Sunday, October 15, 2017

NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable, Year 4

A great lineup of the top Superstars competing.

Match 1. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater
Rhyno caught Cass with a powerbomb. He then drove his knees into the face of Enzo. Slater finally got into the match and he and Enzo went back and forth. They even fought on the outside. Enzo pinned Slater after a running cross body.

A good opening match. Rhyno may want to break away from Slater.

Match 2. The Club vs. Prime Time Players - NXT Tag Team Championship
Young came out strong against Anderson. Gallows caught Titus with a big boot and a side flapjack. The Club took over on Young.  They hit the Magic Killer but Titus broke it up. Anderson busted Darren open with a cutter. Titus got a near fall on Gallows after a pump handle slam. Darren pinned Gallows after a leg sweep and running leg drop.

Gallows and Anderson's title reign did not last as long as they would have liked.

Match 3. Brooke vs. Jax vs. Lynch vs. James - NXT Women's Championship
Dana will have a hard time retaining in this match. Mickie took Nia to the outside but Jax pulled out a baseball bat. Becky hit a back suplex and running knees in the corner. Dana hit a neck breaker off the second rope. Nia pinned Mickie with a super kick.

Dana was focused on Becky and not worried about losing her title. Nia capitalizes.

Match 4. Kevin Nash vs. John Cena
Cena quickly hit a hip toss and sit-out powerbomb. Nash landed a suplex but Cena landed one of his own before connecting with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Nash hit a clothesline. He went for a knockout punch but Cena ducked and hit the AA to win.

I can't remember the last time Nash lost that quickly.

Match 5. Neville vs. Booker T - NXT UK Championship
Neville quickly sent Booker to the outside and landed some kicks. Booker hit a back breaker. Neville came back with a double stomp from the top. Booker got a couple of near falls and one more after the scissors kick. Neville was making his comeback before Booker countered a hurricanrana into a powerbomb and won the title.

A great match. Two completely different styles. Booker is the new champ.

Match 6. AJ Styles vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray tossed AJ around. AJ landed a heel kick and a super fallaway slam. Bray hit a second-rope senton. AJ fought back and hit the Styles Clash but Bray kicked out. Bray dodged the Pele kick and hit the uri nagi. Bray landed Sister Abigail but AJ kicked out at the last second. AJ won with a second Styles Clash.

Neither man was going to go down easily. AJ gets a big win.

Main Event. Seth Rollins vs. Triple H vs. Scott Hall - NXT Championship
We've seen this before. Can Trips get his title back? H was aggressive early, taking out both of his opponents. Hall grabbed a bat and hit Trips over the head. H then used the bat on Hall. Hall and Trips hit Rollins with a double chokeslam. There were multiple Pedigrees and Outsider's Edges. Rollins even busted out the Buckle Bomb. H Pedigreed Rollins, allowing Hall to hit Trips with a chokeslam to win.

Holy crap. What a main event. The first one was good but this blew it out of the water. Say hello to the Bad Guy.

Recap: A solid PPV where all four titles changed hands. A big shake-up.

August Week 1, Year 4

Raw is War
Match 1. Cesaro vs. Hideo Itami
Big Show walked out before the match started. Cesaro opened with a huge uppercut. As they were fighting, Big Show distracted Cesaro, allowing Hideo to take over. He landed a few kicks. Hideo landed the hesitation dropkick in the corner and won with the GTS.

A big win for Hideo, someone who's been stalling a bit. Cesaro will get revenge on Show.

Match 2. Bo Dallas vs. Jake Roberts

Match 3. Shawn Michaels vs. TJ Perkins

Match 4. Big Show vs. Mr Perfect

Main Event. Stone Cold vs. Rick Rude

SmackDown Live
Match 1. Apollo Crews vs. Bret Hart vs. Erick Rowan

Match 2. The Miz vs. Jinder Mahal

Match 3. No Way Jose vs. Rusev

Match 4. Chris Jericho vs. Braun Strowman
Jericho was able to knock Strowman off the apron but it didn't last long. Braun landed some big slams. Jericho hit an elbow to the face but missing a diving elbow. That could be costly. Braun powerbombed Jericho on the ramp. He kicked out of the Codebreaker too. Jericho ducked a big boot and won with a second Codebreaker.

