Sunday, April 23, 2017

Impact of Honor BOUND FOR GLORY, Year 3

This could be the show of the year.

Match 1. Hell in a Cell - Puma vs. Pentagon vs. Drago vs. Aerostar vs. Havoc vs. ECIII
Puma missed a shooting star press on Carter. Havoc brought in a baseball bat, as if this match wasn't violent enough. Havoc hit Pentagon with a fisherman piledriver. Drago grabbed Aerostar and dropped him on his neck. Puma tossed Pentagon up and caught him with a heel kick. Carter caught Pentagon in midair and hit a back breaker. Aerostar caught Carter with a springboard cross body and won.

That was a fast-paced match with more action than I could keep up win. Big win for Aerostar.

Match 2. The Wolves vs. ReDragon - TNA/ROH Tag Team Championships
Davey worked over Kyle on the outside. Kyle came back with a combination of kicks. He landed a step-up enzuigiri. Eddie came in and hit the backpack stunner. Bobby hit a super Falcon Arrow and a step-over heel kick on Eddie. Bobby kicked out of a butterfly piledriver. Davey came in and another backpack stunner to win.

A great tag team match. Neither team wanted to lose. The Wolves just hit one more big move.

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley wore down Sandow by the table. Damien hit a front headlock driver. Lashley hit a fall away slam and a huge spear, but Sandow kicked out. He then swung Sandow around before getting the win.

After the match, Lashley continued the attack on Sandow.

Sandow will get his revenge. He isn't done with Lashley yet.

Match 4. Ladder - Fenix vs. Zack Sabre Jr - ROH TV Championship
Sabre knocked Fenix off the top and set up a ladder in the middle of the ring. Fenix then had his turn with the ladder. Sabre tossed Fenix out of the ring and went for the title. Fenix recovered in time, but Sabre sent him back out and won.

A quick, hard-hitting ladder match. Sabre has been on a roll.

Match 5. Submission - Kassius Ohno vs. CM Punk
The loser leaves Impat of Honor. Ohno targeted Punk's head and neck early. Punk locked in a quick arm bar. Ohno connected with a rolling elbow to the jaw and a forearm to the back of head. Punk made a comeback with two dropkicks. Ohno took Punk down and won with a triangle choke.

Punk is now gone from Impact of Honor. Where will he end up?

Match 6. Submission - Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - X-Division Championship
The winner will face Sabre next month to unify the TV and X Division titles. The second submission match. Angle locked in a quick knee bar. Cody hit a straightjacket DDT. Angle hit three German suplexes. Angle hit the Angle Slam. Cody came back with a back suplex and slingshot Falcon Arrow. After two finishers, Angle made Cody tap from a modified STF.

There was no way Cody was defeating Angle is a submission match.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. Adam Cole - TNA/ROH Championships
This is a unification match for both world titles. Jeff hit two hurricanranas and a rolling headlock followed by a kick. After a super German suplex, Jeff landed a diving splash and a leg drop. Cole began his comeback with a back breaker on the outside. Cole dodged a Swanton bomb. Cole hit a knee drop brain buster and straight jacket German suplex for two near falls. A bloody Hardy won with a northern lights suplex.

Cole took a lot of offense but he was able to hit some big moves. Jeff wins it for Impact.

Recap: Angle vs. Sabre Jr next month. That should be awesome. Hardy is the sole champion. Punk is gone. Times are a'changing here.

October Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

Match 2. Neville vs. Ryback vs. R-Truth vs. Bo Dallas

Match 3. Cesaro vs. The Miz

Match 4. Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin
Roman landed a forearm to the back of the head. Corbin hit a Samoan drop and locked in a camel clutch. Roman went for the spear, but Corbin countered it into a DDT. The match spilled to the outside where Roman threw Corbin into the steps. He later hit a gut buster and got the win.

No finishers or signatures. Roman gets the win. Interesting.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman vs. Kane
These matches get bigger and bigger.

Match 1. Jack Swagger vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. Bray Wyatt vs. Heath Slater

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd

Main Event. Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens
Bryan landed the kicking combo and got a near fall. Owens made his comeback with a suplex and cannonball splash. Bryan hit a back superplex and dive to the outside. Bryan connected with more kicks before Owens won with the pop-up powerbomb.

Owens is THE guy on SmackDown. Can anyone stop him?

Match 1. Adam Rose vs. Rhyno

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 3. Asuka vs. Dana Brooke
Asuka was dominating Brooke early. Dana created some space on the outside but it didn't last. Dana pinned Asuka but lifted her up after one. Bad idea. Asuka connected with multiple kicks to the chest. Asuka then won with a kick to the head.

After the match, Alexa came out pointed at Asuka and her title.

Alexa/Asuka for the title?

Match 4. Andrade 'Cien' Almas vs. TJ Perkins vs. Roderick Strong

Main Event. Brian Kendrick vs. Austin Aries
Two of te best cruiserweights in the world. If Kendrick can pin the NXT champ, he has to get a title shot. After a forearm, Aries landed a diving splash. He continued with a back suplex and discus forearm for another near fall. Aries won with a superplex and a second forearm.

