Friday, March 31, 2017

September Week 1, Year 3

At the end of the month, there will be a 3-pick lottery for each brand.

Match 1. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batista continued the attack after the match.

Match 2. The Wyatts vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 3. New Day vs. The Club
The Club attacked Kofi and E after the match. Get ready for the rematch.

Match 4. Bayley vs. Charlotte
Charlotte immediately left the ring when the bell rang. Bayley followed and Charlotte hit a delayed suplex. Bayley locked in a modified Figure Four. Charlotte connected with a spear but Bayley kicked out. Bayley hit a pump handle drop and the Belly-to-Bayley to win.

Bayley gets a huge win over the former champion.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Rusev vs. Braun Strowman
What a first match for the new champion. There were clearly no alliances. Braun stepped out as Rusev and Lesnar battled. Lesnar hit Braun with a deadlift suplex. Wow. He then hit Rusev with three German suplexes. Braun pulled out a bat. Like he needs a weapon. Rusev lifted Braun up and hit the Alabama Slam. Lesnar hit three more suplexes on Rusev. Braun took out Lesnar and pinned Rusev.

A damn good triple threat match. The US champ put up a good fight. Braun made himself a star.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. The Usos

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. The Vaudevillains vs. Hype Bros
Big win over the tag champs.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan slammed Owens on the ramp and tried to win by countout. Bryan hit a double underhook suplex into an arm bar. Owens clotheslined Bryan into the corner. Bryan landed the Yes Kicks and put him in the Yes Lock. Owens busted out a huge springboard moonsault. Bryan made his comeback but couldn't put Owens away after a diving headbutt. Owens won with a package slam.

An excellent main event. SmackDown has a deep roster. This will headline the next PPV.

Match 1. Bo Dallas vs. Bobby Roode

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss
Becky landed a snap German suplex and a jumping arm breaker. Bliss hit Eat Defeat and a snap DDT. She then went to the top and hit the Sparkle Splash, but Becky kicked out. Becky pulled out the Bexploder suplex and won.

It was a quick match, but a lot happened. Becky vs. Asuka?

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas

Match 4. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain

Main Event. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. Arn Anderson and Lex Luger
Whoa! Bubba slammed Arn down and hit a leg drop. Luger took out D-Von on the outside. Arn planted him with a spine buster. Bubba hit Lex with the Bubba Bomb. They then hit the 3D and got the win.

The Dudleyz have the experience unlike Arn and Lex. Quick and easy.

Match 2. Dusty Rhodes vs. Rick Rude vs. Fit Finlay

Match 3. Dallas Page vs. Rey Mysterio

Match 4. Impact Players vs. Unholy Alliance

Main Event. Sting vs. The Giant

Match 1. Alberto Del Rio vs. Jeff Hardy

Match 2. Ken Shamrock vs. Cody Rhodes

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs Raven

Match 4. James Storm vs. Christian

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Drew Galloway
Angle hit Drew with a couple of suplexes. He got a near fall after three German suplexes. Drew hit a suplex of his own. He later hit a sit-out powerbomb and a super back suplex. Yet, Angle still kicked out. Angle hit three more Germans and got the win.

After the match, Cody attacked Angle from behind with a chair.

Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal King Cuerno
Lethal came out holding his arm. Cole hit a reverse DDT. Cuerno clotheslined him over the top. Cole locked Cuerno in a Figure Four around the post. Cuerno kicked out of a knee drop brain buster. Cole continued with a superplex and won with a full nelson suplex.

After the match, Lethal attacked Cole from behind with the ROH title.

I guess Lethal's arm is feeling fine.

Match 2. Kassius Ohno vs. Son of Havoc
CM Punk attacked Ohno from behind.

Match 3. Fenix vs. Aerostar

Match 4. Matt Sydal vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Main Event. Prince Puma vs. King Cuerno
Cuerno is fighting a second match tonight. He planted Puma with a DDT. Puma came back with a release German suplex. He later hit a back handspring head scissors. After a jumping spin kick, Puma won with a 540 splash.

Another quick match, but I'm looking forward to more from these two.

Recap: The first half of the week featured strong matches while the second half had some quick matches and attacks.

