Wednesday, January 27, 2016

November, Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens
Owens landed two German suplexes, a half-and-half suplex and a senton splash. Cesaor hit a deadlift suplex, but Owens cut him off. Cesaro threw him to the outside and into the steel steps. Owens came back with a package side slam and got a near fall. Cesaro kicked out of the pop-up powerbomb. Owens then kicked out of the Very European uppercut and the Neutralizer. Cesaro hit a super butterfly suplex and got a near fall. Owens hit a second pop-up powerbomb and won.

Owens came back strong after the loss to Edge in the tournament.

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Brie landed a snapmare and suplex. Asuka locked in a dragon sleeper and hit a reverse DDT. She later hit about 10 different kicks to the chest and head of Brie. Brie landed a dropkick and superplex. She finished Asuka off with a Bella Buster to win.

Brie got her win back to tie it at one apiece.

Match 3. Paige vs. Emma vs. Summer Rae

Match 4. Round 2 - Edge vs. Baron Corbin
Kevin Owens attacked Edge from behind. He threw him into the steps and hit the apron powerbomb. Edge could not make it into the ring. Corbin moves on to the finals.

Match 5. Round 2 - Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton
He then sent Lesnar to the outside and threw him into the steel post. Lesnar came back with a release German suplex and locked in a camel clutch. He then hit a deadlift powerbomb, but got a two count. Lesnar busted Orton open with an elbow to the forehead. He then hit 3 German suplexes. Orton hit two clotheslines and a snap slam. He then hit the second-rope DDT. After a back breaker, Orton connected with the punt kick. Lesnar hit a back suplex and F5 to win.

Orton tried, but The Beast was too strong. Lesnar/Corbin in the finals.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

Match 1. Ryback vs. Ric Flair
Flair defeated the IC champ.

Match 2. The United Kingdom vs. The Nation

Match 3. Kane vs. Shane McMahon
Why not? Kane sent Shane to the outside. He landed a snapmare and a standing dropkick. A little later, he his a press slam, big boot and sidewalk slam. Shane kicked out of a chokeslam and connected with a flurry of punches. Kane landed a superplex and a power slam. Shane hit his punches again and got the win.

Wow. I thought Kane would have won. The Wonder Kid pulls out a win.

Match 4. Prime Time Players vs. Rikishi and Haku

Match 5. Booker T vs. Triple H w/ Mark Henry
Before the match, Tyler Breeze walked down and sat with the announcers. Interesting. I wonder if Austin will make an appearance. H landed his high knee. He hit a gut buster and mounted punches. Booker came back with a belly-to-belly and neck breaker. Booker threw H into the corner. Breeze stood up and Booker went after him. H attacked him from behind. Henry then jumped up on the apron and distracted Booker. Trips hit the Pedigree, busted Booker open and won.

After the match, H, Henry and Breeze attacked Booker. Austin and Undertaker ran down and made the save.

This was a huge turn in the feud. Triple H added members to the Industry. Austin recruited Taker.

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Michaels ran down and speared Angle before the bell rang. He then hit a DDT and diving elbow. Angle came back with an overhead belly-to-back suplex. He then hit 3 German suplexes and got a near fall. Michaels caught Angle with a northern lights suplex and won.

After the match, Angle went after Michaels, but HBK tossed him out.

Wow. That was a quick match.

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. The Usos

Recap: Corbin is in the finals by default. Lucky him. But he gets to face Lesnar. Did we see a Survivor Series preview on SmackDown?

Monday, January 25, 2016

November Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascensions

Match 2. Zack Ryder vs. Fandango

Match 3. Paige vs. Asuka vs. Emma
Asuka caught Paige with a bicycle kick. She then landed a suplex and Emma caught Asuka with a back stabber. Paige then hit Emma with a German suplex. Emma and Asuka wore down Paige in the corner. Emma then pulled out a chair and hit Asuka. Asuka hit Paige with strikes and kicks. Paige hit Emma with a German suplex onto the chair. The three women traded signature moves. Emma took out Asuka and Paige hit Emma with a northern lights suplex to win.

An amazing triple threat match. Paige is looking to get her title back.