Rich Swann came out and stared down Kendrick as he recovered.

Aries does what he's supposed to do. What does Swann want with Kendrick?

Match 1. Sting vs. The Giant

Match 2. Dusty Rhodes and ??? vs. Arn Anderson and Lex Luger
His partner is...Ricky Steamboat! 

Match 3. Bret Hart vs. Cactus Jack

Match 4. Taz vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio

Main Event. Dallas Page vs. Ric Flair
Roddy Piper attacked Page from behind. Flair joined Page outside and they went back and forth. They finally made it into the ring where Flair won with a piledriver.

Flair and Piper aren't working together, but they have a common enemy.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. The American Wolves vs. WGTT
Davey hit a German suplex and snap DDT on Shelton. Haas hit Eddie with a pump handle back suplex. He later hit a German suplex and dragon sleeper. He continued with a straightjacket brain buster. Davey hit Shelton with the backpack stunner. Eddie hit a double underhook piledriver and got the win.

A great tag match that we will see again in the future.

Match 2. Jeff Hardy vs. Adam Cole vs. PJ Black

Match 3. Johnny Mundo vs. Aerostar

Match 4. Bobby Lashley vs. Drew Galloway
Drew worked Lashley over on the outside. Lashley hit an overhead suplex. Galloway came back with a diving clothesline. He then hit the Irish Curse and DDT on the apron. Lashley tossed Drew into the steel steps. Damien Sandow came out and distracted Lashley, allowing Drew to hit Future Shock and win.

Lashley took his eyes off the prize. Galloway wants a title shot.

Main Event. Cody Rhodes vs. Kurt Angle

Recap: The first three shows were formulaic. Things picked up on ECWCW and Impact of Honor. Bound for Glory is the next PPV.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Match 1. Dallas Page vs. Roddy Piper
Piper continued his aggression from Thursday. He got a couple of near falls early. Page hit a huge sit-out powerbomb for his own two count. He then spiked Piper on the apron with a DDT. Piper blocked the ref as he hit a low blow. Page landed a running ura nage and got the win but Piper had his hand on the rope.

Page gets the win but the ref missed another call. Piper won't take kindly to that.

Match 2. Authors of Pain vs. The Revival - NXT Tag Team Championship
Dawson was focused on Rezar early. He locked Akam in a hammerlock. AoP got their footing and took control on offense. The Revival hit a wheelbarrow Codebreaker on Rezar but got a near fall. Dash landed an exploder suplex. He then hit a full nelson suplex with a bridge to win.

We got new NXT tag champs! The Revival worked like a well-oiled machine and it showed.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka targeting the neck of Alexa. Alexa landed a DDT and jaw breaker. Asuka connected with her kicks and got a near fall. Alexa came back with a running dropkick and northern lights suplex. Alexa escaped the Asuka Lock. Asuka kicked out of the Sparkle Splash. She kept going with vicious kicks. After kicking out of a pin, Asuka won with a northern lights suplex.

After kicking out of the dropkick to the head, I knew Asuka had this match. Nine weeks as champ.

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. Apollo Crews
Joe came out firing with a release German suplex. He then tossed Crews to the outside. Crews rolled Joe up and hit a one-arm powerbomb. Joe hit the ura nage and jumping enzuigiri in the corner. Crews hit three powerbombs and a dive to the outside. Joe came back with a Pele kick and won with the Muscle Buster.

Joe is the dominant star NXT needs. Watch out to whoever has the title.

Match 5. Dusty Rhodes vs. Vader - WCW Championship
After dealing with Flair, Vader is a bigger challenge. Neither man built momentum early They each hd some near falls. Dusty hit the punch and job combination. Vader landed a suplex and the Vader Bomb for a two count. Dusty clapped Vader's ears and hit the Bionic elbow to retain.

Dusty defeats yet another challenger. Who's next?

Match 6. Sting vs. The Giant
Giant hit a press slam and spinning side slam. Sting somehow picked Giant up and hit the Tombstone. Giant threw Sting into the steel steps. Sting came back with a splash and Scorpion Death Drop.

A big win for The Icon. He'll be fighting for the title soon enough.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Austin Aries - NXT Championship
The champ struck first but Aries hit some nice moves. Hideo hit a front dropkick from the top. After a kick to the head, Itami landed a tornado guillotine. Aries fired up with a neck breaker and kick to the back. Hideo pulled out the GTS but Aries kicked out. What?! Aries hit a sweeping STO. The champ hit Aries multiple times with a baseball bat. Aries kicked out of a second GTS. Aries hit a kick to the head and the discus forearm to win the title.

There's no way. How did Aries kick out of TWO finishers? He deserves that title.

Recap: Wow. The NXT tag and world title changed hands. Sting and Dusty overcome big challengers. What a show.