Monday, March 27, 2017


There are two excellent title matches co-main eventing. No Raw Women's or US title matches.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - SmackDown Intercontinental Championship
The first match could be the best. Ziggler got the upper hand after a lock up. Kidd hit a full nelson suplex and a moonsault. Ziggler came back with a Stinger Splash and sleeper hold. He then hit a super sit-out face buster. Kidd began working over the neck. Kidd hit a Blockbuster. Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper elbows and won.

What did I say? This could easily be the best match of the night. Ziggler retains.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The Vaudevillains - SmackDown Tag Championship
Wait, what? Why do Gotch/English get a title shot? English sent Titus to the outside and hit him with a front suplex. The Vaudevillains worked over Young. English hit the Director's Cut. O'Neil got the tag. Vaudevillains wore down Titus on the outside. Titus hit Gotch with the pump handle slam. The Vaudevillains won after hitting the Whirling Dervish.

This was a good tag match. Still don't think it should have been for the titles, though.

Match 3. The Club vs. The New Day - Raw Tag Team Championship
Kofi and Anderson fought on the outside. E got a near fall after a running splash. Gallows came in and tossed E around. They hit the Magic Killer, but Kofi broke up the pin. Anderson busted E open. New Day hit the Super Ending on Gallows and won.

Another great match. New Day are now 2-time tag team champions.

Match 4. Paige vs. Nikki Bella - SmackDown Women's Championship
Paige wrenched the left leg and sent Nikki to the outside. She got a near fall after the Paige Turner. Nikkie went for the Alabama Slam, but Paige countered into a roll up. Paige kicked out of the Bella Buster and the Rack Attack. Nikkie countered the Ram-Paige but Paige connected with it moments later to retain the title.

This was a fast-paced women's match. It was exciting towards the end with the counters and near falls.

Match 5. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batists ran towards Balor, but Finn caught him with a heel kick. Batista fought back with a suplex. Balor hit a brain buster and locked in a Boston Crab. Batista connected with a spear and had Balor in the Regal Stretch. He dodged a bunch of Balor's attacks. Balor hit the Slingblade, but The Animal kicked out and hit the Batista Bomb to win.

After the match, Batista tossed Balor out of the ring and taunted.

With the attack last week, Batista had the upper hand.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens - SmackDown World Championship
Owens locked in a quick crossface. Owens kept the pressure and hit a German suplex. He brought in a chair, but Orton took it away. Owens hit the cannonball splash and the pop-up powerbomb but Orton kicked out. Orton made a comeback ending with a snap slam. Owens hit the package powerbomb and another near fall. After dodging a clothesline, Owens won with the package piledriver.

I think Owens brought in the chair as a distraction. He was in control for 99 percent of the match.

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar - Raw Universal Championship
Ambrose went after Lesnar immediately. It was effective as Ambrose punched Lesnar all around the ring. Lesnar kicked out of a pin and took control. He hit a power slam and what looked like a Jackhammer. Lesnar hit four straight German suplexes. Ambrose was fighting back but Lesnar pulled out the F5 and a long two count. Ambrose was still in this match. After a half-and-half suplex, Lesnar drove his knees into Ambrose's ribs and got the win.

Ambrose put up one hell of a fight against the beast but Lesnar was just too strong.

Recap: This was an excellent PPV. We had three title changes and even more great matches. Five months down.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

August Week 4, Year 3

Raw and SD have their PPV at the end of the week.

Match 1. Big E vs. Luke Gallows

Match 2. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Rusev

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batista attacked Balor as he was entering the ring. Batista hit a spine buster and began pummeling Balor. He hit a Batista Bomb and refused to go for the pin. Balor still kicked out of a third spine buster and a second powerbomb. Balor pulled out Bloody Sunday, but Batista won with a spear.

Batista then grabbed a chair and hit Balor some more.

Damn. Batista truly unleashed the Animal within. That was hard to watch.

Match 1. Jack Swagger vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 2. The Miz vs. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin
Zayn took out Miz with a clothesline and Corbin with a suplex. He then pulled out a sledgehammer. Corbin sent the match to the outside. Zayn hit Miz with a German suplex on the ramp. Zayn later hit a half and half suplex on Corbin. After taking out Miz, Corbin pinned Zayn with the End of Days.

Whoever is the US champ will have Corbin chasing them down.