Match 4. Bret Hart vs. Wade Barrett

Match 5. Round 1 - Baron Corbin vs. Bray Wyatt
Corbin caught Bray with a big boot off the ropes. Corbin countered a belly-to-belly into one of his own. Bray came back with a senton splash and back suplex. Corbin hit two suplexes. Bray landed a t-bone suplex and Sister Abigail, but got a two count. He hit a one-arm slam and a second finisher, but got another near fall. A bloody Corbin landed a sidewalk slam and End of Days to win.

Great match. Corbin moves on to the second round.

Match 6. Round 1 - Edge vs. Kevin Owens
The match spilled to the outside. Owens grabbed the steps, but Edge cut him off. Edge continued with a German suplex and standing leg drop. Owens hit the cannonball splash and got a near fall. Edge hit the Edge-O-Matic and went for the pin. Owens grabbed the bottom rope, but the ref didin't see it and counted the three.

This ended in controversy. Owens has a right to move on in the tournament.

Match 1. Ryback vs. Booker T

Match 2. Neville and Bulldog vs. The Nation
Can Neville and Bulldog make it two in a row? Neville hit D'Lo with a sit-out powerbomb. Neville hit Kama with a suplex and tagged in Bulldog. Kama made the hot tag to D'Lo. Kama hit Neville with a huge diving elbow. Bulldog hit D'Lo with a superplex, delayed suplex and a running powerslam. Bulldog hit a press slam and got the win.

After the match, Bulldog made it official and called the team the United Kingdom.

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Cameron vs. Alicia Fox

Match 4. Kane vs. Mark Henry

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Triple H
Mark Henry walked down and stood in Trip's corner. Triple H landed a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and threw Austin into the steel post. Henry distracted Austin and H attacked him from behind. Austin came back with a Lou Thesz Press. H landed the spine buster and Pedigree, but Austin kicked out. Triple H kicked out of the Stunner and went back on offense. H hit another spine buster. Austin landed a super stunner. Trips hit the Pedigree and won.

After the match, H directed Henry to grab a chair and hit Austin. H landed a couple of shots, too.

Great match between two legends. What is Henry's alliance wit Triple H?

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels
Angle left the ring as HBK was entering and attacked him. Back in the ring, Angle hit 3 German suplexes. Michaels hit a diving elbow drop and a Sweet Chin Music. He then landed a moonsault, but Angle popped up and locked in the Angle Lock. Michaels came back and locked in the Sharpshooter. Angle landed 3 more German suplexes and got a near fall. Michaels connected with another super kick, but got a 2 count. Angle landed his own moonsault and got the win.

The match was top notch from the opening bell. They pulled no punches in this one.

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 3. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger vs. Braun Strowman

Recap: SmackDown has been stepping it up recently. The Austin/HHH and Angle/Michaels feuds are going to be good. The second round of the NXT tournament are Lesnar/Orton and Edge/Corbin.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

November Week 1, Year 1

This week kicks off the 8-man tournament.

Match 1. Elimination - The Lucha Dragons vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Round 1 - Randy Orton vs. Sami Zayn
The winner will face either Lesnar or Bryan. Orton focused on the back of Zayn with a back breaker from the corner. Zayn knocked Orton down and landed a senton splash. Orton stomped on Zayn and hit the RKO, but got a 2 count. Zayn landed a hurricanrana, but Orton took control right back. Zayn hit an STO and moved into the Koji Clutch, but Orton escaped. Zayn hit the Blue Thunder Bomb and got a near fall. Zayn went for another senton splash, but Orton popped up and caught him with an RKO to win.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella
Asuka landed a hip attack at the opening bell. She continued with running knees and a suplex. Brie came back with a northern lights suplex and German suplex. Asuka dodged a missile dropkick and hit a back suplex. A little while later, she landed a kick to the head and missile dropkick. Brie hit a second-rope bulldog. Asuka connected with another spin kick and won.

Good match. Asuka is building momentum as she pinned the champ.

Match 4. Baron Corbin vs. Cactus Jack

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro
Cesaro had the upperhand early, landing a German suplex. Owens sent him to the outside and threw him into the steps. Back in the ring, Cesaro hit the Very European Uppercut, but got a two count. They went back and forth with roll ups before Cesaro hit the Neutralizer. Owens got a near fall after a package side slam. He then hit the pop-up powerbomb, but Cesaro kicked out. Cesaro hit three consecutive gutwrench slams and won.

Great match. Does Cesaro take this win and pursue a singles career?

