Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Six titles on the line.

Match 1. Impact Players vs. Unholy Alliance - WCW Tag Team Championship
Tajiri worked over Justin and then tagged in Mikey, which may have been a mistake. Storm laid him out and Justin landed a diving leg drop. Mikey hit a diving crossbody splash. Justin kicked out and caught Mikey with a piledriver to win.

Simple, yet effective. Justin and Lance looked good here.

Match 2. AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The Outsiders
This is a huge inter-brand match. AJ took Nash down with a couple of DDTs. Nakamura suplexed both of his opponents. The Outsiders hit an elbow drop/back breaker combo. AJ hit a Pele kick and Styles Clash but got a near fall. Nash countered the Kinshasa and won with a Jackknife powerbomb.

This was a great match. Nash and Hall just work well together.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch vs. Emma - NXT Women's Championship
Becky suplexed both opponents at the opening bell. Emma sent Bayley to the outside. Asuka joined with an over-the-top dive. Asuka got a near fall on Emma after a huge spin kick. Emma locked in the Dil-Emma. Becky hit Emma with the Bexplex. Asuka locked in the Asuka Lock, but Emma broke it up. Asuka landed a German suplex on each and pinned Becky to win.

What a triple threat match. Asuka dominated late and never let go.

Match 4. DIY vs. TM61 - NXT Tag Team Championship
Miller hit a double knee gut buster to Ciampa. Ciampa came back with a huge snap German suplex. DIY connected with a buckle bomb/heel kick combo on Thorne. Ciampa landed a huge diving splash and immediately locked in a camel clutch. Thorne broke out and hit a Death Valley Driver to win.

I was not expecting that result. DIY were just getting started.

Match 5. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Championship
Apollo Crews was supposed to be in this match, but someone took him out before the match. Hideo landed a dragon suplex and two vertical suplexes. He continued with a double foot stomp from the top. Joe connected with punches to the face. Itami landed a diving elbow and a GTS to win.

Itami kept the pressure on Joe, something he hasn't felt before. I wonder what happened to Crews.

Match 6. Rey Mysterio vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW Television Championship
Rey locked Van Dam in a cloverleaf on the outside. He then hit a seated bulldog. RVD was in control for a bit. Rey began his comeback with a super seated senton and two more bulldogs. Van Dam hit two diving splashes. He later hit a tornado DDT through the steel post. Rey pulled out a crucifix pin to retain.

That was a fun and exciting match. These two always work well together.

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes - WCW Championship
Dusty was aggressive early, earning a couple of near falls. He rocked Flair with rights and lefts. After a scoop slam, Dusty connected with the Bionic Elbow and won.

What?! Flair was off his game at the start and couldn't recover. 

Recap: I still can't believe the quick main event. Flair will get a rematch, though. We need answers to Crews' whereabouts. 

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