Match 3. Paige vs. Nikki Bella

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens

Match 1. Hideo Itami vs. Elias Samson

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Bo Dallas

Match 4. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain
Miller hit Akam with a power slam. Akam hit Thorne with a back suplex. AoP wore down Miller. Thorne hit Rezar with a huge sit-out powerbomb, but got a two count. After a swinging side slam, he hit a 450 splash. Miller connected with the coast to coast. Akam took out Miller with an overhead belly-to-belly as Rezar landed a clothesline from hell to win.

That was a great tag match. TM61 had a few big moves and near falls. AoP were just too powerful.

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Apollo Crews
Samoa Joe attacked Crews from behind. AJ hit the Pele kick. After a quick pin, he hit the Styles Clash and tope suicida. Crews came back with a shoulder block and triple powerbombs. After a standing moonsault, Crews won with a gorilla press.

Holy crap! How did Crews withstand all of that? He's a great competitor.

Match 1. Dallas Page vs. Vader

Match 2. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rick Rude

Match 3. Finlay vs. Roddy Piper

Match 4. Sting vs. The Giant
Sting dropped Giant with a jumping DDT. He then hit a face buster from the second rope before hitting a Tombstone but Giant kicked out. Giant took control with a big boot and sidewalk slam. He hit a standing leg drop. Sting pulled out the Scorpion Death Drop for another near fall. They went back and forth for a bit before Sting won with a second Death Drop.

After the match, Sting went for a handshake but Giant just walked away.

Sting took down the Giant. Is the title next?

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair and Lex Luger
Oh, now this doesn't seem fair.

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Eric Young

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Jeff Hardy

Match 3. Ken Shamrock vs. Matt Morgan

Match 4. James Storm vs. Christian vs. Ethan Carter III vs. Alberto Del Rio
Carter hit Christian with a diving elbow. Storm pulled out a chair. He and Del Rio fought on the outside. Christian got a couple of near falls. He superplexed ECIII to the floor. Wow! Del Rio blocked the Eye of the Storm and hit Storm with an arm breaker to win.

Del Rio wants his TNA title back. This is the first step.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Drew Galloway
Angle took out Drew and grabbed a chair. He hit Cody over the head. Cody suplexed Angle and slammed Drew. Angle came back with three German suplexes and the Angle Slam. Drew snuck in for the pin but got a near fall. Angle missed a moonsault. Cody hit Angle with Cross Rhodes. After Drew took out Cody with a back suplex, Angle landed the Angle Slam to win.

A great triple threat match. Angle is also due a world title shot.

Match 1. ReDragon vs. WGTT

Match 2. Adam Cole vs. Tyler Reks
Jay Lethal tried to interfer, but it didn't work.

Match 3. Zack Sabre Jr vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 4. Fenix vs. Aerostar

Main Event. Kassius Ohno vs. CM Punk
Ohno locked in a Mexican surfboard and hung him over the top rope. He later landed a bunch of forearms to the face. Punk hit a back breaker and the GTS and won.

What? How did Punk win? Ohno was in complete control, too.

Recap: It's now time for Raw/SD's SummerSlam show. I think Del Rio/Angle will be fighting soon. Ohno will want his revenge. TNA is putting on some great matches.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Match 1. CM Punk vs. Fenix vs. Drago - ROH Television Championship
The heels worked over Fenix. Fenix hit Dragon with the Solida del Sol. He got a near fall on Punk after a sit-out pump handle. Drago called onto Punk. Fenix broke it up with a frog splash. Punk hit Drago with the GTS. He took him out with a kick and Fenix rolled Punk up from behind to win.

That was a great way to kick off the show.

Match 2. Cedric Alexander vs. Roderick Strong
Cedric hit a slingshot back breaker and Falcon Arrow. After an atomic drop, he locked in the Indian Death Lock. Strong hit a delayed suplex. Cedric landed the split-legged moonsault for a near fall. Strong connected with a falling double knee gut buster. He then won with a suplex back breaker.

I want to see these two fight forever. They pulled out moves I've never seen before.

