe
Crews had the better of Joe and he backed into the corner. Joe took control and threw Crews into the steel steps. He then locked in a deep arm bar. Joe connected with a back elbow and enziguiri in the corner before getting the win.

Joe continued the attack after the match.

Joe thinks he's so tough, picking on a man while he's down. He'll get his.

Match 5. Sting vs. The Giant
Giant quickly tossed Sting over his head. Sting came back with a leg drop and jumping DDT. Sting kept the pressure and lifted Giant for the Tombstone and won.

Wow. A disappointing ending to an otherwise good feud. Giant was quickly disposed of.

Match 6. Steel Cage - Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair - WCW Championship
The cage will (try to) keep Luger and anyone else out of the match. Flair made an attempt to climb after a back suplex, but Dusty caught him. Dusty made his own attempt but Flair pulled him down. Dusty locked in a Boston Crab. Flair made it to the top, but Dusty shoved him down to the mat. He hit the Bionic Elbow but Flair kicked out. Dusty continued with a back suples and leg drop before escaping.

A good cage match. This feud is done for now.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Austin Aries - NXT Championship
Hideo hit a big kick and tornado DDT. Aries landed a sit-out slam and STO. The match spilled to the outside. Aries went for a pin but Itami grabbed the rope. Good thing the ref caught it this time. Itami countered the brain buster and hit a sit-out powerbomb. Aries kicked out of the GTS. Itami hit a double foot stomp as Aries was in the tree of woe. Aries grabbed the rope this time. After more kicks, Itami connected with a second GTS to retain his title.

This was a great main event. Aries had a couple of opportunities to win. Itami was just a little tougher.

Recap: It wasn't the best PPV, but there were some solid matches here. The two main title matches were good. I also liked the Roode/Styles match.

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