Tuesday, March 7, 2017

August Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Rusev
Rusev hit a sit-out powerbomb out of the corner. After a side slam, Rusev hit a somersault from the middle rope. He almost won with an STO. Dean got a near fall after a double underhook suplex. Rusev won with a fall away slam.

This match was all Rusev. The US champ took care of another challenger.

Match 2. Naomi vs. Tamina

Match 3. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 4. Kofi Kingston vs. Karl Anderson

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Balor ran to the ring and took down Batista before the bell rang. He then DDT'd him on the apron. Balor busted Batista open with an STO and hit the reverse Bloody Sunday to win.

I've never seen Batista manhandled like that before. Balor showed a new side of himself.

Match 1. Simon Gotch vs. Titus O'Neil

Match 2. Paige vs. Brie Bella
Paige will defend her title against Nikki.

Match 3. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd attacked Ziggler from behind. Ziggler fought back and hit a jumping DDT and a sit-out face buster. He kept going with a super kick, too. Kidd locked in the Hart Lock and hit a somersault to the outside. Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper elbows. He then won with the ZigZag.

Once Ziggler shook off the attack and dominated Kidd. This IC title match is going to be amazing.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
Owens took care of his greatest threat. Who will challenge Owens for the title?

Match 1. Bo Dallas vs. Hideo Itami

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss
Becky is on the road to regaining her women's championship. Alexa hit a running bulldog and dropkick to the back. After a second-rope splash, she hit a basement DDT. Alexa kept the pressure going with a Bliss Sault and won.

Wow. Becky seemed to be shaken after losing her title. She may need more time off.

Match 3. Elias Samson vs. Adam Rose

Match 4. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain

Main Event. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe
Before the match, Joe showed video of his attack on Crews last week. Crews wants to get his revenge. He got a near fall after a Death Valley Driver. Crews landed a dive over the top to the outside. Joe connected with a snap slam and Chimera-plex. Crews hit three straight powerbombs. Joe won with the Muscle Buster.

Maybe Crews wasn't ready to face Joe. Joe is a bad ass.

Match 1. Bret Hart vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rick Rude

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 3. Dusty Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio
Rey picks up a huge win over the champ.

Match 4. Cactus Jack vs. Rhyno

Main Event. Sting vs. The Giant
Sting landed a huge German suplex and a Tombstone piledriver, but Giant kicked out. Giant slammed Sting against the announce table. Sting won with the Scorpion Death Drop.

Sting outsmarted Giant for most of the match. It wasn't an even match.

Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Raven vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Ethan Carter III

Match 3. Christian vs. Drew Galloway

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio attacked Jeff after the match with a chair.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes
Angle ran down and attacked Cody before the match. Cody hit a huge reverse DDT. Angle hit three German suplexes and back suplexed Cody through the announce table! He rolled Cody back in the ring and won with a huge diving moonsault.

Angle destroyed his top challenger for the X-Division title.

Match 1. Fenix vs. Chris Hero

Match 2. ReDragon vs. John Morrison and Aerostar

Match 3. WGTT vs. The Briscoes
Haas and Benjamin attacked Jay and Mark from behind on the ramp. They traded suplexes and super kicks. They finally made it to the ring and the bell rang. Mark hit a Famouser and powerbomb. Jay planted Shelton with a butterfly piledriver and won.

No one can get up from that move. These two teams are heading for war.

Match 4. CM Punk vs. King Cuerno

Main Event. Adam Cole and Jay Lethal vs. War Machine
I wonder if Cole and Lethal can work together. We got the answer a minute in when Lethal left the match. Hanson tossed around Cole. Rowe came in and a suplex and DDT to get the win.

Lethal came back out and signaled he wants Cole's title.

Recap: This was a week of revenge. There were a lot of pre and post-match attacks. Scores will be settled.

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