Match 3. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - TNA X-Division Championship
Cody got the upper hand in the starting exchange. Angle came back with a back suplex. Cody took it to Angle. Kurt locked in an ankle lock and Cody almost tapped. Cody pulled out the Alabama Slam and Cross Rhodes, but Angle kicked out. Angle then hit three German suplexes. Cody hit the Disaster Kick and diving moonsault, but Angle kicked out again. Cody kicked out of the Angle Slam and won with the Alabama Slam.

This was a great match. Cody is now the guy.

Match 4. WGTT vs. The Briscoes
Haas hit Jay with a straightjacket brain buster. Mark and Shelton traded moves. All four men battled in the ring. Jay pinned Shelton a butterfly piledriver and won.

That was a fast-paced brawl. The Briscoes can't be stopped. Are the tag titles next?

Match 5. Alberto Del Rio vs. Jeff Hardy - Impact Championship
After some back-and-forth wrestling, Jeff hit a diving splash. ADR locked in a camel clutch. Jeff hit the Side Effect and Swanton Bomb, but Del Rio kicked out. Del Rio hit the double knee arm breaker, prepping for the arm bar. Jeff kicked out and hit the Whisper in the Wind to win the title.

That was a good match. Hardy finally wins the big one.

Match 6. Christian vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Matt Morgan vs. Matt Hardy
The winner will get the next TNA title shot. Christian took out Hardy and pulled out a chair. Lashley hit Matt with a German suplex. Matt grabbed a baseball bat. Christian hit Hardy with a diving headbutt. Lashley speared Morgan for a near fall. He then won with the Dominator.

An interesting 4-way. Lashley gets another shot at the title.

Main Event. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Championship
They locked up at the opening bell. Lethal pulled out a cutter and worked over the neck. He hit a Complete Shot and rested on the ropes. How cocky. Cole made a comeback with a knee drop brain buster, but Lethal kicked out. He then pulled out a German suplex cradle for another near fall. Lethal hit the Lethal Combination to win the title.

Wow. Lethal almost blew his shot there. Cole has his obligated rematch.

Recap: Lashley will get the next title shot after Del Rio's rematch. ROH put on some great matches. They have some talent that the other rosters need to look at.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

August Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Rusev
Rusev hit a sit-out powerbomb out of the corner. After a side slam, Rusev hit a somersault from the middle rope. He almost won with an STO. Dean got a near fall after a double underhook suplex. Rusev won with a fall away slam.

This match was all Rusev. The US champ took care of another challenger.

Match 2. Naomi vs. Tamina

Match 3. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 4. Kofi Kingston vs. Karl Anderson

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Balor ran to the ring and took down Batista before the bell rang. He then DDT'd him on the apron. Balor busted Batista open with an STO and hit the reverse Bloody Sunday to win.

I've never seen Batista manhandled like that before. Balor showed a new side of himself.

Match 1. Simon Gotch vs. Titus O'Neil

Match 2. Paige vs. Brie Bella
Paige will defend her title against Nikki.

Match 3. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd attacked Ziggler from behind. Ziggler fought back and hit a jumping DDT and a sit-out face buster. He kept going with a super kick, too. Kidd locked in the Hart Lock and hit a somersault to the outside. Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper elbows. He then won with the ZigZag.

Once Ziggler shook off the attack and dominated Kidd. This IC title match is going to be amazing.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
Owens took care of his greatest threat. Who will challenge Owens for the title?

Match 1. Bo Dallas vs. Hideo Itami

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss
Becky is on the road to regaining her women's championship. Alexa hit a running bulldog and dropkick to the back. After a second-rope splash, she hit a basement DDT. Alexa kept the pressure going with a Bliss Sault and won.

Wow. Becky seemed to be shaken after losing her title. She may need more time off.

Match 3. Elias Samson vs. Adam Rose

Match 4. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain

Main Event. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe
Before the match, Joe showed video of his attack on Crews last week. Crews wants to get his revenge. He got a near fall after a Death Valley Driver. Crews landed a dive over the top to the outside. Joe connected with a snap slam and Chimera-plex. Crews hit three straight powerbombs. Joe won with the Muscle Buster.

Maybe Crews wasn't ready to face Joe. Joe is a bad ass.

Match 1. Bret Hart vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rick Rude

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 3. Dusty Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio
Rey picks up a huge win over the champ.

