Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Match 1. CM Punk vs. Fenix vs. Drago - ROH Television Championship
The heels worked over Fenix. Fenix hit Dragon with the Solida del Sol. He got a near fall on Punk after a sit-out pump handle. Drago called onto Punk. Fenix broke it up with a frog splash. Punk hit Drago with the GTS. He took him out with a kick and Fenix rolled Punk up from behind to win.

That was a great way to kick off the show.

Match 2. Cedric Alexander vs. Roderick Strong
Cedric hit a slingshot back breaker and Falcon Arrow. After an atomic drop, he locked in the Indian Death Lock. Strong hit a delayed suplex. Cedric landed the split-legged moonsault for a near fall. Strong connected with a falling double knee gut buster. He then won with a suplex back breaker.

I want to see these two fight forever. They pulled out moves I've never seen before.

Match 3. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - TNA X-Division Championship
Cody got the upper hand in the starting exchange. Angle came back with a back suplex. Cody took it to Angle. Kurt locked in an ankle lock and Cody almost tapped. Cody pulled out the Alabama Slam and Cross Rhodes, but Angle kicked out. Angle then hit three German suplexes. Cody hit the Disaster Kick and diving moonsault, but Angle kicked out again. Cody kicked out of the Angle Slam and won with the Alabama Slam.

This was a great match. Cody is now the guy.

Match 4. WGTT vs. The Briscoes
Haas hit Jay with a straightjacket brain buster. Mark and Shelton traded moves. All four men battled in the ring. Jay pinned Shelton a butterfly piledriver and won.

That was a fast-paced brawl. The Briscoes can't be stopped. Are the tag titles next?

Match 5. Alberto Del Rio vs. Jeff Hardy - Impact Championship
After some back-and-forth wrestling, Jeff hit a diving splash. ADR locked in a camel clutch. Jeff hit the Side Effect and Swanton Bomb, but Del Rio kicked out. Del Rio hit the double knee arm breaker, prepping for the arm bar. Jeff kicked out and hit the Whisper in the Wind to win the title.

That was a good match. Hardy finally wins the big one.

Match 6. Christian vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Matt Morgan vs. Matt Hardy
The winner will get the next TNA title shot. Christian took out Hardy and pulled out a chair. Lashley hit Matt with a German suplex. Matt grabbed a baseball bat. Christian hit Hardy with a diving headbutt. Lashley speared Morgan for a near fall. He then won with the Dominator.

An interesting 4-way. Lashley gets another shot at the title.

Main Event. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Championship
They locked up at the opening bell. Lethal pulled out a cutter and worked over the neck. He hit a Complete Shot and rested on the ropes. How cocky. Cole made a comeback with a knee drop brain buster, but Lethal kicked out. He then pulled out a German suplex cradle for another near fall. Lethal hit the Lethal Combination to win the title.

Wow. Lethal almost blew his shot there. Cole has his obligated rematch.

Recap: Lashley will get the next title shot after Del Rio's rematch. ROH put on some great matches. They have some talent that the other rosters need to look at.

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