Sunday, October 1, 2017

Raw is War Fully Loaded, Year 4

All four titles are on the line

Match 1. Breezango vs. Natural Disasters
The smaller Breezango have had the upper hand on the two big men. Breeze took down Typhoon with kicks to the hamstring. Breezango then worked over Earthquake. The Disasters beat up Breeze for a bit. Fandango hit Typhoon with the Last Dance leg drop to get the win.

Another nice win for Breezango. They're owed a title shot now.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss - Raw Women's Championship
They traded arm bars early. Charlotte hit a delayed suplex. Bliss hit a jaw breaker. Charlotte landed a nice powerbomb. She got a near fall after a spear. After a suplex, Alexa got a near fall after two Twisted Blisses. Charlotte hit a top-rope snap mare and won with a spear.

A great women's match. Both women pulled out everything they got and a new champ is crowned.

Match 3. New Day vs. The Revival - Raw Tag Team Championship
Possibly my best feud. Revival worked over Woods in the beginning. Kofi went to the top, but Dawson knocked him down from the apron. Things broke down as Woods busted Wilder open and Dawson threw Kofi into the post. Dash then busted Woods open. Dawson came in and won with the Double-A spine buster.

Another great match for a title change. They are The Revival for a reason.

Match 4. Big Show vs. TJ Perkins - Intercontinental Championship
Perkins has a tall task ahead of him. Show hit a slam and big boot. Perkins pulled out a table to even the odds. Perkins locked in a Texas Cloverleaf as best as he could. He got a near fall after the drive-by dropkick. Show wailed on Perkins with a chair. TJP hit a fireman's carry heel kick but couldn't capitalize. Show dodged a frog splash and won with a spear.

Perkins had a great showing but Show was just too much for him.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Mark Henry
Austin tossed Henry shoulder first into the post. Mark threw Austin up in the air. Austin countered a slam into a DDT and then hit the Lou Thesz Press. Henry fought back and continued to toss Steve around. Henry kicked out of the Stunner. After some punches, Austin won with another Thesz Press.

Austin toughed it out and got the win. Title shot next?

Match 6. Last Man Standing - Batista vs. Bobby Roode
Roode sent Batista into the steel post multiple times. Batista threw him into the steps and then hit a spine buster. Batista continued with a spear and Batista Bomb to get the win.

Wow. That was a glorified squash. Roode got very little offense in.

Main Event. Table - Shawn Michaels vs. Edge - WWF Championship
Edge is familiar with this match type. Michaels was technical early. Edge hit a flapjack onto the steps.  He later hit two powerbombs and a spear. Michaels caught Edge off the top with Sweet Chin Music. He then placed Edge on the table and put him through with a moonsault.

They turned up the intensity early. Michaels had a solid title defense. Edge will be back, though.

Recap: The undercard was great with two title changes. The LMS match was underwhelming.

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