Match 4. Cactus Jack vs. Rhyno

Main Event. Sting vs. The Giant
Sting landed a huge German suplex and a Tombstone piledriver, but Giant kicked out. Giant slammed Sting against the announce table. Sting won with the Scorpion Death Drop.

Sting outsmarted Giant for most of the match. It wasn't an even match.

Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Raven vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Ethan Carter III

Match 3. Christian vs. Drew Galloway

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio attacked Jeff after the match with a chair.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes
Angle ran down and attacked Cody before the match. Cody hit a huge reverse DDT. Angle hit three German suplexes and back suplexed Cody through the announce table! He rolled Cody back in the ring and won with a huge diving moonsault.

Angle destroyed his top challenger for the X-Division title.

Match 1. Fenix vs. Chris Hero

Match 2. ReDragon vs. John Morrison and Aerostar

Match 3. WGTT vs. The Briscoes
Haas and Benjamin attacked Jay and Mark from behind on the ramp. They traded suplexes and super kicks. They finally made it to the ring and the bell rang. Mark hit a Famouser and powerbomb. Jay planted Shelton with a butterfly piledriver and won.

No one can get up from that move. These two teams are heading for war.

Match 4. CM Punk vs. King Cuerno

Main Event. Adam Cole and Jay Lethal vs. War Machine
I wonder if Cole and Lethal can work together. We got the answer a minute in when Lethal left the match. Hanson tossed around Cole. Rowe came in and a suplex and DDT to get the win.

Lethal came back out and signaled he wants Cole's title.

Recap: This was a week of revenge. There were a lot of pre and post-match attacks. Scores will be settled.


Six titles on the line.

Match 1. Impact Players vs. Unholy Alliance - WCW Tag Team Championship
Tajiri worked over Justin and then tagged in Mikey, which may have been a mistake. Storm laid him out and Justin landed a diving leg drop. Mikey hit a diving crossbody splash. Justin kicked out and caught Mikey with a piledriver to win.

Simple, yet effective. Justin and Lance looked good here.

Match 2. AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The Outsiders
This is a huge inter-brand match. AJ took Nash down with a couple of DDTs. Nakamura suplexed both of his opponents. The Outsiders hit an elbow drop/back breaker combo. AJ hit a Pele kick and Styles Clash but got a near fall. Nash countered the Kinshasa and won with a Jackknife powerbomb.

This was a great match. Nash and Hall just work well together.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch vs. Emma - NXT Women's Championship
Becky suplexed both opponents at the opening bell. Emma sent Bayley to the outside. Asuka joined with an over-the-top dive. Asuka got a near fall on Emma after a huge spin kick. Emma locked in the Dil-Emma. Becky hit Emma with the Bexplex. Asuka locked in the Asuka Lock, but Emma broke it up. Asuka landed a German suplex on each and pinned Becky to win.

What a triple threat match. Asuka dominated late and never let go.

Match 4. DIY vs. TM61 - NXT Tag Team Championship
Miller hit a double knee gut buster to Ciampa. Ciampa came back with a huge snap German suplex. DIY connected with a buckle bomb/heel kick combo on Thorne. Ciampa landed a huge diving splash and immediately locked in a camel clutch. Thorne broke out and hit a Death Valley Driver to win.

I was not expecting that result. DIY were just getting started.

Match 5. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Championship
Apollo Crews was supposed to be in this match, but someone took him out before the match. Hideo landed a dragon suplex and two vertical suplexes. He continued with a double foot stomp from the top. Joe connected with punches to the face. Itami landed a diving elbow and a GTS to win.

Itami kept the pressure on Joe, something he hasn't felt before. I wonder what happened to Crews.

Match 6. Rey Mysterio vs. Rob Van Dam - ECW Television Championship
Rey locked Van Dam in a cloverleaf on the outside. He then hit a seated bulldog. RVD was in control for a bit. Rey began his comeback with a super seated senton and two more bulldogs. Van Dam hit two diving splashes. He later hit a tornado DDT through the steel post. Rey pulled out a crucifix pin to retain.

That was a fun and exciting match. These two always work well together.

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes - WCW Championship
Dusty was aggressive early, earning a couple of near falls. He rocked Flair with rights and lefts. After a scoop slam, Dusty connected with the Bionic Elbow and won.

What?! Flair was off his game at the start and couldn't recover. 

