Monday, December 12, 2016


This is a stacked show.

Match 1. Kevin Owens vs. Eddie Guerrero
A win here could catapult Owens into the title picture. Eddie had the upper hand early. Owens ducked a clothesline and sent Eddie to the outside. Owens hit a sunset powerbomb and senton splash. Eddie kicked out of the cannonball splash and hit Three Amigos. Owens won with a package piledriver.

After the match, Owens continued the attack.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Tamina - Raw Women's Championship
Sasha hit Charlotte with a release German suplex. She came back with a delayed suplex. The match spilled to the outside. Sasha hit Tamina with a back stabber. Charlotte speared Tamina. Tamina took out Charlotte with a neck breaker and left the ring, allowing Sasha to crawl over and win the title.

The Boss did it! She is the new champion.

Match 3. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback
Ambrose was countering everything. Ambrose hit a bulldog and locked in the Regal Stretch. Ryback slammed Dean down and took control. He hit a buckle bomb DDT on the apron. Dean locked in the submission again and won with the Dirty Deeds.

A big win for the lunatic. He and Owens will be watching the SD title match.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - WWE Intercontinental Championship
This is going to be a wrestling clinic. Ziggler landed a beautiful dropkick and jumping elbow. Kidd hit a flipping neck breaker. Kidd had Ziggler in the tree of woe and landed a double foot stomp. Kidd missed a moonsault, which gave Ziggler an opening to lock in a sleeper hold. Ziggler won with the Heartstopper elbows.

A great match. Kidd put up a good fight with some big wins. Ziggs is IC champ once again.

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns
These two started like two trucks driving towards each other. Brock tried for the Kimura early. After a powerbomb, Reigns hit the Superman punch. He then hit the spear, but Brock still kicked out. Brock threw Roman into the ref before hitting the F5. Lesnar won with a deadlift gut wrench slam.

That could have gone another five minutes. Lesnar is still a beast. He can take a beating, too.

Match 6. Orton vs. Rollins - WWE World Championship
Rollins took out Orton and grabbed a bat. Orton evened the odds with a chair and hit Rollins. Seth countered a superplex and hit a double knee drop from the top. He then pulled out a ladder, but it backfired again. Orton shook off a flurry offense on the outside to hit the RKO and win.

Main Event. John Cena vs. JBL - WWE Universal Championship
Cena was aggressive early, landing suplexes and powerbombs. JBL hit a neck breaker. Cena countered a slam and hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA, but Bradshaw kicked out. JBL slowed things down a bit. Cena reversed a suplex and lifted JBL up for a second AA to retain the title.

Not the best main event. The rest of the show carried the card. Cena is the man.

Recap: Only two title changes, but it was a great show. Two months down, 10 more to go. Things are about to change.

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