Monday, March 27, 2017


There are two excellent title matches co-main eventing. No Raw Women's or US title matches.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - SmackDown Intercontinental Championship
The first match could be the best. Ziggler got the upper hand after a lock up. Kidd hit a full nelson suplex and a moonsault. Ziggler came back with a Stinger Splash and sleeper hold. He then hit a super sit-out face buster. Kidd began working over the neck. Kidd hit a Blockbuster. Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper elbows and won.

What did I say? This could easily be the best match of the night. Ziggler retains.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The Vaudevillains - SmackDown Tag Championship
Wait, what? Why do Gotch/English get a title shot? English sent Titus to the outside and hit him with a front suplex. The Vaudevillains worked over Young. English hit the Director's Cut. O'Neil got the tag. Vaudevillains wore down Titus on the outside. Titus hit Gotch with the pump handle slam. The Vaudevillains won after hitting the Whirling Dervish.

This was a good tag match. Still don't think it should have been for the titles, though.

Match 3. The Club vs. The New Day - Raw Tag Team Championship
Kofi and Anderson fought on the outside. E got a near fall after a running splash. Gallows came in and tossed E around. They hit the Magic Killer, but Kofi broke up the pin. Anderson busted E open. New Day hit the Super Ending on Gallows and won.

Another great match. New Day are now 2-time tag team champions.

Match 4. Paige vs. Nikki Bella - SmackDown Women's Championship
Paige wrenched the left leg and sent Nikki to the outside. She got a near fall after the Paige Turner. Nikkie went for the Alabama Slam, but Paige countered into a roll up. Paige kicked out of the Bella Buster and the Rack Attack. Nikkie countered the Ram-Paige but Paige connected with it moments later to retain the title.

This was a fast-paced women's match. It was exciting towards the end with the counters and near falls.

Match 5. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batists ran towards Balor, but Finn caught him with a heel kick. Batista fought back with a suplex. Balor hit a brain buster and locked in a Boston Crab. Batista connected with a spear and had Balor in the Regal Stretch. He dodged a bunch of Balor's attacks. Balor hit the Slingblade, but The Animal kicked out and hit the Batista Bomb to win.

After the match, Batista tossed Balor out of the ring and taunted.

With the attack last week, Batista had the upper hand.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens - SmackDown World Championship
Owens locked in a quick crossface. Owens kept the pressure and hit a German suplex. He brought in a chair, but Orton took it away. Owens hit the cannonball splash and the pop-up powerbomb but Orton kicked out. Orton made a comeback ending with a snap slam. Owens hit the package powerbomb and another near fall. After dodging a clothesline, Owens won with the package piledriver.

I think Owens brought in the chair as a distraction. He was in control for 99 percent of the match.

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar - Raw Universal Championship
Ambrose went after Lesnar immediately. It was effective as Ambrose punched Lesnar all around the ring. Lesnar kicked out of a pin and took control. He hit a power slam and what looked like a Jackhammer. Lesnar hit four straight German suplexes. Ambrose was fighting back but Lesnar pulled out the F5 and a long two count. Ambrose was still in this match. After a half-and-half suplex, Lesnar drove his knees into Ambrose's ribs and got the win.

Ambrose put up one hell of a fight against the beast but Lesnar was just too strong.

Recap: This was an excellent PPV. We had three title changes and even more great matches. Five months down.

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