Recap: I still can't believe the quick main event. Flair will get a rematch, though. We need answers to Crews' whereabouts. 

August Week 2, Year 3

NXT and ECWCW have the next PPV this week.

Match 1. Rusev vs. Cesaro
They traded uppercuts. Rusev hit a wheelbarrow slam on the outside. Cesaro came back with a huge uppercut for a near fall. He then won with the Neutralizer.

The mid-card is pretty stacked on Raw. Rusev has a lot of challengers.

Match 2. Bayley vs. Naomi

Match 3. New Day vs. The Club
Gallows and Anderson attacked Kofi at ringside.

Match 4. Batista vs. Finn Balor
Balor won, but Batista attacked him after. Will Balor be 100 percent?

Main Event. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Neville
Interesting dynamic.

Match 1. Paige vs. Nikki Bella

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. Darren Young w/ Titus O'Neil vs. Heath Slater

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
Owens attacked Orton before he was able to get into the ring. Owens kicked Orton around. Orton fought back a little, but Owens won with the Pop-up Powerbomb.

After the match, the two brawled some more before being separated.

Match 1. Adam Rose vs. Apollo Crews vs. Austin Aries

Match 2. Elias Samson vs. Bo Dallas

Match 3. Tye Dillinger vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas
Tye took control after a collar-and-elbow tie up. He locked in the Sharpshooter and hit the Tye Breaker, but Almas kicked out. Almas landed a huge super sunset flip. Dillinger in the Perfect 10 Splash for another near fall. He won with a second Tye Breaker.

This was a breakout match for Dillinger. He was underlooked for a while. He will be a star.

Match 4. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode vs. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Rich Swann
Swann is the ultimate underdog in this match. Roode shoved a chair into Styles' face. All four men were on the outside. Nakamura hit Swann with a Death Valley Driver and fisherman piledriver. Roode continued to dominate AJ on the outside AJ hit the Pele kick. Roode landed a spine buster. Minutes later, he hit the Styles Clash. Nakamura pinned Swann after another DVD.

Nakamura makes his claim for the best in NXT. It's a crowded title picture.

Match 1. Tommy Dreamer vs. Rhyno

Match 2. Rey Mysterio vs. Rick Rude vs. Dallas Page

Match 3. Bret Hart vs. Vader

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. Impact Players

Main Event. Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair
Flair picked apart Dusty early. Rhodes got a near fall after the Bionic Elbow. Flair locked in the Figure Four. He then won after a piledriver.

After the match, Flair grabbed a chair and hit Dusty a couple of times.

Wow. Flair is doing everything to make sure Dusty doesn't make it to the PPV.

Match 1. Raven vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Ethan Carter III vs. R-Truth

Match 2. American Wolves vs. The Hardyz
Jeff hit Eddie with a flipping sunset bomb. They Hardyz then worked him over on the outside. Jeff hit the Side Effect and Swanton Bomb, but Davey broke up the pin. Eddie hit a springboard moonsault and tagged in Davey. Matt hit his own Side Effect the Hardyz won with a double leg drop.

The Hardyz get a big win over the tag champs.

Match 3. James Storm vs. Christian

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes
Cody attacked Angle before the match.

Main Event. Drew Galloway vs. Alberto Del Rio
Jeff attacked Del Rio from behind. Galloway hit a neck breaker and Irish Curse, but Del Rio kicked out. The match then spilled to the outside. Galloway won with the Future Shock.

Jeff walked back out and saw Del Rio struggle to get to his feet.

Jeff could win the TNA title if Del Rio isn't 100 percent.

Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal
Each man had a few moments on offense. Cole hit the knee drop brain buster, but Lethal grabbed the ropes. He then hit a dive to the outside. Lethal tried fighting off a back stabber and German suplex, but he received another brain buster and Cole won.

After the match, Cole went for a handshake but Lethal walked away.

Match 2. Cedric Alexander vs. Fenix

Match 3. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jay Briscoe

Match 4. John Morrison vs. Mil Muertes

Main Event. Son of Havoc vs. CM Punk

Recap: This Lethal/Cole story has been building for months. Jeff is fighting everyone he can. NXT is full of young and hungry stars.

Friday, March 3, 2017

August Week 1, Year 3

The summer is heating up.