Jericho was resilient and defeated the Monster Among Men.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Macho Man

Match 1. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater

Match 2. Kalisto vs. Booker T vs. Bulldog

Match 3. Curtis Axel vs. Triple H

Match 4. Neville vs. Seth Rollins

Main Event. Bray Wyatt vs. AJ Styles Finn Balor
AJ came out holding his arm, Finn Balor was his replacement. Balor hit a dropkick and falling gut buster. He then hit an STO. The last-minute change in opponents isn't fair. Balor landed the shotgun dropkick. Bray cut off Balor's dive. Balor busted Bray open on the ramp. He then won with Bloody Sunday.

AJ walked back out and stared down Bray.

Bray was not ready to face Balor and it showed. Was AJ faking the injury?

Match 1. Tyson Kidd vs. Luke Harper
Baron Corbin attacked Harper from behind. Kidd locked in the Hart Lock and hit the fisherman neck breaker but got a two count. Harper hit a clothesline and back suplex before dodging a moonsault. Kidd landed a German suplex and won with a second fisherman neck breaker.

Harper went after Corbin after the match but they had to be separated.

Kidd pinned the #1 Contender. He should be getting a title match soon.

Match 2. Rikishi vs. Aiden English
Rikishi is now a part of Impact.

Match 3. Baron Corbin vs. Rich Swann

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Vader

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Batista
What?! Batista is now on Impact!

Recap: A great episode with some new faces on the shows. Batista on Impact is going to be huge.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Raw is War's Vengeance, Year 4

Match 1. Breezango vs. Natural Disasters
Breezango has had ND's number in recent months. Breeze kicked out the legs of Typhoon. The big men recovered and beat down Breeze. Fandango was able to take down Earthquake. Breeze came back in and connected with the Beauty Shot to win.

Earthquake grabbed a mic and said, "After this loss, they are done."

That's three in a row for Breezango over ND. I can't believe they would just quit like that.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Paige vs. Bayley - Raw Women's Championship
Bayley and Paige worked over Charlotte. Charlotte blocked Ram-Paige into a suplex and then hit Bayley with a delayed suplex. Paige hit Bayley with the Paige Turner and landed a dive to the outside on Charlotte. Bayley took out Paige with the Belly-to-Bayley. Charlotte tossed out Bayley and pinned Paige to retain her title.

Bayley let this one slip away as she couldn't capitalize. Charlotte did it with flair.

Match 3. New Day vs. The Revival - WWF Tag Team Championship
Dawson locked Kofi in an arm bar and hit Woods with a German suplex. Woods landed a back breaker and STO on Wilder. Kofi got a near fall after a Boom Drop on Dawson. Scott came back with a huge spine buster. Wilder planted Woods with the Codebreaker to win.

The feud finally ends with The Revival keeping the titles.

Match 4. Stone Cold vs. Rick Rude
Austin hit a back body drop and Lou Thesz Press in between a neck breaker from Rude. Rick then DDT'd Austin through the announce table. He then got a near fall after a neck breaker. Austin tried coming back but Rude countered a suplex and won with the hangman neck breaker.

After the match, Rude continued stomping on Austin.

Rude picks up a big win over his former stablemate.

Match 5. Big Show vs. Cesaro - Intercontinental Championship
Cesaro countered a press slam but Show was right back on offense. Show then got a near fall after a spear. Cesaro went to the top but Show caught him with a chokeslam and won with the knockout punch.

Show pretty much squashed Cesaro. A poor outing for the Swiss Superman.

Match 6. Edge vs. Mark Henry
Henry landed a back breaker and big boot. As soon as Edge got to his feet, Henry took him down. Edge hit a DDT but Henry got right up and hit a Samoan Drop and World's Strongest Slam but Edge kicked out. Henry kicked out of the Edge-cution and made him tap with a bear hug.

Henry was just too strong. Edge could barely keep him on the ground.

Main Event. Shawn Michaels vs. Batista - WWF Championship
Michaels countered a press slam into a DDT. He then hit a superplex and a diving elbow for a long two count. Batista was going for a clothesline but Michaels tossed him up and connected with the Sweet Chin Music for another near fall. Batista landed the spine buster and went for the Batista Bomb but Michaels reversed it into a neck breaker. Batista hit a super back suplex. HBK hit a piledriver and a second superkick to get the win.

A great main event. Batista was slow early but he landed some big moves to put Michaels' title reign at risk but HBK does it again.

Recap: A good PPV. Despite no title changes, there were some great matches. I guess the Natural Disasters are done.

