Thursday, December 29, 2016


Match 1. Kazarian vs. Christian vs. Kurt Angle - X Division Championship
It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits. This is a big test for Kaz. Angle hit Christian with a full nelson suplex. Kaz grabbed a chair and hit Christian in the back. Christian hit Angle with the steps and hit Killswitch, but got a two count. Angle hit Christian with the Angle Slam. Kaz busted Angle open with a tornado DDT. Angle went to the top and pinned Christian with a moonsault!

What an opening match! Angle pulled out the moonsault after getting busted open.

Match 2. Chris Hero vs. Roderick Strong
Hero landed a forearm that sent Strong outside the ring. Strong came back with a huge back breaker. Hero got near fall after a release suplex. He then went for a neck breaker, but released it and connected with a forearm to the back of the head to win.

A quick match, but a big win for Hero. He definitely earned a title shot.

Match 3. Extreme Rules - James Storm vs. Matt Hardy
Storm quickly pulled out a table and hit Matt a couple of times. After a back suplex, Storm connected with the Last Call super kick, but got a two count. He then drove Matt through the steel barricade. Matt busted Storm open with an STO. Matt hit the Side Effect. Storm won with the Eye of the Storm and another super kick.

Great match. They fought in and out of the ring. Matt Hardy had a hard time getting up after the match.

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
These two have been fighting for months. Drew landed a powerbomb face buster and a neck breaker. Jeff came back with a heel kick and Whisper in the Wind and won.

What? Why was that match so short?

After the match, Jeff celebrated as Drew walked away.

Match 5. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Championship
After a DDT, Cole grabbed a chair, but Lethal took it away. Cole connected with two back stabbers. He then pulled out a table. Lethal fought back and hit a cutter in midair. Cole kicked out and finished Lethal with a Panama Sunrise to win the title.

That was a fast-paced match. Cole overcome everything to win the ROH title.

Match 6. Sydal vs. Punk vs. Fenix vs. Puma vs. Pentagon vs. Drago - ROH TV Championship
Punk hit Pentagon with a German suplex. Puma made quick work of Fenix and eliminated him. Pentago countered a Drago hurricanrana into a powerbomb. He then eliminated him. Puma and Sydal traded strikes. Sydal hit a sunset split and eliminated Puma. Sydal then hit Punk with a Codebreaker and dropkicked him over the top. Pentagon attacked Sydal from behind and eliminated him to win.

Whoa! Sydal was on fire, but Pentagon took the opportunity and won the title.

Main Event. Bobby Lashley vs. Alberto Del Rio - TNA Championship
Del Rio slammed Lashley, but missed a diving senton. Lashley landed a double leg takedown. He then hit a t-bone suplex. ADR came back with a jumping arm breaker and German suplex. Lashley hit a huge powerbomb. Del Rio sprung up and hit a back stabber to win.

Albertooooo Del Riiiiiooo. A new day in TNA.

Recap: Four title changes. ROH and TNA have had a turning of the tide.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

June Week 2, Year 3

TNA and ROH have their PPV at the end of the week.

Match 1. Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks

Match 2. Cesaro vs. Neville vs. Xavier Woods

Match 3. Bad News Barrett vs. JBL

Match 4. Roman Reigns vs. Ryback
Ambrose attacked Ryback after the match.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Rusev
Champ vs. Champ. Neither man could get the upper hand. Rusev landed a flipping powerbomb. Cena hit a belly-to-belly slam and a deadlift suplex. Rusev connected with a side heel kick. Cena hit the AA, but Rusev kicked out. Wow. Rusev was a bloody mess and hit a super Samoan drop. Cena won with a second AA.

Rusev put up a great fight and almost won, but Cena is the man.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. The Vaudevillains
English and Gotch get a win over the champs.

Match 2. Natalya vs. Paige
Paige got a quick two count after a knee drop. She then hit the Paige Turner, but Nattie kicked out. Paige DDT'd Nattie on the apron. Nattie hit a spinning clothesline and went for the pin, but Paige grabbed the ropes. She then locked in the Sharpshooter. Paige hit Ram-Paige and won.