October Week 2, Year 3

NXT and ECWCW event at the end of this week, appropriately titled Halloween Havoc

Match 1. Neville vs. Ryback vs. Miz vs. Baron Corbin
All four of these men can challenge Cesaro at some point. Neville and Miz fought outside and Ryback and Corbin tested their strengths in the ring. Ryback hit the backpack stunner and the meathook clothesline. Corbin hit Neville with the End of Days. Ryback pinned Corbin after a second clothesline.

There are some tough stars on Raw and Ryback proved he is one of them.

Match 2. Naomi vs. Sasha Banks

Match 3. R-Truth vs. Bo Dallas

Match 4. Chris Jericho vs. Cesaro

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman
Lesnar and Braun are two more strong stars. Braun pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Lesnar. Dean and Braun worked over Lesnar. Brock recovered and took control. The two big men dominated Ambrose. Dean superplexed Lesnar. Strowman busted open Lesnar. Brock came back with three German suplexes. Strowman took out Brock and Dean hit Braun with Dirty Deeds to win.

Whoa! A huge win for Ambrose. He defeated two of the biggest men on the roster.

Match 1. Hype Bros vs. Prime Time Players

Match 2. Natalya vs. Tamina

Match 3. Jack Swagger vs. Heath Slater

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd 

Main Event. Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens
Bryan lost last week but a win here will earn him another title shot. Bryan kept the pressure on Owens. Kevin hit a pump handle neck breaker. He then German suplexed Bryan on the ramp. After a back suplex, Bryan locked in the Yes Lock. He connected with the Yes Kicks for a near fall. Kevin countered and locked in his own crossface. Bryan landed more kicks and got the win.

Bryan's kicks were too much for Owens. It's better for Owens to lose now than to continue and risk injury.

Match 1. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss
They traded forearms. Asuka landed a German suplex and locked in the Asuka Lock. She followed it up with a second German. After multiple kicks to the chest, Asuka connected with a huge kick to the head and won.

Alexa got some offense in but the NXT champ unleashed her power and won again.

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Carmella

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Brian Kendrick

Match 4. Elias Samson vs. T.J. Perkins vs. Rhyno vs. Cedric Alexander

Main Event. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe

Match 1. Rey Mysterio vs. Ricky Steamboat
Steamboat showed some of his quickness with a running dropkick. He hit a diving forearm. Rey went for a hurricanrana but Steamboat countered with a powerbomb. He then landed a diving cross body and got the win.

Wow. I was expecting something a little more back-and-forth. Steamboat still has it.

Match 2. Dusty Rhodes vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Bret Hart vs. Dallas Page vs. Taz

Match 4. Sting vs. The Giant

Main Event. Roddy Piper vs. Ric Flair
They were brawling in the early parts. Not a lot of holds and manuevers. Piper took things to the outside and threw Flair into the steel post. He got a near fall after a superplex. Piper locked in a vicious sleeper hold. Flair came back with the Figure Four. Piper busted Flair open with a bulldog and won.

After the match, Page walked out and seemed a bit impressed with Piper.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Jeff Hardy vs. King Cuerno

Match 2. Johnny Mundo vs. Damien Sandow
Bobby Lashley attacked Sandow from behind. Mundo hit the Moonlight Drive but Sandow kicked out. Sandow came back with a running knee to the head and back suplex. Mundo kicked out and hit a second Moonlight Drive to win.

As soon as the match was over, Sandow stared down Lashley and wanted revenge.

Match 3. Kassius Ohno vs. Aerostar

Match 4. Son of Havoc vs. Mil Muertes

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes

Recap: Another good week with great matches. Raw had two good matches. SmackDown is the land of the rising stars.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

October Week 1, Year 3

There's been a huge shake-up to the Universe. Impact and ROH combined rosters (and made some cuts) to form the Impact of Honor. A new championship has been introduced on NXT.

Match 1. Kane vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Naomi vs. Charlotte

Match 3. Cesaro vs. Bo Dallas vs. Baron Corbin
Corbin is one of the new additions to Raw.

Match 4. Chris Jericho vs. Neville
Welcome to...Raw is Jericho. Neville hit a running cutter. Jericho ducked a kick and locked in the Walls of Jericho. He then DDT'd Neville on the apron. Neville came back with a standing moonsault. He went to the top for the Phoenix Splash but Jericho caught him in mid-air with the Codebreaker to win.

There's a reason why Jericho calls himself the Best in the World. Great match and Raw debut.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman
Wow. Strowman pins the champ.

Match 1. Tyson Kidd vs. Wade Barrett
The new SD star has a big test ahead of him. Ziggler walked out and sat at ringside. Kidd caught Barrett with a jump kick. Kidd then got frustrated and went after Ziggler, but Barrett took control. Kidd pulled out a chair but the ref took it. Kidd then hit double knees from the top. Barrett won with th Bull Hammer elbow.

A win is a win for Barrett. Kidd needs to focus if he wants the title.

