Thursday, December 1, 2016


The arena is covered in ROH stuff. Next month, it will be TNA.

Match 1. Last Man Standing - Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH World Championship
Whoa! What a way to kick off the show. Lethal came out with a bicycle kick and full nelson suplex. Cole tried fighting back, but Lethal was ready. He landed a super kick and dive to the outside. Cole could not make it back to his feet in time.

Oh my God! Lethal destroyed the (former) champ. That's how you make an impact.

Match 2. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
This has actually been a good feud. Drew hit a piledriver and Death Valley driver for a good near fall. Jeff fought back with heel kicks and leg drops. Galloway DDT'd Jeff on the apron and a diving elbow drop to the outside. Jeff made it in the ring just in time. Drew landed Future Shock and won.

After the match, Galloway continued to stomp on Hardy.

Wow. Galloway was aggressive throughout the match, and even after. He's made a case to challenge for the TNA title.

Match 3. ReDragon vs. War Machine
 Hanson landed rights and lefts on Fish. Rowe and O'Reilly traded moves. Hanson later hit Fish with a super fall away slam. ReDragon landed a snap neck breaker/suplex combo. Fish then hit a double foot stomp. Rowe hit a Samoan driver and superplex on O'Reilly, but got a near fall. O'Reilly lifted Hanson up for a brain buster and won.

Good tag match with two different teams. ReDragon worked well together.

Match 4. Christopher Daniels vs. Eric Young vs. Kaz - TNA X-Division Championship
Hmm. Two teammates in this match. Young hit Kaz with a flipping neck breaker. Daniels made the first move and hit Kaz with a spinning powerbomb. Kaz returned the favor with an Alabama Slam. Daniels hit Young with Angel's Wings. He then pulled out a chair and busted Kaz open. The ref accidentally took a dropkick. Kaz pinned Daniels after a Fade to Black and won.

That was an amazing triple threat match. The X-Division has some great talent.

Match 5. Table - Matt Sydal vs. CM Punk - ROH TV Championship
This should be good. Punk hit the running knee/bulldog combo and the GTS. Sydal hit a sunset split leg drop and high-angle reverse DDT, but missed a moonsault, After back-and-forth, Sydal hit a huge Shooting Star Press. Punk ended up bleeding somehow. He hit two GTS's in a row. Punk set up a table in the corner. Sydal sent him into it and dropkicked him through it to win.

What a table match. They put their bodies on the line. That's how you worship a title.

Match 6. Last Man Standing - Kurt Angle vs. James Storm
Storm threw Angle into the steps. After a belly-to-back, Angle hit three German suplexes. Storm got up at the count of seven and hit the Codebreaker. Angle pulled out a kendo stick and hit Storm in the ribs. He later stalked Storm and hit the Olympic Slam. Storm could not recover.

Angle proves why he can still go after his long career. Angle/Lashley?

Main Event. Bobby Lashley vs. Alberto Del Rio - TNA Championship
Interesting title match. Lashley overpowered ADR. Del Rio countered the spear with a spine buster. Lashley landed an overhead belly-to-belly from the apron. He then hit the Dominator, but got a near fall. Del Rio tried to get away, but Lashley locked in a dragon sleeper and made him tap.

I was not expecting Lashley to win via submission, but he did.

Recap: The show opened strong and finished just as good. Cole will get his rematch at the next PPV. This was a great show with a lot of great wrestling.

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