Paige is one step closer to the SmackDown Women's title.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Ziggler was confident early, but Kidd took him down and focused on the neck. Kidd landed the Falcon Arrow and an STO into the corner. Ziggler dodged a moonsault and hit a diving elbow. Kidd was in control for a while. Ziggler connected with the Zig Zag out of nowhere and won.

I could watch these to fight every week. The champ gets one over the challenger.

Main Event. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kevin Owens
Eddie and Owens brawled before the bell rang.

Match 1. AJ Styles vs. Adam Rose

Match 2. Bo Dallas vs. Elias Samson

Match 3. No Way Jose and Rich Swann vs. Authors of Pain

Match 4. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Tye Dillinger
Tye landed an STO and back suplex. It didn't last long, though. Nakamura hit a front suplex and kicks to the ribs. He then hit a Death Valley Driver. Nakamura went to the corner and connected with Kinshasa to win.

Dillinger had to get some offense in, but Nakamura wasn't going to lose this match.

Match 1. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho

Match 2. Rick Rude vs. Finlay vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 3. Vader vs. Bret Hart

Match 4. Elimination - Impact Players vs. The Outsiders

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair
This is a non-title match. Flair wrapped Rhodes' leg around the ropes. Dusty hit the Bionic Elbow, but Flair kicked out this time. Flair took apart the announce table, but it backfired. Flair locked in the Figure Four. He won with an atomic drop, but Dusty had the rope and the ref didn't see.

Wow. Payback is a bitch. Flair won the same way Dusty did at the PPV.

Match 1. Kazarian vs. Matt Morgan vs. Damien Sandow vs. Christian

Match 2. Cody Rhodes vs. Ethan Carter III
Two up-and-coming stars. EC3 hit a sit-out powerbomb. He then thumbed the eye and a low blow, in front of the ref! Cody landed the Alabama Slam for a two count. Carter planted Rhodes with a DDT and had his feet on the ropes, but Cody kicked out. He then won with a One Percenter.

Match 3. James Storm vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
Jeff didn't give Drew time to get ready. He attacked as soon as the bell rang. He then hit a dropkick in the corner and Side Effect before winning with the Swanton Bomb.

What?! The fans are cheering, but I'm not sure I can accept the way Hardy won.

Main Event. Bobby Lashley vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 1. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 2. Roderick Strong vs. Shelton Benjamin

Match 3. Son of Havoc vs. King Cuerno

Match 4. CM Punk vs. Matt Sydal vs. Aerostar
Aerostar took out both men with kicks. He hit Matt with a reverse hurricanrana. Matt came back with a German suplex. Punk landed a double underhook back breaker. Aerostar connected with a tornado DDT through the post. Punk hit Aerostar with the GTS, but got a near fall. Aerostar came out of nowhere with a 450 splash and kicks to the head to pin Sydal.

That was a fast-paced 3-way match. Aerostar picks up a huge win.

Main Event. Jay Lethal vs. Adam Cole

Recap: There were some big upsets this week, including Aerostar and The Vaudevillains. Maybe we could see some new champions.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Another stacked card.

Match 1. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho
This should get the crowd fired up. Winner will face the TV champ. Van Dam hit a flying head scissors. Jericho landed a double underhook back breaker and sit-out powerbomb. He got a near fall after a diving elbow and Lionsault. RVD hit a heel kick and 5 Star Frog Splash to win.

After the match, RVD was jawing at Jericho as he walked up the ramp.

Great opening match. Van Dam picks up a big win on his redemption trail.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch - NXT Women's Championship
This could be Asuka's toughest opponent. Asuka landed four kicks to the ribs. They each locked in a submission. Asuka landed more kicks to the chest. Becky hit the Bex-ploder suplex and the Disarmer, but Asuka escaped. She landed a missile dropkick and began her comeback. Becky hit a second-rope leg drop and got the win.

Asuka lost?! Becky did what was thought to be impossible. Will Asuka ask for a rematch?

Match 3. Extreme Rules - Impact Players vs. ?????
It's...The Dudleyz! Bubba pulled out a chair and hit Storm multiple times. Storm returned the favor. D-Von hit Justin with a sledgehammer. The Dudleyz are in their natural environment. Bubba got a near fall after the Bubba Bomb. He then won with the Bubba Cutter.