Match 2. Natalya vs. Tamina

Match 3. Prime Time Players vs. The Ascension

Match 4. Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger vs. Tyler Breeze

Main Event. Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens - WWE World Championship
Whoa. A world title match on free TV. Owens wins again.

Match 1. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Carmella

Match 3. Brian Kendrick vs. TJ Perkins
Perkins came over from ROH and the vet, Kendrick, signed with NXT. Perkins was running around Kendrick and targeted his previously broken neck. TJP then DDT'd Kendrick on the ramp and locked in a Figure Four Sharpshooter. Kendrick speared Perkins through the barricade. Perkins fought back and won with a Tombstone.

Perkins is getting a fresh start on NXT and starts out with a big win.

Match 4. Austin Aries vs. Adam Rose

Main Event. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe
Crews ran down and took down Joe before the bell rang. He got a near fall with a spinning back suplex and moonsault. Crews then speared Joe through the barricade. He means war. Crews hit about four powerbombs before getting the win.

Crews needed that win. Joe had his number for weeks.

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. The Unholy Alliance

Match 2. Ricky Steamboat vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Dallas Page vs. Roddy Piper

Match 4. Sting vs. The Giant
Giant slammed around Sting for a while. Sting tried to land moves, but Giant swatted him away. Sting was able to lift him up for the Tombstone but Giant kicked out. Giant got a near fall after a super sidewalk slam and standing leg drop. Sting came back with the Stinger Splash and Scorpion Death Drop to win.

Sting took down The Giant again. Sting is gunning for the title.

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes vs. Bret Hart

Impact of Honor
I'm interested to see how the rosters mix.
Match 1. Jeff Hardy vs. King Cuerno
Jeff landed a few kicks and a jumping hurricanrana. Cuerno worked over Hardy for a bit. Jeff hit the Whisper in the Wind. After a dropkick, he hit the Swanton Bomb but got a two count. They traded near falls before Jeff won with the Side Effect.

The first of many matches between the Impact and ROH rosters. The TNA champ gets the first win.

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Johnny Mundo

Match 3. The Wolves vs. WGTT
Shelton hit Davey with a t-bone suplex. He hit Eddie with one as well. Shelton continued with a super butterfly suplex. He's a beast. Haas landed a straightjacket brain buster. Shelton took out Davey as Haas got the win.

A win for the ROH tag team division.

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes

Main Event. Ethan Carter III vs. Bobby Lashley

Recap: With the Impact/ROH merger, there will be champion vs. champion matches at the next event. Hardy/Cole, Angle/Fenix and The Wolves/ReDragon. Should be great. We already see the impact of the new rosters.


The conclusion of the first half of the year. No WWE title on the line.

Match 1. Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains - SmackDown Tag Team Championship
This was very back and forth in the early going. Ryder and Aiden at it. English hit a sit-out suplex and German suplex. Ryder countered with the Rough Ryder and got the win. English grabbed the rope but the ref didn't see.

Wow. Some controversy to start off the show. I expect some retaliation on Tuesday.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Bayley
Bayley countered a press slam into a roll up for a near fall. She then slapped Charlotte. Whoa! Some aggression out of Bayley. She continued with the Belly-to-Bayley for another near fall. Bayley tossed Charlotte around and wasted little motion as she hit a diving splash. Charlotte fired back with a press slam but Bayley hit another finisher to win.

A huge win for Bayley. She could be the next women's champion.

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - Intercontinental Championship
Kidd was in control early. He got a near fall after a Falcon Arrow. Ziggler took over and worked over Kidd's back and neck. Kidd blocked the Zig Zag and hit the Code Blue for a near fall. He then locked in the Hart Lock. After another super back suplex, Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper elbows and won.

I can't believe Ziggler retained. Kidd was dominating for most of the match.

Match 4. The New Day vs. The Club - Raw Tag Team Championship
Gallows hit E with a sit-out face buster. New Day tried building momentum, but The Club had their number. Every time Big E came in, Anderson tagged in Gallows. Smart move. Things broke down as all four men were in the ring. E kicked out of the two-hand chokeslam. Kofi tagged in E and was able to go after Anderson. Karl hit the fireman's carry cutter to win the titles.

After the match, Kofi went to pick up his partner but E shoved him away. Kofi questioned him. E turned and clotheslined Kofi!

A great tag match. What is Big E doing? Maybe it's just emotions. Let's hope.

Match 5. Rusev vs. Cesaro vs. Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus - United States Championship
This is a big test for the champ. Rusev worked over Cesaro on the outside. Sheamus pulled out a bat and Cesaro grabbed a sledgehammer. Cesaro won that battle. Neville clipped Rusev with a 450 dive and hit a German suplex. Rusev came back with a super Samoan drop. Cesaro hit Sheamus with three deadlift gut wrench slams. Rusev kicked out of the Neutralizer but Cesaro won with the Very European uppercut.