July Week 4, Year 4

Raw is War
Match 1. Big Show vs. TJ Perkins

Match 2. Jake Roberts vs. Bo Dallas

Match 3. New Day vs. The Revival

Match 4. Rick Rude vs. Stone Cold

Main Event. Shawn Michaels vs. Sting vs. Bobby Roode
Roode and Sting worked over the champ but it didn't last long. Michaels stood by as they beat each other up. Sting planted Roode with a Tombstone. Michaels locked Sting in the Sharpshooter. HBK busted Roode open with the Sweet Chin Music. Roode took out Sting with a driver. Michaels followed up with a diving crossbody on Roode to win.

A great triple threat match. Michaels' reign as champion may be ending soon.

SmackDown Live
Match 1. No Way Jose vs. Rusev
Rusev continued his attack after the match.

Match 2. Rob Van Dam vs. Jinder Mahal

Match 3. The Miz vs. Eric Young

Match 4. Macho Man vs. Chris Jericho

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Randy Orton vs. Sami Zayn
Let's see if they can top Raw's 3-way. Orton cracked Sami over the head with a bat. Orton then hit Taker with the hanging DDT and the RKO. Zayn hit a senton and sit-out slam. Orton took out Zayn with an RKO. Taker hit Orton with Old School. Taker had Zayn pinned after a Tombstone but Orton broke it up. Orton busted Zayn open with the hanging DDT. Taker took out Orton with Old School. Zayn then pinned Taker with a German suplex and bridge.

Oh my. That may have top the last 3-way. Zayn pins the champ in an upset.

Match 1. Finn Balor vs. JBL

Match 2. Enzo and Big Cass vs. The Club

Match 3. Neville vs. Kalisto
Kalisto hit a top-rope arm drag and hurricanrana. Neville came back with a slam and moonsault. Kalisto got a near fall after the Salida del Sol. Neville spiked Kalisto on his head. Kalisto shook it off and won with a rolling heel kick and second finisher.

Kalisto pinned the UK champ. Another champ getting pinned. Kalisto getting a title shot soon?

Match 4. Seth Rollins vs. Shane McMahon

Main Event. Kevin Nash vs. AJ Styles
Bray Wyatt caused a distraction.

Match 1. The Rock vs. Aiden English

Match 2. Baron Corbin vs. Rich Swann
Corbin swatted Swann down like a fly. Swann hit a suplex and second-rope senton splash. He then locked in a Cloverleaf. Corbin escaped and then took over the match. He hit a power slam and End of Days but Swann kicked out. After two super back suplexes, Corbin won with a press slam.

After the match, Luke Harper walked out.

Swann got some offense in but not enough. Harper isn't done with Corbin yet.

Match 3. Vader vs. Big E

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle

Recap: Angle wants his title back. Contenders are making names for themselves.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Impact Bound for Glory, Year 4

Match 1. Goldust vs. Jason Jordan
I guess we'll get Truth and Gable next? Jordan tossed Goldy around before Goldust took over. Jordan hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and later won with an Angle Slam.

Not the best opening match. The young guy at least got over.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya - Impact Women's Championship
Asuka and Nattie hit Fox with simultaneous kicks. The three women fought for a bit on the outside. Fox hit Nattie with a somersault leg drop. She later hit the leg drop DDT and had her feet on the ropes but Nattie kicked out. Asuka took out Fox with kicks, allowing Nattie to hit Asuka with a discus clothesline to win.

A surprisingly good three-way. Nattie is the new champion. Will she be the only one?

Match 3. Luke Harper vs. Baron Corbin - X-Division Championship
Two of the big men fighting for the X-Division title. Kinda funny. Harper caught Corbin with a wheelbarrow suplex. He then hit a pump handle suplex and lifting face buster. Corbin hit a sidewalk slam. Harper went for a dive but it was blocked. Harper was back in control when Corbin landed the End of Days out of nowhere to retain.

A good title match. Harper let this one slip from his hands.

Match 4. Authors of Pain vs. Hype Bros - Impact Tag Team Championship
The Authors of Pain hit Mojo with the Doomsday Device. Ryder hit Akam with a snap neck breaker and diving elbow. He then hit Rezar with the Rough Ryder for a two count. Ryder was getting his ass kicked after that before tagging in Mojo. Akam hit a back suplex and running clothesline to win.

Hype Bros weren't tough enough to take out the AoP. Can anyone stop them?