That's how you make an impact. The ECWCW roster was put on notice.

Match 4. Rey Mysterio vs. Rhyno vs. Taz - ECW Television Championship
Taz hit Rhyno with three back suplexes. Rey left the ring and pulled out a chair and hit Rhyno. He then hit a sit-out bulldog and a dropkick from the outside. Rhyno Gore'd Rey. Taz hit his three back suplexes on Rey and Tazplex on Rhyno to win.

Taz wins his first title in quick, but brutal 3-way.

Match 5. No Way Jose and Rich Swann vs. Authors of Pain
Akam hit Jose with two back suplexes. Jose hit Rezar with a leg drop, but immediately received a spine buster. Jose hit him with a wind-up uppercut. Rezar landed a sit-out powerbomb. Swann got the hot tag and took out Akam with a flipping piledriver. He then hit a springboard cutter, but got a near fall. Things broke down as fall four men were in the ring. Rezar pinned Swann after a running clothesline.

Authors of Pain dominate Swann and Jose. DIY is next.

Match 6. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes - WCW Championship
Two legends facing off for the title. They exchanged strikes early. Flair thumbed the eye and hit a low blow, right in front of the ref too. He then focused on the legs. Flair got a near fall after an atomic drop. Dusty landed his shake, rattle and roll. He then pinned Flair, Flair grabbed the rope, but the ref didn't see it!

Wow. What a controversial finish. Flair will have something to say this week.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami - NXT Championship
Itami was aggressive early. He locked in holds and landed a couple of kicks. He continued with a hurricanrana and diving elbow. Itami hit the hesitation dropkick. He went for a dive, but Joe blocked it. Itami back suplexed Joe onto the apron and kept the attack on the outside. Itami has to get Joe back in the ring to win. Joe got a near fall after two Muscle Busters. Itami connected with the GTS and won.

Joe did everything he could to win back the title, but Itami retains.

Recap: What a show. Tw big title changes. The rest of the matches held their own and told a great story. We will see these feuds continue.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

June Week 1, Year 3

Match 1. Charlotte vs. Naoami

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Wyatt Family vs. Enzo and Cass
Rowan caught Enzo for a huge press slam. Harper then hit a back suplex. Cass lifted Harper up for a delayed suplex. The Wyatts had the upper hand on Cass and won with the 3D.

A dominant win by the former NXT champs. Watch out, New Day.

Match 4. Rusev vs. Xavier Woods

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose
Former partners go one on one. Ryback attacked Dean from behind before the match started. Reigns wasn't waiting for Ambrose to get up. Reigns hit a powerslam off the ropes. He then hit the Superman punch, but Dean kicked out. Dean countered the spear into a DDT, twice. Roman won with a third Superman punch.

After the match, Ryback looked at the damage.

Dean slowly got up and smiled at Ryback. He's a lunatic.

Match 1. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Prime Time Players
PTP earned this with their win over Hype Bros two weeks ago. Titus landed a big boot and Darren hit a neck breaker on Bubba. D-Von dodged a diving elbow. Bubba shook off a double team on the outside and threw Titus into the barricade. Titus came back with back breaker/fall away slam combo and won with a pump handle slam.

After the match, The Dudleyz took off the tye dye shirts and revealed ECW shirts. What?!

What an upset! Are The Dudleyz switching brands? Good for Darren and Titus, though.

Match 3. Randy Orton vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger
Wow. What a drop off in talent.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd will get his rematch at the next PPV.

Main Event. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kevin Owens
Owens continued the attack after the match.

Match 1. Rich Swann/No Way Jose vs. Authors of Pain
Swann and Jose got their revenge, despite losing.

Match 2. Apollo Crews vs. Austin Aries

Match 3. Becky Lynch and Carmella vs. Alexa Bliss and Emma

Match 4. Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe
Itami beat down Joe in the corner as soon as the bell rang. He then hit a boot in the corner and the GTS to win.

Wow. Itami came out strong and caught Joe off guard. Joe is going to be angry all week.