Cesaro wins back the US title. A great 4-way match. Another title change on this show.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batista was toying around with Balor. He hit a super back suplex and a Jackhammer for a near fall. Balor came back with a suplex and shotgun dropkick. After a modified GTS, he went for the Coup de Grace but Batista blocked it. He hit the spine buster but Balor grabbed the rope to break the pin. Balor went to the top again but Batista caught him with a spear in mid-air and won.

Balor held more than his own. He fought back and had a few chances to win.

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan - WWE World Championship
Bryan overpowered Owens early and Kevin looked shocked. Owens hit a German suplex and superkicked him on the outside. He then hit the cannonball splash. Bryan began his comeback with the Yes Kicks. He then caught Owens in the Yes Lock. Owens pulled out the package piledriver. Oh my God! They both hit their signature moves for near falls. Owens won wiht a second piledriver.

What a match. These two were at top speed from bell to bell. Owens is the man.

Recap: A great show. We had three big title changes. Things are about to change even more next week. Owens is a star. Batista is still The Animal. Why Big E?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

September Week 4, Year 3

One more week until the lottery.

Match 1. Batista vs. Finn Balor

Match 2. The Wyatt Family vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 3. The New Day vs. The Club
Anderson lifted E up for a powerbomb. E lifted Gallows up with ease. The Club took control of Kofi. New Day hit Anderson with a double hip toss. They then hit the Bigger Ending but got a near fall. E and Gallows traded near falls. Kofi hit Anderson with Trouble in Paradise to win.

New Day look good heading into their title match.

Match 4. Rusev vs. Brock Lesnar

Main Event. Bayley vs. Charlotte

Match 1. Prime Time Players v.s The Usos

Match 2. Natalya vs. Summer Rae

Match 3. The Vaudevillains vs. Hype Bros

Match 4. Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens vs. American Alpha
I doubt Bryan and Owens will get along. They argued on who starts the match. Owens hit Jordan with a rolling senton and a cannonball splash. Alpha hit Bryan with a double back superplex. Bryan locked Gable in the Yes Lock. He was setting up for Knee Plus but Owens tagged in and hit the pop-up powerbomb but got a two count. Bryan pinned Jordan after a northern lights suplex.

Owens and Bryan are profressional enough to complete the task at hand. Things will change at the PPV.

Main Event. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd

Match 1. Bo Dallas vs. Hideo Itami

Match 2. Rich Swann vs. Adam Rose vs. Elias Samson

Match 3. Asuka vs. Emma
Alexa Bliss attacked Asuka after her match.

Match 4. Apollo Crews vs. Tye Dillinger

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries
AJ hit a snap slam and locked in the Calf Killer. Aries hit a back suplex and jaw breaker. AJ landed the Pele kick. Things then spilled to the outside. AJ superplexed Aries to the outside. After a delayed suplex, AJ hit a second Pele kick to win.

A quick win for AJ as he looks towards the NXT title.

Match 1. Sting vs. The Giant

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. The Unholy Alliance
The Alliance worked over D-Von on the outside. The Dudleyz then beat down Tajiri with high-impact moves. Mikey pulled out a piledriver on Bubba Ray. The Dudleyz fought back and pinned Mikey after a 3D.

A nice win for the veteran tag team.

Match 3. Dusty Rhodes vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 4. Dallas Page vs. Ric Flair
Piper attacked Page after the match.

Main Event. The Impact Players vs. The Outsiders

Match 1. Eric Young vs. James Storm vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Ken Shamrock vs. Raven

Match 3. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway

Match 4. Damien Sandow vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley hit an exploder suplex. He then landed a butterfly suplex and deadlift gutwrench slam. Sandow kicked out of a huge spear. Lashley powerbombed Sandow through the announce table. He then won with a dominator in the ring.

Lashley destroyed Sandow. He is gunning for the TNA title.

Main Event. Christian vs. Kurt Angle
Cody attacked Angle before the match. Christian hesitantly hit the Impaler DDT to win.

Angle recovered and went after Cody. They had to be held back by officials.

I can't blame Christian. He couldn't let the win pass him by.

Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Drago
The champ took out Drago's legs early. Drago locked in a reverse sleeper. Drago countered a powerbomb into a hurricanrana. They went back and forth for a bit before Drago won with a fisherman driver.

After the match, Jay Lethal ran down and attacked both men.

Drago couldn't celebrate pinning the ROH champ for long. He'll get his revenge

Match 2. ReDragon vs. WGTT

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Kassius Ohno

Match 4. Fenix vs. Jay Lethal
Lethal hit a full nelson suplex. Fenix came back with a fisherman piledriver. He then layed Lethal over the railing before hitting a leg drop from the apron. Lethal recovered and tossed Fenix in the air before connecting with a cutter, but Fenix kicked out. Fenix landed a reverse 450 to win.

The current TV champ pinned the former ROH champ. Big win for Fenix.

Main Event. Matt Sydal vs. Zack Sabre Jr

Recap: Huge week. Bryan and Owens are set to do battle. ROH and TNA can't keep their rosters under control.

Monday, April 10, 2017


The title of the event is apropos.