Match 6. Round 1 - Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan

Match 1. John Cena vs. Batista

Match 2. Neville and British Bulldog vs. The Nation
Bulldog and Kama started the match. Neville landed a springboard corkscrew onto D'Lo on the outside. He later hit a sunset flip from the apron to the outside. Bulldog hit Kama with a back suplex and Neville followed it up with a perfect moonsault, but got a two count. Bulldog landed his running power slam, but D'Lo broke up the pin. Kama took Bulldog out with a heel kick and almost won. After a double hip toss, Neville won with the Red Arrow.

Bulldog and Neville worked well together. It may be in their blood.

Match 3. Mark Henry vs. The Miz
Henry wants revenge for Miz eliminating him in the battle royal.

Match 4. Nikki Bella vs. Alicia Fox vs. Cameron vs. Layla
This could be fun. Layla and Alicia went to the outside. Alicia pulled out a chair, but Layla took it away and landed a suplex. Nikki landed a full nelson face buster on Cameron. Cameron took her down with a leg scissors. Layla caught Nikki with a kick to the head and a neck breaker. Cameron caught Alicia with a delayed jumping DDT to win.

Fast-paced 4-way match. Surprising win for Cameron.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Angle attacked Michaels after the match was over.

Match 6. Stone Cold vs. Triple H
The champ's first challenge is the Texas Rattlesnake. H caught Austin off the ropes with the high knee. Austin took him down with a Lou Thesz Press and got a near fall. H threw him into the ropes and hit face smash. He then tossed him up and hit him with the Pedigree on the way down, but Austin kicked out. Austin hit the Stunner, but H kicked out. Austin stomped a mudhole in H and hit a piledriver. H busted Austin open with punches. Austin busted H open with a Lou Thesz Press and won.

After the match, H went to attack Austin from behind, but Austin tossed him out and celebrated.

What a bloody non-title match. This is only the beginning of this feud.

Match 1. Fandango vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Bo Dallas

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. The Wyatt Family

Recap: Lesnar vs. Orton in round 2. SmackDown is picking up steam. They have some good rivalries going and some emerging talent.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


This is a really good card. It will give TakeOver a run for its money.

Match 1. Hell in a Cell - Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon - WWF Divas Championship
Here we go! Steph sent Nikki to the outside and threw her into the cell. She then pulled out a sledgehammer, but Nikki knocked it out her hands and then targeted Steph's head. She continued with a super arm drag. She got a near fall with the Bella Buster and the Rack Attack. Steph finally had some offense and hit her spine buster. Nikki came back with one of her own. Nikki brought in a bat and hit a second Bella Buster, but got another near fall. Nikki won after a second Rack Attack.

Nikki was determined to win from the opening bell. Will Steph call it quits now?

Match 2. Battle Royal - Jericho vs. Booker T vs. Neville vs. The Miz vs. Breeze vs. Mark Henry
The winner will face the IC champ next month. Booker hit Jericho with two heel kicks and almost eliminated Jericho. Miz somehow lifted Henry over his head and dumped him out of the ring. He then went after Breeze. Booker hit Breeze with the Houston Hangover! He then tossed him out. Neville dropkicked Miz off the apron. Jericho eliminated Neville. Booker landed a heel kick and eliminated Jericho to win.

So, it will be Booker vs. Sheamus/Ryback at Survivor Series.

Match 3. Hell in a Cell - Prime Time Players vs. The Usos - WWF Tag Team Championship
Each team got some offense in early. Jimmy caught Darren with a Samoan drop. He then landed a second-rope senton splash. Jey missing a diving splash onto Titus. Jey came back with a super kick. Darren got a near fall after a double knee gut buster. Jimmy hit Darren with a sit-out driver, similar to his father's. Jey did the same to Titus. Titus came back with a sit-out chokeslam and won.

Good match. Not sure why it needed to be in a Cell though.

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Ryback - WWF Intercontinental Championship
Can Ryback bring back gold to The Industry? Sheamus tried getting some offense, but Ryback kept countering everything. Sheamus blocked a punch and slapped Ryback across the face. Ryback hit the Meat Hook clothesline and Shell Shock, but Sheamus kicked out. He made 2 more pin attempts, but no avail. Sheamus came back with the Irish Curse, but got a one count. Ryback countered Sheamus into a back breaker before hitting a second clothesline and Shell Shock to win.