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Kassius Ohno
They went back and forth for the first couple of minutes. Ohno got a near fall after a suplex. He then drove his elbow into the back of Dean's head. Ambrose hit a powerbomb and a superplex to the outside. Ohno won with a second elbow to the head.

A decent match that could have been a lot better.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
Bryan hit a butterfly suplex into an arm bar. Sheamus hit a back suplex and a fallaway slam. Bryan hit the Yes Kicks. Sheamus escaped the Yes Lock and hit the Irish Curse. Bryan hit more kicks and connected with a diving elbow. Sheamus caught Bryan in mid-air with the Brogue Kick. Bryan hit six more kicks but couldn't keep Sheamus down. Sheamus won with an Irish Curse back breaker.

After the match, Sheamus continued his attack on Bryan.

What a match. Sheamus looked like a monster in this one.

Main Event. Angle vs. Lesnar vs. Flair vs. Nakamura - Impact Championship
What a group here. Flair pulled out a bat and hit Angle multiple times. Angle hit Brock with a German suplex, a move we'll likely see a few more times. Flair wore down Nakamura on the outside. Angle hit three more Germans. Nakamura hit one of his own. Flair DDT'd him onto the apron. Brock hit Angle with three before getting the win.

A great match with just a few German suplexes. Lesnar is champ. Good luck to everyone else.

Recap: A good PPV with two title changes. The Beast is the champ. Sheamus did suffer an injury during his match.

Friday, October 6, 2017

July Week 3, Year 4

Raw is War
Match 1. Dallas Page vs. Mark Henry

Match 2. Breezango vs. Natural Disasters

Match 3. New Day vs. The Revival

Match 4. Stone Cold vs. Rick Rude

Main Event. Shawn Michaels vs. Jake Roberts
Jake poked Shawn's eye and immediately took over. Shawn recovered and set up a ladder. They then went back and forth on the outside. Jake got a couple of near falls. He then planted Michaels on the floor with the DDT to win.

Wow. Roberts pretty much dominated Michaels the whole match. Will he get a title shot?

SmackDown Live
Match 1. Eric Young vs. Erick Rowan

Match 2. The Miz vs. Jinder Mahal

Match 3. No Way Jose vs. Rusev
Two solid mid-card stars. Rusev hit a super belly-to-back suplex. He then kicked Jose's head into the steel post. Vicious. Rusev continued to toss Jose around. Jose hit a suplex neck breaker and a rolling forearm. Jose fired back but Rusev kicked out every time. Jose eventually won with a double ax smash.

A great match. It could be said that Jose earned the upset win.

Match 4. Undertaker vs. Kane

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Macho Man

Match 1. Neville vs. JBL

Match 2. Kalisto vs. Tye Dillinger

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Prime Time Players

Match 4. AJ Styles vs. Bray Wyatt

Main Event. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins
Cena hit a sunset bomb and deadlift gut wrench slam. Rollins slammed Cena face-first into the floor and a roll through superkick. Rollins then kicked Cena's head into the post. Cena recovered with the shoulder block, 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA to win.

Super Cena wins again. Rollins damn near ended him but Cena gets the win.

Match 1. Vader vs. Big E vs. Roderick Strong vs. Jack Gallagher

Match 2. Christian vs. Aiden English

Match 3. Baron Corbin vs. Luke Harper

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Ric Flair

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan hit a northern lights suplex and locked in a dragon sleeper. Aggressive start by D-Bry. Lesnar hit a German suplex. Bryan came right back with the Yes Kicks and got a two count. Lesnar escaped the Yes Lock and locked in the kimura. He then hit three German suplexes. Brock caught Bryan in mid-air and hit the F5 for a two count. Three more German suplexes. Bryan went to the top but Lesnar caught him again for a second F5 and won.

Bryan looked good and had a few chances to win but Brock is a beast.

Recap: A great week with some PPV-quality matches. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

SmackDown Live's Battleground, Year 4

A very good card with some great matchups.

Match 1. DIY vs. The Ascension
All four men got some offense in early. DIY wore down Konnor as they hit an assisted diving cross body for a near fall. Gargano hit Viktor with a Samoan driver for another two count. After a running knee, Ciampa locked in a modified cloverleaf. Viktor hit Ciampa with a Tiger Bomb and won.

Whoa. The Ascension might have gotten their first win and a huge win at that.