Match 1. Cedric vs. Mil Muertes vs. TJ Perkins vs. R. Strong vs. Aerostar vs. Sabre Jr
The winner will get a shot at the ROH Television championship next month. Aerostar almost eliminated Sabre. He returned the favor. Muertes powerbombed Cedric three times. Roddy hit TJP with a back stabber. Roddy then eliminated Muertes. Sabre hit Aerotar with a full nelson suplex. Roddy eliminated Cedric. He, Sabre and Aerostar eliminated TJP. Roddy recorded elimination No. 4 by kicking out Aerostar. Sabre then dropkicked Roddy over the top to win.

I thought Roddy had the clean sweep. Sabre gets the winner for the 4-way.

Match 2. American Wolves vs. The Addiction - Impact Tag Team Championship
The Wolves worked over Daniels. He got the hot tag to Kazarian. He hit Richards with a frog splash. Edwards came in and landed a fisherman piledriver. He then hit Daniels with a reverse hurricanrana. Richards hit Kaz with a straightjacket DDT and diving foot stomp to retain the titles.

A great tag match with two of the best teams.

Match 3. Fenix vs. Drago vs. Pentagon Jr vs. Prince Puma - ROH TV Championship
Puma hit Drago with the Pele kick. He then grabbed a bat but Drago took it. Fenix pulled out a sledgehammer. Here we go! These four were flying around the ring. Drago and Puma went to the outside as Fenix hit the sit-out pump handle slam to retain.

Wow. Fenix ma quick work of the three opponents. He gets Zack Sabre Jr next.

Match 4. Kassius Ohno vs. CM Punk
This is a blood feud. Can ROH contain these two? Punk took things to the outside and threw Ohno into the table. Ohno clocked Punk in the back of the head for a near fall. Punk busted Ohno open with a basement dropkick. He then hit a tornado DDT through the post. Ohno almost won with his feet on the ropes. Punk spiked him with a DDT and the diving elbow. Ohno won with the discus big boot.

This is far from over. Ohno gets the big win. What a boot. He hits hard.

Match 5. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Championship
This has been an amazing feud. Who walks out with the title? Cole dodged a punch and hit the back stabber. Lethal pulled out a cutter. Things are heating up early. Lethal hit two back suplexes. Cole hit the knee drop brain buster. Lethal busted Cole open. He then hit a dive to the outside. Cole hit the flipping piledriver, but Lethal kicked out. Cole dodged a diving elbow and won with a northern lights suplex.

Cole wins the ROH title for a third time. Lethal is owed a rematch...

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - X-Division Championship
Angle rolled Cody over and locked in a knee bar. He then hit three German suplexes. Cody stole Angle's move and hit the Olympic Slam but got a two count. Angle landed a moonsault and the real Olympic Slam to win the title.

Angle is a 2-time X-Division champion. Rhodes will also get a rematch.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio - Impact Championship
Hardy hit a dropkick and standing moonsault. He then landed a fisherman piledriver and a diving splash. Del Rio could not get anything going. Jeff connected with the Whisper in the Wind. Somehow Del Rio kicked out of the Swanton Bomb. He hit a spine buster and German suplex. Jeff hit a stalling German suplex from the top and a diving leg drop. Del Rio hit a back stabber and cross arm breaker. Jeff hit a sunset bomb pin to retain the title.

I thought Jeff was going to make quick work of Del Rio. He landed one too many big moves.

Recap: A great show with two big title changes. I see big changes happening for these two brands.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

September Week 3, Year 3

Two more weeks until we have the mid-year lottery.

Match 1. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Despite losing, Balor got to exact some revenge on The Animal.

Match 2. Naomi vs. Tamina

Match 3. The New Day vs. The Club

Match 4. Bayley vs. Charlotte
Bayley hit a hurricanrana. Charlotte shook it off and beat down Bayley. Bayley kept getting up and she hit a t-bone suplex. Charlotte locked in the Figure Eight. Bayley escaped and won with the Belly-to-Bayley.

Bayley defeated the former women's champion. Huge.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Rusev
Champion vs. Champion. Rusev sent Lesnar to the outside and the brawl began. After a super kick, Rusev locked in a leg lock. Lesnar landed four straight punches and then three German suplexes. Rusev had Lesnar in the Accolade. Lesnar locked in the kimura and hit three powerbombs. Lesnar likes things in threes. He then won with an F5.

Rusev put up a good fight. Lesnar proved why he is the current champ.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. The Usos

Match 2. Natalya vs. Summer Rae
Big win for Summer.

Match 3. Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd attacked Dolph from behind. Ziggler came back with the Famouser. Kidd locked in the Hart Lock. Ziggler escaped and hit a diving elbow. He continued with a super kick and the Zig Zag to win.

Wow. Ziggler wasn't even phased by the pre-match attack. Can Kidd win the IC title?