Match 1. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho

Match 2. Rick Rude vs. Fit Finlay

Match 3. Vader vs. Dallas Page

Match 4. Ricky Steamboat vs. Lex Luger vs. Taz

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair vs. Harlem Heat
Let's see how this works. Dusty tagged himself in as soon as the bell rang. Booker was kicking Dusty. When he went for a tag, Flair dropped down and left the match. I knew this wouldn't last long. Dusty landed the Bionic Elbow and got a near fall. Both Booker and Stevie landed superplexes. Booker and Dusty kicked out of each other's finishers. Stevie won with a modified Pedigree.

Harlem Heat win, but it turned into a handicap match. Flair only cares about himself.

Match 1. Ken Shamrock vs. Bobby Lashley

Match 2. Christian vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Kazarian vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan vs. James Storm
Morgan went after both opponents. Angle landed an overhead suplex to Storm. Morgan pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Angle multiple times. He then manhandled both men. Storm caught Morgan with Closing Time. Angle hit him with three Germans. Morgan hit a super back suplex. He then took out Storm, but was too fatigued to capitalize and Angle got the win.

This was a great 3-way match. TNA has some elite talent.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
Hardy ran down and attacked Galloway before the bell rang. Jeff got a near fall after Whisper in the Wind. Galloway tried getting some offense, but Jeff countered it. He landed a flipping face buster and the Swanton Bomb to win.

After the match, Drew went to attack Jeff, but Hardy ducked and tossed him out.

A bit of a one-sided match. Jeff wants Lashley's title.

Match 1. CM Punk vs. Fenix vs. Pentagon Jr.

Match 2. Jay Lethal vs. Adam Cole
What more can these two do? Lethal pulled out a cutter early. Cole tossed Jay up in the air and caught him with a super kick on the way down to win.

Cole went for a handshake, the code of honor, but Lethal refused and walked away.

I'd be pissed to if I lost in two minutes. Cole will get his title shot.

Match 3. Aerostar vs. Mil Muertes

Match 4. Son of Havoc vs. Matt Sydal
Big win for the high flyer.

Main Event. Drago vs. Prince Puma

Recap: This was an exciting week. There were some short matches, but they are building to somethig bigger. 

Monday, December 12, 2016


This is a stacked show.

Match 1. Kevin Owens vs. Eddie Guerrero
A win here could catapult Owens into the title picture. Eddie had the upper hand early. Owens ducked a clothesline and sent Eddie to the outside. Owens hit a sunset powerbomb and senton splash. Eddie kicked out of the cannonball splash and hit Three Amigos. Owens won with a package piledriver.

After the match, Owens continued the attack.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Tamina - Raw Women's Championship
Sasha hit Charlotte with a release German suplex. She came back with a delayed suplex. The match spilled to the outside. Sasha hit Tamina with a back stabber. Charlotte speared Tamina. Tamina took out Charlotte with a neck breaker and left the ring, allowing Sasha to crawl over and win the title.

The Boss did it! She is the new champion.

Match 3. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback
Ambrose was countering everything. Ambrose hit a bulldog and locked in the Regal Stretch. Ryback slammed Dean down and took control. He hit a buckle bomb DDT on the apron. Dean locked in the submission again and won with the Dirty Deeds.

A big win for the lunatic. He and Owens will be watching the SD title match.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - WWE Intercontinental Championship
This is going to be a wrestling clinic. Ziggler landed a beautiful dropkick and jumping elbow. Kidd hit a flipping neck breaker. Kidd had Ziggler in the tree of woe and landed a double foot stomp. Kidd missed a moonsault, which gave Ziggler an opening to lock in a sleeper hold. Ziggler won with the Heartstopper elbows.

A great match. Kidd put up a good fight with some big wins. Ziggs is IC champ once again.

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns
These two started like two trucks driving towards each other. Brock tried for the Kimura early. After a powerbomb, Reigns hit the Superman punch. He then hit the spear, but Brock still kicked out. Brock threw Roman into the ref before hitting the F5. Lesnar won with a deadlift gut wrench slam.

That could have gone another five minutes. Lesnar is still a beast. He can take a beating, too.

