Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Another stacked card.

Match 1. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho
This should get the crowd fired up. Winner will face the TV champ. Van Dam hit a flying head scissors. Jericho landed a double underhook back breaker and sit-out powerbomb. He got a near fall after a diving elbow and Lionsault. RVD hit a heel kick and 5 Star Frog Splash to win.

After the match, RVD was jawing at Jericho as he walked up the ramp.

Great opening match. Van Dam picks up a big win on his redemption trail.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch - NXT Women's Championship
This could be Asuka's toughest opponent. Asuka landed four kicks to the ribs. They each locked in a submission. Asuka landed more kicks to the chest. Becky hit the Bex-ploder suplex and the Disarmer, but Asuka escaped. She landed a missile dropkick and began her comeback. Becky hit a second-rope leg drop and got the win.

Asuka lost?! Becky did what was thought to be impossible. Will Asuka ask for a rematch?

Match 3. Extreme Rules - Impact Players vs. ?????
It's...The Dudleyz! Bubba pulled out a chair and hit Storm multiple times. Storm returned the favor. D-Von hit Justin with a sledgehammer. The Dudleyz are in their natural environment. Bubba got a near fall after the Bubba Bomb. He then won with the Bubba Cutter.

That's how you make an impact. The ECWCW roster was put on notice.

Match 4. Rey Mysterio vs. Rhyno vs. Taz - ECW Television Championship
Taz hit Rhyno with three back suplexes. Rey left the ring and pulled out a chair and hit Rhyno. He then hit a sit-out bulldog and a dropkick from the outside. Rhyno Gore'd Rey. Taz hit his three back suplexes on Rey and Tazplex on Rhyno to win.

Taz wins his first title in quick, but brutal 3-way.

Match 5. No Way Jose and Rich Swann vs. Authors of Pain
Akam hit Jose with two back suplexes. Jose hit Rezar with a leg drop, but immediately received a spine buster. Jose hit him with a wind-up uppercut. Rezar landed a sit-out powerbomb. Swann got the hot tag and took out Akam with a flipping piledriver. He then hit a springboard cutter, but got a near fall. Things broke down as fall four men were in the ring. Rezar pinned Swann after a running clothesline.

Authors of Pain dominate Swann and Jose. DIY is next.

Match 6. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes - WCW Championship
Two legends facing off for the title. They exchanged strikes early. Flair thumbed the eye and hit a low blow, right in front of the ref too. He then focused on the legs. Flair got a near fall after an atomic drop. Dusty landed his shake, rattle and roll. He then pinned Flair, Flair grabbed the rope, but the ref didn't see it!

Wow. What a controversial finish. Flair will have something to say this week.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami - NXT Championship
Itami was aggressive early. He locked in holds and landed a couple of kicks. He continued with a hurricanrana and diving elbow. Itami hit the hesitation dropkick. He went for a dive, but Joe blocked it. Itami back suplexed Joe onto the apron and kept the attack on the outside. Itami has to get Joe back in the ring to win. Joe got a near fall after two Muscle Busters. Itami connected with the GTS and won.

Joe did everything he could to win back the title, but Itami retains.

Recap: What a show. Tw big title changes. The rest of the matches held their own and told a great story. We will see these feuds continue.

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