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena vs. JBL
Big win for the champ.

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

Match 3. Rusev vs. Wade Barrett

Match 4. The Club vs. The New Day

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batista hit a big boot and swinging slam. Balor hit the Slingblade on the outside. He connected with a diving elbow from the top to the floor. Balor landed the Coup de Grace, but Batista kicked out. Batista hit the spine buster and busted Balor up with punches. Balor came back with a GTS and Coup de Grace to win. 

After the match, Batista went to attack him, but Balor countered.

Balor picked up a huge win. He'll be in the title picture soon enough.

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. Vaudevillains

Match 2. Natalya vs. Summer Rae

Match 3. Paige vs. Brie Bella
Nikki sent a message to Paige after the match.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd hit a front dropkick off the top. Ziggler followed it up with a super kick. After a sleeper hold attempt, Ziggler won with a second super kick.

The IC champ made quick work of his rival. Kidd needs momentum heading into the PPV.

Main Event. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
Kevin Owens came out and he and Orton brawled after the match.

Match 1. Andrade 'Cien' Almas vs. Blake

Match 2. Tye Dillinger vs. Bo Dallas

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. Hideo Itami

Match 4. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries vs. AJ Styles
Wow. This is a two main event show. AJ threw Aries into the steps. Crews hit Joe with a spine buster. Joe hit a back elbow and enzuigiri in the corner. Crews landed three straight powerbombs. All four men were back on the outside. Aries kicked out of the Muscle Buster. Crews won with a standing moonsault on Joe.

Great match and a big win for Crews, defeating three main eventers.

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode vs. Elias Samson
Nakamura pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Roode in the ribs. He then caught Samson with a t-bone off the ropes. Nakamura hit Roode with a Michinoku Driver. Samson caught Nakamura with a gut buster. Roode then used the sledgehammer on Samson and hit the spine buster. All three men got near falls. Samson pulled out a suplex powerbomb. Nakamura took out Roode with a sick kick and pinned Samson after a reverse exploder suplex,

An amazing triple threat match. All three men had plenty of chances to win.

Match 1. Sting vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 2. Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart vs. DDP
Rude took the match to the outside. Page hit Rude with a sit-out powerbomb. Rude followed it up with a piledriver and the Ravishing Neckbreaker. Bret laid out Rude with his own piledriver and pinned Page with a northern lights suplex.

A good main event. All three men have main event potential.

Match 3. Rey Mysterio vs. Tommy Dreamer

Match 4. Rhyno vs. Vader

Main Event. Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair
Dusty attacked Flair and threw him into the steps. The bell rang and Luger immediately left the ring. He was voluntarily counted out.

Why would Luger do such a thing? Doesn't he want to win?

Match 1. Jeff Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio attacked Jeff after the match.

Match 2. Ken Shamrock vs. Raven vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Christian vs. Cody Rhodes
Christian countered a suplex and hit a reverse neck breaker. He then hit a wheel kick. Christian DDT'd Cody on the apron. Cody made a comeback with an Alabama Slam and Cross Rhodes to win.

Cody gets a big win in his climb up the ranks. 

Match 4. Eric Young vs. Ethan Carter III

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Drew Galloway
Cody appeared and attacked Angle. Galloway slammed Angle down a couple of times. Angle almost won with a grapevine ankle lock. He then hit three German suplexes. Drew connected with a buckle bomb. After White Noise, Angle kicked out of the Future Shock. Drew countered the Angle Slam and won with a second Future Shock.

Drew had this match won from the opening bell. Angle showed some fire, but he was feeling the effects of the attack.

After the match, Cody came back out and signaled he wants Angle's title. His reign could end soon.

Match 1. Charlie Haas vs. Mark Briscoe

Match 2. T.J. Perkins vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 3. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 4. CM Punk vs. Jay Lethal
Adam Cole walked out and sat at ringside. Lethal landed a sit-out face buster. He then made the mistake and went after Cole. Punk attacked him from behind. Lethal came back with two falling elbows. Punk connected with a piledriver and the GTS to win.

Lethal took his eyes off the match. The TV champ picked up a nice win.

Main Event. King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes

Recap: A good first week heading into SummerSlam. I'm interested with the Flair/Luger story.