Thursday, December 29, 2016


Match 1. Kazarian vs. Christian vs. Kurt Angle - X Division Championship
It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits. This is a big test for Kaz. Angle hit Christian with a full nelson suplex. Kaz grabbed a chair and hit Christian in the back. Christian hit Angle with the steps and hit Killswitch, but got a two count. Angle hit Christian with the Angle Slam. Kaz busted Angle open with a tornado DDT. Angle went to the top and pinned Christian with a moonsault!

What an opening match! Angle pulled out the moonsault after getting busted open.

Match 2. Chris Hero vs. Roderick Strong
Hero landed a forearm that sent Strong outside the ring. Strong came back with a huge back breaker. Hero got near fall after a release suplex. He then went for a neck breaker, but released it and connected with a forearm to the back of the head to win.

A quick match, but a big win for Hero. He definitely earned a title shot.

Match 3. Extreme Rules - James Storm vs. Matt Hardy
Storm quickly pulled out a table and hit Matt a couple of times. After a back suplex, Storm connected with the Last Call super kick, but got a two count. He then drove Matt through the steel barricade. Matt busted Storm open with an STO. Matt hit the Side Effect. Storm won with the Eye of the Storm and another super kick.

Great match. They fought in and out of the ring. Matt Hardy had a hard time getting up after the match.

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
These two have been fighting for months. Drew landed a powerbomb face buster and a neck breaker. Jeff came back with a heel kick and Whisper in the Wind and won.

What? Why was that match so short?

After the match, Jeff celebrated as Drew walked away.

Match 5. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Championship
After a DDT, Cole grabbed a chair, but Lethal took it away. Cole connected with two back stabbers. He then pulled out a table. Lethal fought back and hit a cutter in midair. Cole kicked out and finished Lethal with a Panama Sunrise to win the title.

That was a fast-paced match. Cole overcome everything to win the ROH title.

Match 6. Sydal vs. Punk vs. Fenix vs. Puma vs. Pentagon vs. Drago - ROH TV Championship
Punk hit Pentagon with a German suplex. Puma made quick work of Fenix and eliminated him. Pentago countered a Drago hurricanrana into a powerbomb. He then eliminated him. Puma and Sydal traded strikes. Sydal hit a sunset split and eliminated Puma. Sydal then hit Punk with a Codebreaker and dropkicked him over the top. Pentagon attacked Sydal from behind and eliminated him to win.

Whoa! Sydal was on fire, but Pentagon took the opportunity and won the title.

Main Event. Bobby Lashley vs. Alberto Del Rio - TNA Championship
Del Rio slammed Lashley, but missed a diving senton. Lashley landed a double leg takedown. He then hit a t-bone suplex. ADR came back with a jumping arm breaker and German suplex. Lashley hit a huge powerbomb. Del Rio sprung up and hit a back stabber to win.

Albertooooo Del Riiiiiooo. A new day in TNA.

Recap: Four title changes. ROH and TNA have had a turning of the tide.

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