Wednesday, December 21, 2016

June Week 2, Year 3

TNA and ROH have their PPV at the end of the week.

Match 1. Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks

Match 2. Cesaro vs. Neville vs. Xavier Woods

Match 3. Bad News Barrett vs. JBL

Match 4. Roman Reigns vs. Ryback
Ambrose attacked Ryback after the match.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Rusev
Champ vs. Champ. Neither man could get the upper hand. Rusev landed a flipping powerbomb. Cena hit a belly-to-belly slam and a deadlift suplex. Rusev connected with a side heel kick. Cena hit the AA, but Rusev kicked out. Wow. Rusev was a bloody mess and hit a super Samoan drop. Cena won with a second AA.

Rusev put up a great fight and almost won, but Cena is the man.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. The Vaudevillains
English and Gotch get a win over the champs.

Match 2. Natalya vs. Paige
Paige got a quick two count after a knee drop. She then hit the Paige Turner, but Nattie kicked out. Paige DDT'd Nattie on the apron. Nattie hit a spinning clothesline and went for the pin, but Paige grabbed the ropes. She then locked in the Sharpshooter. Paige hit Ram-Paige and won.

Paige is one step closer to the SmackDown Women's title.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Ziggler was confident early, but Kidd took him down and focused on the neck. Kidd landed the Falcon Arrow and an STO into the corner. Ziggler dodged a moonsault and hit a diving elbow. Kidd was in control for a while. Ziggler connected with the Zig Zag out of nowhere and won.

I could watch these to fight every week. The champ gets one over the challenger.

Main Event. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kevin Owens
Eddie and Owens brawled before the bell rang.

Match 1. AJ Styles vs. Adam Rose

Match 2. Bo Dallas vs. Elias Samson

Match 3. No Way Jose and Rich Swann vs. Authors of Pain

Match 4. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Tye Dillinger
Tye landed an STO and back suplex. It didn't last long, though. Nakamura hit a front suplex and kicks to the ribs. He then hit a Death Valley Driver. Nakamura went to the corner and connected with Kinshasa to win.

Dillinger had to get some offense in, but Nakamura wasn't going to lose this match.

Match 1. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho

Match 2. Rick Rude vs. Finlay vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 3. Vader vs. Bret Hart

Match 4. Elimination - Impact Players vs. The Outsiders

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair
This is a non-title match. Flair wrapped Rhodes' leg around the ropes. Dusty hit the Bionic Elbow, but Flair kicked out this time. Flair took apart the announce table, but it backfired. Flair locked in the Figure Four. He won with an atomic drop, but Dusty had the rope and the ref didn't see.

Wow. Payback is a bitch. Flair won the same way Dusty did at the PPV.

Match 1. Kazarian vs. Matt Morgan vs. Damien Sandow vs. Christian

Match 2. Cody Rhodes vs. Ethan Carter III
Two up-and-coming stars. EC3 hit a sit-out powerbomb. He then thumbed the eye and a low blow, in front of the ref! Cody landed the Alabama Slam for a two count. Carter planted Rhodes with a DDT and had his feet on the ropes, but Cody kicked out. He then won with a One Percenter.

Match 3. James Storm vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
Jeff didn't give Drew time to get ready. He attacked as soon as the bell rang. He then hit a dropkick in the corner and Side Effect before winning with the Swanton Bomb.

What?! The fans are cheering, but I'm not sure I can accept the way Hardy won.

Main Event. Bobby Lashley vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 1. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 2. Roderick Strong vs. Shelton Benjamin

Match 3. Son of Havoc vs. King Cuerno

Match 4. CM Punk vs. Matt Sydal vs. Aerostar
Aerostar took out both men with kicks. He hit Matt with a reverse hurricanrana. Matt came back with a German suplex. Punk landed a double underhook back breaker. Aerostar connected with a tornado DDT through the post. Punk hit Aerostar with the GTS, but got a near fall. Aerostar came out of nowhere with a 450 splash and kicks to the head to pin Sydal.

That was a fast-paced 3-way match. Aerostar picks up a huge win.

Main Event. Jay Lethal vs. Adam Cole

Recap: There were some big upsets this week, including Aerostar and The Vaudevillains. Maybe we could see some new champions.

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