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan

Match 1. Bo Dallas vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas

Match 2. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss
Alexa slapped Asuka twice. Asuka came back wth a bicycle kick. She later countered a slam and hit a German suplex. Asuka landed multiple kicks and a DDT on the apron. Bliss kicked out of a dive and planted Asuka with a DDT and a diving elbow. Asuka connected with more kicks and won the match.

Bliss got in some offense but Asuka dominated her with kicks.

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Elias Samson

Match 4. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Tye Dillinger vs. AJ Styles
This should be good. Tye made the first statement and put down both challengers. AJ locked Nakamura in the Calf Killer and hit the Styles Clash. He barely connected with the Pele kick from behind. Nakamura hit Dillinger with a sit-out driver. He then superplexed AJ to the outside. Tye busted out a single-leg Codebreaker on Shinsuke and got the win.

Oh my God! Dillinger gets the biggest win of his career. He pinned Nakamura!

Main Event. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe

Match 1. Dusty Rhodes vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. Roddy Piper
Piper was pulling out every trick in the book. Biting the forehead and raking the back. He then hit a slam and a running bulldog. Page escaped from the sleeper hold. He got a near fall after a back suplex. Piper caught him below the belt and hit a running knee. He then won with a piledriver.

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. The Unholy Alliance

Match 4. Sting vs. The Giant
Giant got his win back from the PPV

Main Event. Impact Players vs. Anderson and Luger

Match 1. Bobby Lashley vs. Matt Morgan

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 3. Jeff Hardy vs. Damien Sandow

Match 4. James Storm vs. Christian vs. Drew Galloway
Storm took out his opponents with neck breakers before getting a chair. He hit Christian over the head with it. Christian then recovered and took control. Galloway and Storm went at it. He DDT'd Drew through the announce table. Storm hit Drew and Christian with the Eye of the Storm. Storm took out Christian again. Galloway then pinned him with the Future Shock.

That was a great triple threat. The weapons added a nice flavor. Drew can be a main eventer.

Main Event. Cody Rhodes vs. Kurt Angle

Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal

Match 2. Roderick Strong vs. Son of Havoc
Two of the up-and-coming stars in ROH. Strong hit two different back breakers. Havoc threw Strong into the ref and hit a super kick. Strong countered a hurricanrana into a powerbomb. Strong then hit falling gut buster to get the win, but the ref didn't see Havoc's hand grab the rope.

Strong was aggressive early, targeting the midsection of Havoc.

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Kassius Ohno

Match 4. Zack Sabre Jr vs. Matt Sydal

Main Event. Drago vs. Pentagon Jr vs. Prince Puma
Pentagon had Drago in a Mexican surfboard. Puma just stood by. Drago landed a springboard 450 splash. Puma got involved and hit Drago with a super STO. Drago and Pentagon fought as Puma took apart the announce table. Puma hit Drago with a tornado DDT between the steel post. Pentagon pinned Drago after a brain buster.

Another great triple threat match this week. There is so much talent on these rosters. Hard to get them all time.

Recap: A great week. Next up, TNA and ROH special event. After what we just saw, this should be good.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Match 1. Submission - AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode
Roode targeted the neck and locked in a dragon sleeper. AJ locked in the Calf Crusher out of nowhere. Roode escaped and hit a spine buster. AJ hit the Pele kick. He then DDT'd Roode on the apron. Roode one upped him and DDT'd him through the announce table. They went back and forth in the ring before Roode won with a crossface.

A great first match. Is Roode the next title contender?

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss
After a jumping arm breaker, Lynch locked in a camel clutch. She kept going with the submissions as she locked in an Indian death lock. Bliss countered and hit Eat Defeat. She then hit a diving elbow. Lynch kicked out of the Sparkle Splash. Becky locked in a couple of more submissions. Alexa landed a huge diving leg drop. They traded blows before Bliss won with a second moonsault.

A solid match. Could Bliss be the next opponent for Asuka?

Match 3. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain - NXT Tag Team Championship
Akam did not give Miller any breathing room. The AoP then wore him down on the outside. Thorne landed a standing moonsault and locked in the Sharpshooter. Rezar hit a Stinger Splash. Thorne dodged a running clothesline. AoP hit Miller with a double shoulder tackle. They later hit back-to-back meat hook clotheslines to win the titles.

Wow. TM61 tried to get some offense in, but they were stifled by Akam and Rezar. Good luck to whoever tries to beat them.

Match 4. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe
Crews had the better of Joe and he backed into the corner. Joe took control and threw Crews into the steel steps. He then locked in a deep arm bar. Joe connected with a back elbow and enziguiri in the corner before getting the win.

Joe continued the attack after the match.

Joe thinks he's so tough, picking on a man while he's down. He'll get his.

Match 5. Sting vs. The Giant
Giant quickly tossed Sting over his head. Sting came back with a leg drop and jumping DDT. Sting kept the pressure and lifted Giant for the Tombstone and won.

Wow. A disappointing ending to an otherwise good feud. Giant was quickly disposed of.

