Saturday, October 7, 2017

Impact Bound for Glory, Year 4

Match 1. Goldust vs. Jason Jordan
I guess we'll get Truth and Gable next? Jordan tossed Goldy around before Goldust took over. Jordan hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and later won with an Angle Slam.

Not the best opening match. The young guy at least got over.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya - Impact Women's Championship
Asuka and Nattie hit Fox with simultaneous kicks. The three women fought for a bit on the outside. Fox hit Nattie with a somersault leg drop. She later hit the leg drop DDT and had her feet on the ropes but Nattie kicked out. Asuka took out Fox with kicks, allowing Nattie to hit Asuka with a discus clothesline to win.

A surprisingly good three-way. Nattie is the new champion. Will she be the only one?

Match 3. Luke Harper vs. Baron Corbin - X-Division Championship
Two of the big men fighting for the X-Division title. Kinda funny. Harper caught Corbin with a wheelbarrow suplex. He then hit a pump handle suplex and lifting face buster. Corbin hit a sidewalk slam. Harper went for a dive but it was blocked. Harper was back in control when Corbin landed the End of Days out of nowhere to retain.

A good title match. Harper let this one slip from his hands.

Match 4. Authors of Pain vs. Hype Bros - Impact Tag Team Championship
The Authors of Pain hit Mojo with the Doomsday Device. Ryder hit Akam with a snap neck breaker and diving elbow. He then hit Rezar with the Rough Ryder for a two count. Ryder was getting his ass kicked after that before tagging in Mojo. Akam hit a back suplex and running clothesline to win.

Hype Bros weren't tough enough to take out the AoP. Can anyone stop them?

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Kassius Ohno
They went back and forth for the first couple of minutes. Ohno got a near fall after a suplex. He then drove his elbow into the back of Dean's head. Ambrose hit a powerbomb and a superplex to the outside. Ohno won with a second elbow to the head.

A decent match that could have been a lot better.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
Bryan hit a butterfly suplex into an arm bar. Sheamus hit a back suplex and a fallaway slam. Bryan hit the Yes Kicks. Sheamus escaped the Yes Lock and hit the Irish Curse. Bryan hit more kicks and connected with a diving elbow. Sheamus caught Bryan in mid-air with the Brogue Kick. Bryan hit six more kicks but couldn't keep Sheamus down. Sheamus won with an Irish Curse back breaker.

After the match, Sheamus continued his attack on Bryan.

What a match. Sheamus looked like a monster in this one.

Main Event. Angle vs. Lesnar vs. Flair vs. Nakamura - Impact Championship
What a group here. Flair pulled out a bat and hit Angle multiple times. Angle hit Brock with a German suplex, a move we'll likely see a few more times. Flair wore down Nakamura on the outside. Angle hit three more Germans. Nakamura hit one of his own. Flair DDT'd him onto the apron. Brock hit Angle with three before getting the win.

A great match with just a few German suplexes. Lesnar is champ. Good luck to everyone else.

Recap: A good PPV with two title changes. The Beast is the champ. Sheamus did suffer an injury during his match.

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