This was all Ryback. He was motivated to win some gold for The Industry.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
The crowd was favoring Angle early. Angle later hit 3 German suplexes. Michaels landed a piledriver and a diving moonsault. He then tossed Angle up in the air and hit the Sweet Chin Music on the way down, but Angle was near the ropes. Angle popped up and hit an Angle Slam, but didn't go for a pin. Michaels kicked out of a second Angle Slam. Michaels locked in the Sharpshooter, but Angle reached the ropes. HBK kicked out of 3 more German suplexes and a third Angle Slam. Three more German suplexes and HBK would not stay down. A fourth Angle Slam and Kurt won.

Oh my God. Michaels put up a fight, but Angle was the suplex machine here. He won a lot of fans over.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Triple H - WWF Championship
Will Triple H add some gold? Trips locked in a reverse sleeper and a running high knee. Cena hit a suplex, but H locked in another sleeper and high knee. After a spine buster and Pedigree, he got a long two count. Cena made a comeback with a clothesline and huge shoulder tackle. Triple H almost made Cena tap from a dragon sleeper. Cena hit a hip toss and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Trips blocked an AA and busted Cena open with another Pedigree, but got a 2 count. Cena hit another 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but H kicked out. Triple H landed the spine buster and Cena stayed down.

The Industry now has the IC and World titles. They are getting dangerous.

Main Event. Hell in a Cell - Undertaker vs. Batista
Where did this match come from? I wish it was built up some more. Batista was on Taker early with a back breaker and stomps. Batista threw Taker into the Cell. Taker came back with a shot to the head with the steps. After a big boot, Batista pulled out a sledgehammer. Taker got a near fall after a chokeslam. Batista hit a spear and got his own near fall. A little later, he hit the Batista Bomb, but Taker kicked out. Taker put together a string of moves and hit another chokeslam to win.

Taker was impressive here. I wish Batists was able to use the sledgehammer.

Recap: This was a really good show. Not sure if it beats TakeOver. Where does The Industry go from here?

Friday, January 15, 2016

October Week 4, Year 1

Next week will begin a 8-man tournament to crown a new No. 1 contender for Finn Balor's NXT title.

Match 1. Billy Gunn vs. Curtis Axel vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Enzo and Cass vs. The Dudley Boyz
This is a non-title match.

Match 3. Paige vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin
Zayn hit a fisherman brain buster and a t-bone suplex. Zayn pulled out a senton bomb and Blue Thunder Bomb and got another near fall. Corbin dodged a top-rope dive and threw Zayn into the barricade. Zayn hit the Exploder Suplex into the corner. Corbin blocked the Helluva kick. He hit a half-and-half suplex and a second Exploder suplex, but Corbin wouldn't stay down. Zayn kicked out of the End of Days. Corbin hit a knee smash and front suplex to win.

Damn. Baron Corbin would not stay down. Is this a glimpse into the tournament?

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Bo Dallas
Bo has a couple of wins over the former champ. Bo was in control for a moment before Brock woke up and destroyed Bo. Brock landed a clothesline and power slam. He then took Bo to Suplex City with 3 German suplexes. Brock then connected with the F5 and won.

Bo was buried in Suplex City. What a beating.

Match 6. The Rock vs. Edge
It was even for the early going. Edge ducked a clothesline and landed a back suplex. He then hit a sit-out powerbomb and got a near fall. Edge hit a face buster and Edge-Cution, but Rock kicked out. After a back breaker, Edge hit the spear and got another near fall. Rock hit a back breaker and the People's Elbow, but Edge kicked out. Rock countered the spear into a DDT and hit the Rock Bottom, but Edge kicked out again. Edge hit two running clotheslines and the Edge-cution to win.

Great main event. Two legends that can still go. Will they be in the tournament?

Match 1. The Usos vs. The New Day

Match 2. Sheamus vs. Kane
When's the last time Kane appeared?

Match 3. Neville vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Match 4. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
Steph returned the favor and attacked Nikki from behind. She then hit a spine buster and got a near fall. She continued with a delayed suplex. Nikki came back with a face buster and hip toss. She then connected with a running forearm smash to win.

Whoa! I thought Steph was going to dominate her, but Nikki pulled out the win.