Match 2. Naomi vs. Sasha Banks vs. Tamina - SmackDown Women's Championship
Sasha went after both women early. She hit Naomi with two German suplexes. Sasha hit Tamina with one as well. Naomi hit Tamina with a split-legged moonsault. Sasha locked Naomi in the Bank Statement. Naomi took out Sasha and Tamina caught Naomi with a superkick to win.

Wow. I was not expecting Tamina to pull this one out. A huge win for her career.

Match 3. TM61 vs. The Usos - SmackDown Tag Team Championship
Jimmy hit both opponents with neck breakers. Jey hit Nick with a Samoan Driver. Miller came back with a Widow's Peak but Jey grabbed the ropes. He also hit a frog splash. All four men fought in the ring. Jey kicked out of a sit-out powerbomb. Miller kicked out of a superkick/diving splash combo. The Usos hit another kick/splash combo and got the win.

A great tag match for our second title change.

Match 4. Rusev vs. The Miz - United States Championship
Miz caught Rusev off the ropes with a big boot and then a knee to the face. He quickly hit a front headlock driver. Rusev landed a backbreaker and bicycle kick. Rusev kicked out of the Skull Crushing Finale. Rusev cracked Miz over the head with a bat. Miz shook that off and hit a second finisher but got a two count. He hit a third SCF to win the title.

Holy crap. These two went to war over the US title. Miz is resilient.

Match 5. Last Man Standing - Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho
We haven't seen these two much. Jericho hit a back suplex and delayed suplex on the outside. Jericho later hit a brainbuster. Orton caught Jericho with a t-bone suplex. Suplex City! He continued to target Jericho's back. Jericho busted out the Codebreaker and a superplex. Orton could not answer the count.

A good LMS match. Not sure why it has the stip, but I enjoyed the match.

Match 6. Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe vs. Goldberg vs. Braun Strowman
This is a stacked co-main event. Goldberg hit Joe with a bat. Joe returned the favor. Braun pummeled Zayn on the outside. He hit the pump handle piledriver. Goldberg powerbombed Joe on the outside. Braun hit a second piledriver to get the win.

A car crash of a 4-way. Braun dominates.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Macho Man - WWE Championship
Two of the all-time greats. Taker hit a couple of suplexes. He then sent Savage head-first into the post. Taker got a near fall with Old School. Savage took apart the announce table but Taker followed him by landing a dive over the top rope. Savage landed a super back suplex. Taker recovered and won with just one Tombstone.

Not the best showing from Savage. Maybe he's on his way out. 

Recap: A good event with three big title changes yet Taker remains at the top. 

July Week 2, Year 4

Raw is War
Match 1. Mark Henry vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. New Day vs. The Revival

Match 3. Kevin Owens vs. Big Show vs. Batista

Match 4. Stone Cold vs. Rick Rude
Two former Dangerous Alliance members. Rude kept Austin grounded with rest holds and joint manipulation. Austin then took the match to the outside before hitting a top-rope stunner. He continued with a Lou Thesz Press for a near fall. Rude kicked out of another Stunner. Austin won with a second Thesz Press.

After the match, Rude dodged a handshake from Austin.

Main Event. Shawn Michaels vs. Edge

SmackDown Live
Match 1. No Way Jose vs. Rusev

Match 2. Kane vs. Jinder Mahal

Match 3. Erick Rowan vs. Sin Cara vs. Apollo Crews

Match 4. Roman Reigns vs. Goldberg
Goldberg tossed Roman up and let him crash. He then hit a back breaker and reverse suplex. Goldberg listed Reigns up for a press slam spine buster. Reigns landed the Superman punch but Goldberg grabbed the ropes. Reigns then hit his spear but got a two count. Goldberg then won with a second press slam.

Goldberg still has it. Watch out, everyone.

Main Event. Macho Man vs. Undertaker
Undertaker attacked Savage after the match.

Match 1. Kevin Nash vs. Neville
After the match, Neville tossed the European title down and introduced the United Kingdom title. He said the rest of Europe doesn't matter when he is the champion.

Match 2. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Prime Time Players

Match 3. Seth Rollins vs. Shane McMahon

Match 4. AJ Styles vs. Bray Wyatt
AJ hit a head scissors and Styles Clash but didn't go for the pin. Styles then countered a t-bone and hit the Pele kick for a near fall. He then won with a jumping, twisting heel kick.

Wow. AJ completely destroyed Wyatt in a matter of minutes.

