Sunday, October 8, 2017

Raw is War's Vengeance, Year 4

Match 1. Breezango vs. Natural Disasters
Breezango has had ND's number in recent months. Breeze kicked out the legs of Typhoon. The big men recovered and beat down Breeze. Fandango was able to take down Earthquake. Breeze came back in and connected with the Beauty Shot to win.

Earthquake grabbed a mic and said, "After this loss, they are done."

That's three in a row for Breezango over ND. I can't believe they would just quit like that.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Paige vs. Bayley - Raw Women's Championship
Bayley and Paige worked over Charlotte. Charlotte blocked Ram-Paige into a suplex and then hit Bayley with a delayed suplex. Paige hit Bayley with the Paige Turner and landed a dive to the outside on Charlotte. Bayley took out Paige with the Belly-to-Bayley. Charlotte tossed out Bayley and pinned Paige to retain her title.

Bayley let this one slip away as she couldn't capitalize. Charlotte did it with flair.

Match 3. New Day vs. The Revival - WWF Tag Team Championship
Dawson locked Kofi in an arm bar and hit Woods with a German suplex. Woods landed a back breaker and STO on Wilder. Kofi got a near fall after a Boom Drop on Dawson. Scott came back with a huge spine buster. Wilder planted Woods with the Codebreaker to win.

The feud finally ends with The Revival keeping the titles.

Match 4. Stone Cold vs. Rick Rude
Austin hit a back body drop and Lou Thesz Press in between a neck breaker from Rude. Rick then DDT'd Austin through the announce table. He then got a near fall after a neck breaker. Austin tried coming back but Rude countered a suplex and won with the hangman neck breaker.

After the match, Rude continued stomping on Austin.

Rude picks up a big win over his former stablemate.

Match 5. Big Show vs. Cesaro - Intercontinental Championship
Cesaro countered a press slam but Show was right back on offense. Show then got a near fall after a spear. Cesaro went to the top but Show caught him with a chokeslam and won with the knockout punch.

Show pretty much squashed Cesaro. A poor outing for the Swiss Superman.

Match 6. Edge vs. Mark Henry
Henry landed a back breaker and big boot. As soon as Edge got to his feet, Henry took him down. Edge hit a DDT but Henry got right up and hit a Samoan Drop and World's Strongest Slam but Edge kicked out. Henry kicked out of the Edge-cution and made him tap with a bear hug.

Henry was just too strong. Edge could barely keep him on the ground.

Main Event. Shawn Michaels vs. Batista - WWF Championship
Michaels countered a press slam into a DDT. He then hit a superplex and a diving elbow for a long two count. Batista was going for a clothesline but Michaels tossed him up and connected with the Sweet Chin Music for another near fall. Batista landed the spine buster and went for the Batista Bomb but Michaels reversed it into a neck breaker. Batista hit a super back suplex. HBK hit a piledriver and a second superkick to get the win.

A great main event. Batista was slow early but he landed some big moves to put Michaels' title reign at risk but HBK does it again.

Recap: A good PPV. Despite no title changes, there were some great matches. I guess the Natural Disasters are done.

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