Match 5. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins w/ Ryback
The two went back and forth for a little. Cena hit a sit-out powerbomb. Rollins hit two running clotheslines and a knee smash. He then hit a super back suplex. Cena connected with a DDT and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena hit the AA, but Ryback pulled the ref out of the ring. The ref ejected Ryback. Cena got a near fall after a flipping sunset bomb. Rollins hit a double foot stomp from the top. He then hit a Buckle Bomb, but Cena kicked out. Cena hit a second AA an won.

Good match. Ryback tried, but cost Rollins the match, I think. The champ is here.

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Angle entered the ring and Michaels ambushed him in the corner. Angle couldn't get to his feet, but HBK didn't care. Angle sprung back and hit a diving cross body. Michaels slammed him down and hit a diving elbow. He then tossed Angle up and hit the Sweet Chin Music on the way down. He got another near fall after a moonsault. After a piledriver and Sharpshooter attempt, he hit a second super kick and won.

I'm not sure who the face and heel is in the feud. Are we supposed to cheer Michaels? This is interesting.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Emma

Match 2. Santino Marella vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango vs. Heath Slater

Recap: Great final week of October, especially as SmackDown prepares for Hell in a Cell.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

October Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. Curtis Axel vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Zack Ryder

Match 2. X-Pac vs. Fandango

Match 3. Asuka vs. Emma
The match quickly spilled to the outside. Asuka blocked a kick and kicked Emma in the back of the head. She later got a two count after a German suplex. Emma had Asuka in the Emma-lution. Asuka locked in the Asuka lock, but Emma escaped. Emma kicked out twice after about 10 kicks to the chest and head. Asuka landed a string of moves. Emma locked in the Emma lock, but Asuka escaped. She later hit the spin kick to the head and won.

Match 4. Lucha Dragons vs. The Dudley Boyz
The Dudleyz look to get back on track after losing the tag titles.

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Rusev
Zayn ducked a clothesline and landed a half-and-half suplex. After back-and-forth action, Zayn landed the Blue Thunder Bomb and got a near fall. Rusev landed a suplex and bicycle kick. He hit a back breaker and locked in The Accolade. Rusev continued with a huge spine buster. Zayn popped up with the exploder suplex, but couldn't capitalize. Rusev locked in another Accolade and got the win.

Good match. This could be a title match down the line. Rusev is a strong contender.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt
Bryan landed a double underhook suplex into an arm bar. He later hit a German suplex. Bray landed his own suplex and back suplex. Bray tossed Bryan around a bit. D-Bry came back with his signature kicks. A little later, he landed a diving elbow drop. Bray hit Sister Abigail, but Bryan kicked out. Bryan hit the diving headbut, but got a two count. Bray landed a super back suplex and senton splash. Bryan kicked out of a second Sister Abigail. Bryan got up and won with a northern lights suplex.

These two have a contrast in styles and it made a great match. I think Bryan needed this one more.

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Adam Rose vs. Savio Vega
Wow. Surprising win.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The Nation

Match 3. Stephanie McMahon vs. Nikki Bella
Nikki attacked Steph before the match.

Match 4. Roman Reigns and John Cena vs. Seth Rollins and Triple H
Reigns and Rollins traded slams in the early going. Reigns hit H with a back breaker and neck breaker before tagging in Cena. Cena caught Rollins with an AA, but Trips broke up the pin. Reigns slammed H down twice before connecting with the Superman punch, but H kicked out. Cena took Rollins to the outside. Reigns hit the spear and got the win.

Exciting tag match. Reigns pinned the former champ. Is he the next contender?

Match 5. Sheamus vs. Ryback vs. Christian
Ryback hit Sheamus with a big boot at the opening bell. Ryback powerbombed Christian and then hit Sheamus with a German suplex. Sheamus hit Christian with White Noise. Ryback hit Christian with the backpack stunner. Ryback kicked out of the Celtic Cross. Sheamus grabbed a sledgehammer and hit Ryback in the ribs. Sheamus hit Ryback with the Irish Curse. Christian snuck up and hit the Killswitch, but Sheamus kicked out. Ryback took out Christian and Sheamus landed White Noise on Ryback to win.

Excellent triple threat match. Sheamus took a big step up the ladder.