Main Event. JBL vs. Finn Balor

Match 1. Christian vs. Tyson Kidd

Match 2. Aiden English vs. Big E

Match 3. Baron Corbin vs. Luke Harper
The two big men went back-and-forth in and out of the ring. Harper got a near fall with a discus clothesline. He later hit a suplex from the apron onto the floor. Corbin dodged Harper and beat him up more on the outside. Harper hit a second clothesline but Corbin kicked out. He then won with a back suplex into a face buster.

A nice match between two big men. Harper will likely get a title shot at the PPV.

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ric Flair

Recap: A good week with some impressive matches. The UK Title is now on NXT.

NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn, Year 4

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater
A possible No. 1 contender's match. Rhyno hit Young with a spine buster. Titus then overpowered Rhyno. After a heel kick, Young locked Slater in a Boston Crab. Rhyno got the hot tag and tossed Titus around. He then hit the Gore and got the win.

A nice win for Slater and Rhyno. They can get a title shot soon.

Match 2. Enzo and Big Cass vs. The Club - NXT Tag Team Championship
Gallows locked Enzo in a camel clutch. He then hit Cass with a pump handle drop and Jackhammer. Enzo fired back on Gallows and Anderson but fell short. The Club hit the Magic Killer but Cass broke up the pin. Anderson hit Cass with a fireman's carry cutter but got a two count. He then hit a jumping cutter to get the win.

Anderson takes down the big man to win the titles for his team. Good brothers.

Match 3. Neville vs. Booker vs. Ziggler vs. Bulldog - European Championship
Bulldog/Booker and Neville/Ziggler were the pairings to start the match. Neville got a near fall on Bulldog after a brain buster. Bulldog hit Booker with a delayed suplex and power slam for a two count. Ziggler hit Neville with a Zig Zag. Neville then came back and won with the Red Arrow.

Holy crap. A fast-paced 4-way. Neville somehow retains again.

Match 4. Ricky Steamboat vs. Curtis Axel
The two shook hands before the match. Steamboat locked in a sleeper and hit a delayed suplex. Axel DDT's Ricky on the apron. He then hit a diving forearm from the top to the outside. After a knee smash, Axel hit the Perfect-plex but got a two count. They went back and forth before Axel won with a hangman's neck breaker.

Steamboat raised Axel's arm in victory. Respect all around.

Match 5. Dana Brooke vs. Nia Jax - NXT Women's Championship
Eeek. Dana tried taking the big girl down but Nia caught her with a Samoan drop. She then hit two squatting suplexes. Dana countered a slam into a DDT and began her comeback. After a front slam, the former bodybuilder lifted Nia up for a Samoan Driver and retained her title.

Nia looked dominant early but Dana somehow overcame the odds.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Mankind
They traded moves to start. Mankind hit a gut buster and locked in a front headlock choke. After a bulldog, he locked in Mr. Socko. Cena hit the sunset bomb and a sit-out powerbomb. He then caught Mankind in mid-air and landed the AA to win.

Cena gets his win back from the last PPV. Do we get the rubber match next month?

Main Event. Triple H vs. Seth Rollins vs. Scott Hall - NXT Championship
Hmmm. This may not go well for Seth. There was no alliance as all three attacked each other. Hall hit Rollins and Trips with a sledgehammer. Seth hit H with two heel kicks. Hall caught Triple H with a chokeslam. Hall and Rollins stalked H and Hall hit his finish first. Rollins hit Hall with a dive to the outside. Rollins busted H open with a super kick. Hall landed the Outsider Edge. Rollins went for the Phoenix Splash but Hall hit the super fallaway slam. Hall took out H, allowing Rollins to pin Hall with a sit-out slam.

What a main event! There were weapons, blood and many near falls. Rollins is once again champ.

Recap: A solid PPV with two title changes. The summer is just heating up.

Monday, October 2, 2017

July Week 1, Year 4

Raw is War
Match 1. The Revival vs. New Day
We'll get a rematch at the PPV.

Match 2. Cedric Alexander vs. Bo Dallas
Bo hit a sit-out spine buster. Alexander landed a pump handle backbreaker. Bo got a near fall after a falling neck breaker. Cedric hit a nice brain buster and got a near fall after a fireman's carry kick. Bo won with a double underhook DDT.

A nice match with Bo getting the upset win.