Match 6. Orton vs. Rollins - WWE World Championship
Rollins took out Orton and grabbed a bat. Orton evened the odds with a chair and hit Rollins. Seth countered a superplex and hit a double knee drop from the top. He then pulled out a ladder, but it backfired again. Orton shook off a flurry offense on the outside to hit the RKO and win.

Main Event. John Cena vs. JBL - WWE Universal Championship
Cena was aggressive early, landing suplexes and powerbombs. JBL hit a neck breaker. Cena countered a slam and hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA, but Bradshaw kicked out. JBL slowed things down a bit. Cena reversed a suplex and lifted JBL up for a second AA to retain the title.

Not the best main event. The rest of the show carried the card. Cena is the man.

Recap: Only two title changes, but it was a great show. Two months down, 10 more to go. Things are about to change.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

May Week 4, Year 3

This is the go-home week for Raw and SmackDown.

Match 1. Rusev vs. Batista

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Tamina

Match 3. Ryback vs. Dean Ambrose
Ambrose went right after The Big Guy when the bell rang. He then hit a front headlock driver. Ryback clotheslined him and took control. Ryback DDT'd Ambrose on the apron. Maybe Ambrose could use Reigns' help. Afte a Regal Stretch attempt, Ambrose won with Dirty Deeds.

Maybe he doesn't need Roman after all. Ambrose is searching for any gold he can get.

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman
Strowman defeated to vets. Big win.

Main Event. John Cena vs. JBL
JBL attacked Cena from behind on the ramp. He got a near fall after a neck breaker. Cena landed a side slam on the outside. They went back and forth for a bit before JBL won with another neck breaker and powerbomb.

Can JBL defeat the champ? He did it once.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd gave Ziggler a cheap shot after losing.

Match 2. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Natalya vs. Paige

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Eddie Guerrero
Eddie left and met Owens on the ramp. Owens threw him into the steps and post. In the ring, Eddie hit the Three Amigos. After a package side slam, Owens landed the pop-up powerbomb, but Eddie kicked out. He then hit a back suplex on the apron. Eddie got a near fall after a superplex. Owens won with a second powerbomb.

This was a great match. Owens/Orton on Sunday?

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane

Match 1. Apollo Crews vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. Adam Rose vs. Elias Samson

Match 3. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami
Despite the pre-match attack, Hideo was able to pull out the win.

Match 4. Tye Dillinger vs. Austin Aries
The Perfect 10 vs. The Greates Man That Ever Lived. Aries DDT'd Tye on the apron. Tye shook it off and locked int he Sharpshooter. Aries came back with a swinging STO and won.

I was expecting a longer match, but with Aries in there, it's not a guarantee.

Main Event. Swann/Jose vs. Authors of Pain
After the match, AoP made sure Swann and Jose would not get up.

Match 1. Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam
Jericho accidentally knocked out the ref at the opening bell. RVD hit a head scissors. Jericho came back with three powerbombs. Van Dam got a near fall after a supercanrana and Rolling Thunder. After a fisherman powerbomb, he won with the 5 Star Frog Splash.

Jericho was aggressive early, but RVD kept the pressure and landed some big moves.

Match 2. Vader vs. The Giant

Match 3. Cactus Jack vs. Dallas Page

Match 4. Rey Mysterio vs. Rhyno

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes
Rhodes loses again...

Match 1. Cody Rhodes vs. Raven

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Kazarian

Match 3. Del Rio vs. Shamrock vs. Christian vs. Storm

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Damien Sandow
Big mantch for the champ. Lashley pulled out a sledgehammer. Sandow hit Angle in the ribs with it. Angle hit Lashley with three German suplexes. Angle took Sandow out. Lashley then hit Angle with the Dominator and won.

It's going to be tough to take out Lashley after this.

Main Event. Drew Galloway vs. Ethan Carter III
Jeff walked out after the match and stared Galloway down.

Match 1. ReDragon vs. War Machine
After the match, The Briscoes showed up! The tag division just got stronger.