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Michaels took down Angle before the bell rang. Michaels hit a DDT and locked in the Sharpshooter. After escaping a leg lock, Michaels left the ring and took apart the announce table. Back in the ring, Angle landed a back suplex and wore down HBK's left leg. He then hit three German suplexes. Michaels threw Angle up in the air and hit the Sweet Chin Music on the way down. He busted Angle open with a piledriver. He hit a second super kick, but Angle kicked out again. Angle popped up and locked in the Angle Lock. He then hit the Angle Slam and won.

Wow! I thought Michales had this won with his two super kicks.

Match 1. Neville vs. Adam Rose

Match 2. Jimmy Uso vs. Darren Young

Match 3. R-Truth vs. Stardust vs. Titus O'Neil

Recap: SmackDown was a better show this week. There are a lot of Superstars gunning for Cena's title.

NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn, Year 1

There are some really good matches on this card.

Match 1. Bret Hart vs. Cesaro
God damn! This match will be a clinic. Cesaro landed a reverse DVD and a headlock suplex. He later hit a straight jacket powerbomb. Bret landed a suplex and arm drag. Cesaro tossed Hart up and hit the uppercut, but got a near fall. Bret then kicked out of the Neutralizer. Bret came back with a piledriver and Sharpshooter. The two went back and forth for a bit before Cesaro hit a second uppercut to win.

Bret had some hope spots, but this was a great showing for Cesaro. Singles run soon?

Match 2. Last Woman Standing - Paige vs. Brie Bella - NXT Women's Championship
Brie dropkicked Paige's right knee and then hit a knee smash. Paige came back with a back breaker and then grabbed a chair. Brie blocked the chair and slammed Paige face-first onto it. Brie had Paige down for a while multiple times. Paige landed a back suplex and then hit Brie with the chair. Brie hit the Bella Buster, but Paige was up at eight. Brie kept on the attack. Brie connected with a missile dropkick from the second rope and won. Paige could not answer the 10 count.

Wow. Brie was in control for most of the match. I'm very surprised.

Match 3. Ricky Steamboat vs. William Regal vs. Jake Roberts
Regal pulled out a bat, but didn't get to use it right away. He and Jake hit Steamboat with a double wheelbarrow slam. Ricky hit Regal with a butterfly front suplex. Regal hit Jake with a tiger suplex. Jake landed the DDT on Regal. He hit a second one much later and busted him open. Ricky then landed a diving crossbody on Roberts to win.

Good triple threat between 3 legends.

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady - NXT Tag Team Championship
The challengers wore down Bubba in their corner. Cass landed a suplex and Enzo kept him grounded. Cass hit D-Von with a power slam. Bubba hit Enzo with his own slam and got a near fall. He then hit the Bubba Bomb, but Enzo kicked out again. Bubba hit the Bubba Cutter, but Cass broke up the pin or else this could have been over. Enzo landed a tornado DDT. Cass hit D-Von with a big boot and almost won. Cass then tossed Enzo up and he landed a huge splash on Bubba to win the titles.

Enzo and Cass are the new NXT tag champs! And you can't teach that. What a tag match.

Match 5. Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray took out the left leg of Orton on the outside. Bray landed two neck breakers. Orton came back with one of his own. Orton came back with stomps and a t-bone suplex. Bray blocked the RKO, but Orton got right back up. He then landed a super back suplex. Bray placed Orton on the top and hit a super fall away slam. Orton hit another back suplex and connected with the RKO to win.

Nicely balanced match. I'm surprised we didn't see a Sister Abigail attempt.

Match 6. Cactus Jack vs. Kevin Owens - NXT US Championship
Two title matches, two new champions. Is Cactus Jack in trouble? Cactus came out aggressive. Owens ducked a clothesline and hit a German suplex on the outside. The two battled over a bat. Owens grabbed it and clocked Cactus over the head with it. Cactus connected with his running knee. Owens got a near fall after a package side slam. Cactus then hit a spike piledriver to retain the title.

Wow. I was not expecting that short of a match. What's next for Owens?

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock vs. Finn Balor vs. Daniel Bryan - NXT Championship
This should be amazing. Lesnar threw Balor into the post multiple times and then hit a butterfly suplex. Rock pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Bryan in the ribs. Bryan caught Rock with a running clothesline as Lesnar hit a super butterfly suplex. Bryan then went to the top and landed a diving headbutt. Bryan broke up Lesnar's F5 attempt. Brock sent Rock to the outside. Bryan locked Balor in the Yes Lock. Bryan and Balor traded near falls. Brock tossed Bryan to the outside. Balor set Rock up for the Coup de Grace and won.