Match 6. Steel Cage - Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair - WCW Championship
The cage will (try to) keep Luger and anyone else out of the match. Flair made an attempt to climb after a back suplex, but Dusty caught him. Dusty made his own attempt but Flair pulled him down. Dusty locked in a Boston Crab. Flair made it to the top, but Dusty shoved him down to the mat. He hit the Bionic Elbow but Flair kicked out. Dusty continued with a back suples and leg drop before escaping.

A good cage match. This feud is done for now.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Austin Aries - NXT Championship
Hideo hit a big kick and tornado DDT. Aries landed a sit-out slam and STO. The match spilled to the outside. Aries went for a pin but Itami grabbed the rope. Good thing the ref caught it this time. Itami countered the brain buster and hit a sit-out powerbomb. Aries kicked out of the GTS. Itami hit a double foot stomp as Aries was in the tree of woe. Aries grabbed the rope this time. After more kicks, Itami connected with a second GTS to retain his title.

This was a great main event. Aries had a couple of opportunities to win. Itami was just a little tougher.

Recap: It wasn't the best PPV, but there were some solid matches here. The two main title matches were good. I also liked the Roode/Styles match.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

September Week 2, Year 3

NXT and ECWCW have their PPV at the end of the week.

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. The Club
The New Day attacked Gallows and Anderson before the match. 

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

Match 3. Rusev vs. Xavier Woods

Match 4. Batista vs. Finn Balor
Batista left the ring and took down Balor. He then threw him into the steps. Balor recovered and landed a dive over the top rope. He continued with a shotgun dropkick. Batista got a near fall after a spine buster. He then won with the Batista Bomb.

That was a fun match. Balor hit some big moves but it wasn't enough.

Main Event. Charlotte vs. Bayley

Match 1. The Vaudevillains vs. Hype Bros

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Paige

Match 3. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn
Daniel Bryan walked out and sat at ringside. Owens tossed around Zayn before targeting Bryan. Zayn attacked Owens and locked in the Koji Clutch and hit the swanton bomb. He then got a near fall after a German suplex. Owens escaped another submission and won with the pop-up powerbomb.

Owens was a little distracted by Bryan but came back and won.

Match 1. Adam Rose vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain

Match 3. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. Tye Dillinger
Tye landed a neck breaker and knee to the face. Joe came back with a back suplex. Tye connected with a frog splash, but Joe easily kicked out. Joe kicked Dillinger's head into the steel post. He is sick. Tye somehow got up and got a near fall after a Death Valley Driver. Joe hit three modified German suplexes and won.

After the match, Apollo Crews came out and applauded Joe. I wonder what Joe is thinking.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Bobby Roode
Roode overpowered Hideo early. He landed a piledriver. Roode planted Itami with a spine buster. Hideo hit a brain buster and kicks to the chest. Roode hit a back superplex. Itami kicked out of another spine buster and Death Valley Driver. Itami hit a package brain buster. Roode won with a second driver.

A big win for Roode. Itami better shape up or he'll have a short title reign.

Match 1. Dusty Rhodes vs. Vader

Match 2. Bret Hart vs. Cactus Jack vs. Rick Rude

Match 3. Dallas Page vs. Rey Mysterio

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. Impact Players

Main Event. Sting vs. The Giant
Sting ran down and attacked Giant before the bell rang. Sting hit the Tombstone, but got a 2 count. Giant came back with a deadlift gut wrench slam. He then hit a standing leg drop. Giant kicked out of the Stinger Splash and Scorpion Death Drop. Sting hit a second piledriver to win.

Sting gets a huge win as he climbs towards the world title.

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Jeff Hardy

Match 2. Christian vs. Cody Rhodes
Kurt Angle attacked Cody before the match. Christian got a near fall after a reverse DDT. Cody took apart the announce table. Christian hit a diving elbow. Cody hit the Cross Rhodes out of nowhere but got a near fall. They went back and forth before Cody won with a second finisher.

Angle walked out and signaled he wants Cody's title.

A good match between two veterans. Cody has his work cut out for him.

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 4. Eric Young w/ R-Truth vs. Matt Morgan

Main Event. James Storm vs. Bobby Lashley

Match 1. Drago vs. Fenix

Match 2. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Kassius Ohno
Punk left the ring and met Ohno on the ramp. Ohno landed two back suplexes. Punk got his own two count. He then hit two dropkicks and a neck breaker before hitting the diving elbow. Ohno hit a boot in the corner and a forearm smash to the back of Punk's head. Punk won after a second diving elbow.

This feud is heating up. Something's got to give.

Match 4. Jay Lethal vs. Adam Cole

Main Event. Johnny Mundo vs. Prince Puma
Puma dodged a super kick. Mundo hit a back suplex and standing moonsault. Puma sent Mundo on the outside and hit a dive over the top. Mundo superplexed Puma from the top the outside mat. Puma came back and hit a modified GTS to win.

An exciting match that can be for the title.

Recap: Another good week. There are some big rivalries heating up this fall. NXT and ECWCW will have their September event.