Match 2. Jay Lethal vs. Tyler Reks
Adam Cole had a seat at ringside. Lethal seems to be distracted by Cole's presence. Reks hit a back breaker and corner clothesline. Lethal hit a Complete Shot. He hit a neck breaker and a superkick, but Reks kicked out. Lethal then went after Cole. Reks had the pin, but Lethal reached the ropes. He then hit a Samoan Driver to win.

Wow. Big win for Reks, defeating the champ. Lethal was definitely distracted.

Match 3. Roderick Strong vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Zack Sabre Jr

Match 4. Prince Puma vs. John Morrison

Main Event. Matt Sydal vs. CM Punk
Punk landed a knee strike to the jaw. Sydal planted him with a Death Valley driver. He continued with a reverse DDT and Dudebuster, but got a near fall. Sydal landed an elbow drop to the back. Punk could not get any offense going. Sydal won with a reverse Tombstone.

Recap: Big weak for the underdogs, especially on ROH. Onto Over the Edge.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

May Week 3, Year 3

Two weeks until Raw/SD Over the Edge event.

Match 1. Cesaro vs. Rusev
This is a non-title match. Rusev threw Cesaro into the ref. Maybe an accident. Rusev hit a side slam and a falling headbutt. He later hit a fall away slam and locked in the Accolade. Cesaro made a comeback with a huge uppercut for a near fall. After a straightjacket powerbomb, he won with the Neutralizer.

Cesaro gets a big win over the champ. He will get a title match at the PPV.

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Xavier Woods

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback
They brawled before the match even began.

Main Event. John Cena vs. JBL
Cena patted JBL on the back after the win. That's some weird mind games.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Despite losing, Dolph is the No. 1 contender for Kidd's title.

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Nikki Bella

Match 3. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kevin Owens
Eddie gets a big win over the former champ.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. ???
It's... The Undertaker! Taker worked over Orton. Taker shook off a suplex and landed a neck breaker and chokeslam. Orton kicked out at two and went for another suplex, but Taker countered it into a fall away slam. Orton hit a back breaker from the top rope. He hit the second-rope DDT and won.

Big win for Orton. He took out the legend of the Undertaker.

Match 1. Hideo Itami vs. Apollo Crews
Joe walked down and sat at ringside. As they went back and forth, Joe got up from his chair and distracted Itami. Crews then clotheslined him from behind. Crews landed three consecutive powerbombs before getting the win.

I don't blame Crews for taking advantage. He needed this win.

Match 2. Rich Swann and No Way Jose vs. Authors of Pain
Swann and Jose get a big win.

Match 3. Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries
Maybe Joe should have prepared a little more.

Match 4. American Alpha vs. The Revival
Dawson took a page out of their playbook with three German suplexes on Jordan. He then locked in an Indian Death Lock. The Revival then hit the Shatter Machine, but Gable broke it up. Dawson distracted the ref as Dash hit a full nelson suplex and then got the three count.

The Revival getting a title shot soon?

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bo Dallas

Match 1. Vader vs. Sting
Vader press slammed Sting at the opening bell. Sting recovered and hit a tombstone. Vader got up and git a Vader Bomb. Sting landed a guillotine and another tombstone, but Vader kicked out again. After a diving elbow, Sting won with a Scorpion Death Drop.

Good match for both men. Vader was vicious early.

Match 2. Cactus Jack vs. Fit Finlay

Match 3. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho continued the attack after the match.

Match 4. Impact Players vs. The Outsiders
Big win for Storm and Credible.

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Bret Hart
Two of the best face off. Dusty Rhodes decided to make an appearance. Flair took a cheap shot. Bret landed a second-rope bulldog. He then locked in the Sharpshooter. Flair left the ring and went after Dusty. He later locked in the Figure Four and hit a back suplex. Flair won with a piledriver.

Flair had his eye on the prize and Dusty was not getting in the way.

Match 1. Kazarian vs. Cody Rhodes

Match 2. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
Drew suplexed Jeff  on the outside. Jeff came back with a standing moonsault. He later hit a flipping sunset bomb and a Side Effect. Drew hit his Irish Curse and got a two count. After kicking out of a second Side Effect, Galloway won with the Future Shock.

After the match, Galloway stomped on Jeff and talked some trash.