Match 3. Stone Cold vs. Rick Rude

Match 4. Big Show vs. Cesaro

Main Event. Shawn Michaels vs. Mark Henry

SmackDown Live
Match 1. Rob Van Dam vs. Jinder Mahal
Mahal dodged a side kick and hit a backbreaker. Van Dam hit a wheel kick. They traded near falls. Jinder then got a near fall after the clutch slam. After a super German suplex, RVD won with the 5-Star Frog Splash.

A good showing from Jinder but Van Dam was just a little more experience.

Match 2. Sin Cara vs. Apollo Crews

Match 3. Erick Rowan vs. Kane vs. No Way Jose

Match 4. Bret Hart vs. Braun Strowman

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Macho Man

Match 1. Neville vs. Triple H

Match 2. Steamboat and Axel vs. Enzo and Big Cass
Axel and Ricky look to be on the same page. Steamboat was taking it to both Enzo and Cass. Cass hit Axel with a big boot and snapmare but tagging Enzo back in. Cass pinned Axel with the East River Crossing.

Axel takes another loss. Will he ever recover from this slump?

Match 3. Prime Time Players vs. The Club

Match 4. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Kalisto

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. JBL

Match 1. Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin

Match 2. Big E vs. Aiden English

Match 3. Luke Harper vs. Rich Swann

Match 4. Nakamura vs. Kidd vs. Flair vs. Christian
An interesting group. Luger hit Christian with a t-bone suplex and a power slam. Kidd and Nakamura fought on the outside. Shinsuke pulled out a bat. Luger DDT'd Kidd on the apron as Christian pinned Nakamura with a reverse DDT.

Was not expecting Christian to win that match. A nice win for him.

Main Event. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

Recap: Some surprising wins this week. NXT TakeOver Brooklyn is next.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Raw is War Fully Loaded, Year 4

All four titles are on the line

Match 1. Breezango vs. Natural Disasters
The smaller Breezango have had the upper hand on the two big men. Breeze took down Typhoon with kicks to the hamstring. Breezango then worked over Earthquake. The Disasters beat up Breeze for a bit. Fandango hit Typhoon with the Last Dance leg drop to get the win.

Another nice win for Breezango. They're owed a title shot now.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss - Raw Women's Championship
They traded arm bars early. Charlotte hit a delayed suplex. Bliss hit a jaw breaker. Charlotte landed a nice powerbomb. She got a near fall after a spear. After a suplex, Alexa got a near fall after two Twisted Blisses. Charlotte hit a top-rope snap mare and won with a spear.

A great women's match. Both women pulled out everything they got and a new champ is crowned.

Match 3. New Day vs. The Revival - Raw Tag Team Championship
Possibly my best feud. Revival worked over Woods in the beginning. Kofi went to the top, but Dawson knocked him down from the apron. Things broke down as Woods busted Wilder open and Dawson threw Kofi into the post. Dash then busted Woods open. Dawson came in and won with the Double-A spine buster.

Another great match for a title change. They are The Revival for a reason.

Match 4. Big Show vs. TJ Perkins - Intercontinental Championship
Perkins has a tall task ahead of him. Show hit a slam and big boot. Perkins pulled out a table to even the odds. Perkins locked in a Texas Cloverleaf as best as he could. He got a near fall after the drive-by dropkick. Show wailed on Perkins with a chair. TJP hit a fireman's carry heel kick but couldn't capitalize. Show dodged a frog splash and won with a spear.

Perkins had a great showing but Show was just too much for him.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Mark Henry
Austin tossed Henry shoulder first into the post. Mark threw Austin up in the air. Austin countered a slam into a DDT and then hit the Lou Thesz Press. Henry fought back and continued to toss Steve around. Henry kicked out of the Stunner. After some punches, Austin won with another Thesz Press.

Austin toughed it out and got the win. Title shot next?

Match 6. Last Man Standing - Batista vs. Bobby Roode
Roode sent Batista into the steel post multiple times. Batista threw him into the steps and then hit a spine buster. Batista continued with a spear and Batista Bomb to get the win.

Wow. That was a glorified squash. Roode got very little offense in.

Main Event. Table - Shawn Michaels vs. Edge - WWF Championship
Edge is familiar with this match type. Michaels was technical early. Edge hit a flapjack onto the steps.  He later hit two powerbombs and a spear. Michaels caught Edge off the top with Sweet Chin Music. He then placed Edge on the table and put him through with a moonsault.

They turned up the intensity early. Michaels had a solid title defense. Edge will be back, though.

Recap: The undercard was great with two title changes. The LMS match was underwhelming.