The Demon is champ once again. Lesnar was at a disadvantage. I can't wait for the rematch.

Recap: What a great show. SmackDown has its work cut out for it. Three new champions.

Friday, January 1, 2016

October Week 2, Year 1

TakeOver; Brooklyn is this week. Who will be Lesnar's opponent? Rusev is still the MITB holder...

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. The Vaudevillains vs. Lucha Dragons
Sin Cara hit Aiden with a flipping reverse STO. Gotch threw Kalisto to the outside and into the steel steps. After taking out Aiden, he tagged in Sin Cara. He hit Aiden with a super reverse DDT. Kalisto and Sin Cara hit Aiden with the diving clothesline/powerbomb combo, but Gotch broke up the pin, Aiden came back and hit That's A  Wrap to win.

I was expected the Dragons to get the win, but a nice win for the Vaudevillains.

Match 3. Paige vs. Emma

Match 4. JBL vs. Cactus Jack

Match 5. Asuka vs. Tamina
Tamina stomped on Asuka for a bit and then sent her to the outside. Asuka came back with a neck breaker and running bulldog. Asuka wore down the left arm with an arm bar and wrench. She continued with a German suplex and dropkick to the head. Tamina tried coming back, but Asuka caught her with kicks to the chest. A little later, she connected with multiple strikes and kicks to win.

Asuka has impressed since debuting a couple of months ago. Could she challenge Paige for her title?

Match 6. Rusev vs. Hideo Itami vs. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens
One of these men could challenge Lesnar. Rusev and Zayn suplexed each other on the outside. Owens beat down Itami and then pulled out a sledgehammer. Itami kicked Zayn and landed a double foot stomp from the top rope. He then hit the hesitation dropkick in the corner. Rusev wore down Owens on the ramp. Itami hit the GTS, but Zayn kicked out. Zayn hit Rusev with the super brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle. Zayn and Itami knocked each other out on the outside. Owens landed a diving crossbody and the pop-up powerbomb on Rusev to win.

Great match. All four men had their moments and chance to win. Owens/Lesnar?

Match 1. Ryback vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Match 2. Stephanie McMahon vs. Naomi
Naomi landed two hurricanranas on the outside. Steph hit a monkey flip and spine buster in the ring. She then DDT'd Naomi on the apron. Naomi got a near fall after a springboard split-legged moonsault. Steph came back and landed a super back suplex to win.

Steph sent a message to Nikki. She will retain her title at Hell in a Cell.

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Layla

Match 4. Tyler Breeze vs. Chris Jericho

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. Ric Flair
Wow. Before the match began, Michaels walked down and sat next to the announcers. Angle focused on the head/neck area of Flair. Flair blocked a suplex and sent Angle to the outside. Back in the ring, Angle threw Flair into the corner and Michaels stood up. He and Angle went nose-to-nose and Flair took control. Angle landed a diving elbow drop and multiple clotheslines. Flair locked in the Figure Four, but Angle escaped. Flair busted Angle open with a boot to the face. Much later, Flair locked Angle in the Figure Four a fourth time and got the pin,

I think HBK sitting at ringside got in Angle's head. This is only the beginning. Flair still got it.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Batista
Batista landed a back breaker. Cena caught Batista with a hurricanrana and a gutwrench slam. Batista left the ring and pulled out a table. Cena took it and drove the table into his ribs. Batista threw Cena into the steel post and took control. Cena popped up and went for the AA, but Batista blocked it. Cena landed a top-rope splash and got a near fall. He then connected with the AA, but Batista kicked out. Batista hit the Batista Bomb, but Cena kicked out this time. Batista connected with a spear, but Cena began his comeback. Batista landed a suplex and reverse DDT to get the win.

The Animal is on the rise. Can he be a threat to Cena and/or The Industry?

Match 1. Adam Rose vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Stardust vs. Jimmy Uso

Match 3. Neville vs. Kurt Angle

Recap: SmackDown was very eventful. Batista looks good. Steph is building a big title reign. Asuka picked up a big win and Kevin Owens is climbing the ranks.