This is getting personal.

Match 3. Ken Shamrock vs. Kurt Angle vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Christian vs. James Storm

Main Event. Bobby Lashley vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal
Their title match is going to be amazing.

Match 2. John Morrison vs. Chris Hero

Match 3. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 4. Matt Sydal vs. King Cuerno

Main Event. Prince Puma vs. Mil Muertes
Two premiere athletes go one-on-one. Puma countered a powerbomb and landed a hurricanrana. Mil caught him and planted Puma with a DDT and pump handle suplex. Puma had him in the air and connected with a boot on the way down. He hit a second one moments later and won.

Puma was able to use his quickness to take out the big man.

Recap: Is Taker back for good? NXT is featuring some young talent, and it's exciting.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


The arena is covered in ROH stuff. Next month, it will be TNA.

Match 1. Last Man Standing - Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH World Championship
Whoa! What a way to kick off the show. Lethal came out with a bicycle kick and full nelson suplex. Cole tried fighting back, but Lethal was ready. He landed a super kick and dive to the outside. Cole could not make it back to his feet in time.

Oh my God! Lethal destroyed the (former) champ. That's how you make an impact.

Match 2. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
This has actually been a good feud. Drew hit a piledriver and Death Valley driver for a good near fall. Jeff fought back with heel kicks and leg drops. Galloway DDT'd Jeff on the apron and a diving elbow drop to the outside. Jeff made it in the ring just in time. Drew landed Future Shock and won.

After the match, Galloway continued to stomp on Hardy.

Wow. Galloway was aggressive throughout the match, and even after. He's made a case to challenge for the TNA title.

Match 3. ReDragon vs. War Machine
 Hanson landed rights and lefts on Fish. Rowe and O'Reilly traded moves. Hanson later hit Fish with a super fall away slam. ReDragon landed a snap neck breaker/suplex combo. Fish then hit a double foot stomp. Rowe hit a Samoan driver and superplex on O'Reilly, but got a near fall. O'Reilly lifted Hanson up for a brain buster and won.

Good tag match with two different teams. ReDragon worked well together.

Match 4. Christopher Daniels vs. Eric Young vs. Kaz - TNA X-Division Championship
Hmm. Two teammates in this match. Young hit Kaz with a flipping neck breaker. Daniels made the first move and hit Kaz with a spinning powerbomb. Kaz returned the favor with an Alabama Slam. Daniels hit Young with Angel's Wings. He then pulled out a chair and busted Kaz open. The ref accidentally took a dropkick. Kaz pinned Daniels after a Fade to Black and won.

That was an amazing triple threat match. The X-Division has some great talent.

Match 5. Table - Matt Sydal vs. CM Punk - ROH TV Championship
This should be good. Punk hit the running knee/bulldog combo and the GTS. Sydal hit a sunset split leg drop and high-angle reverse DDT, but missed a moonsault, After back-and-forth, Sydal hit a huge Shooting Star Press. Punk ended up bleeding somehow. He hit two GTS's in a row. Punk set up a table in the corner. Sydal sent him into it and dropkicked him through it to win.

What a table match. They put their bodies on the line. That's how you worship a title.

Match 6. Last Man Standing - Kurt Angle vs. James Storm
Storm threw Angle into the steps. After a belly-to-back, Angle hit three German suplexes. Storm got up at the count of seven and hit the Codebreaker. Angle pulled out a kendo stick and hit Storm in the ribs. He later stalked Storm and hit the Olympic Slam. Storm could not recover.

Angle proves why he can still go after his long career. Angle/Lashley?

Main Event. Bobby Lashley vs. Alberto Del Rio - TNA Championship
Interesting title match. Lashley overpowered ADR. Del Rio countered the spear with a spine buster. Lashley landed an overhead belly-to-belly from the apron. He then hit the Dominator, but got a near fall. Del Rio tried to get away, but Lashley locked in a dragon sleeper and made him tap.

I was not expecting Lashley to win via submission, but he did.

Recap: The show opened strong and finished just as good. Cole will get his rematch at the next PPV. This was a great show with a lot of great wrestling.

May Week 2, Year 3

TNA and ROH have their first big show at the end of this week.

Match 1. Sheamus vs. Rusev

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte
Charlotte locked in a camel clutch and hit a powerbomb. She later hit a torture rack. Sasha came back with a back stabber and a near fall. She then hit a dive to the outside. Charlotte hit another powerbomb and gutwrench to win.

After the match, Charlotte continued the attack until Bayley made her debut! She chased off Charlotte and checked on Sasha.

Whoa! What a debut. Charlotte needed to be stopped.

Match 3. Neville vs. Braun Strowman

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. JBL
John Cena walked down and sat at ringside. Balor landed some kicks and an STO. JBL took down Balor and then went after Cena. Balor attacked JBL from behind. Balor connected with the shotgun dropkick. He then hit the Coup de Grace and won. 

Balor defeated a legend, with some help from Cena.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. Hype Bros

Match 2. Kane vs. Eddie Guerrero
Kevin Owens attacked Edde from behind. Kane landed a chokeslam, but Eddie kicked out. Eddie hit a sit-out powerbomb, but Kane quickly went back on offense. Kane grabbed Eddie by the head and squeezed the temple to make him tap.

Kane gets the cheap win after the Owens pre-match attack.

Match 3. Natalya vs. Paige

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry

Main Event. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sami Zayn
Tyson Kidd made his way to the ring before the match started. Zayn hit a huge back breaker and a sit-out from slam. He pulled out the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Ziggler kicked out. Dolph connected with a super kick. Ziggler left the ring and went after Kidd, but Zayn attacked him. After some back and forth, Zayn won with a northern lights suplex.

This could have been a better match without Kidd at ringside. The mid-card is developing nicely.

Match 1. Adam Rose vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. Tye Dillinger vs. Elias Samson vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas

Match 3. Apollo Crews vs. Austin Aries

Match 4. No Way Jose and Rich Swann vs. Authors of Pain
A fun-loving team against a no-nonsene team. The winners could be DIY's next opponents. Swann landed a rolling senton on Rezar. The AoP worked over Jose. Swann and Jose attacked Akam on the outside. Jose hit a super German suplex. He went for another attack, but Akam caught him and slammed him down with one arm. Swann landed a package side slam and won.

Whoa! Big win for Jose and Swann. I can't see AoP letting them get away with that.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe
This looks to be the title match for the next PPV.

Match 1. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho
RVD hit a back suplex and countered a double underhook suplex into a back body drop. Jericho hit a sit-out powerbomb. He later locked in the Walls of Jericho and a double back stabber from the corner. Van Dam hit a package piledriver and tornado DDT. He then hit a split-legged moonsault to win.

Great, fast-paced match. Van Dam wants his TV Title back.

Match 2. Cactus Jack vs. Fit Finlay

Match 3. Vader vs. Roddy Piper

Match 4. The Outsiders vs. Harlem Heat

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes

Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. Christopher Daniels w/ Kaz

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Eric Young

Match 3. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
The two brawled on the ramp before the match officially began.

Match 4. Alberto Del Rio vs. Bobby Lashley

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. James Storm
After blocking a suplex, Storm connected with a Codebreaker. Angle landed a huge belly-to-back suplex and three German suplexes. There was a lot of action in a short amount of time. He then kept Storm grounded with more suplexes and submissions. Angle won with the Olympic Slam.

It was a good opening, but Angle took control and never let up.

Match 1. Zack Sabre Jr vs. Shelton Benjamin

Match 2. R. Strong vs. TJ Perkins vs. C. Alexander vs. J. Morrison
Cedric hit Strong with a neck breaker over the top rope. Perkins hit a sit-out powerbomb on Morrison. He hit a slingshot suplex and locked in a modified Sharpshooter. Cedric hit Perkins with a brain buster and hit Morrison with the Kick to Kill and won.

That was a quick, but great 4-way match. All men looked good.

Match 3. Aerostar vs. Mil Muertes vs. Tyler Reks

Match 4. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal

Main Event. Matt Sydal vs. Drago

Recap: There were some quick matches, but still told a good story. Now, time for TNA/ROH's exclusive show.