Thursday, May 4, 2017


Match 1. New Day vs. The Club - Raw Tag Team Championship
Gallows hit a deadlift powerbomb on Enzo. Big Cass got the tag but he was getting worked over. The Club hit Cass with the Magic Killer but got a two count. They then hit a snapshot on Enzo but he kicked out, too. Anderson got the hot tag and pinned Cass with a sit-out powerbomb.

The champs were in control for most of the match. They are at the top of their game.

Match 2. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin - United States Championship
Cesaro hit two German suplexes. Corbin came back with one of his own. He got a near fall after a Falcon Arrow. Cesaro slammed Corbin down and got a near fall with the Neutralizer. Corbin escaped a crossface and hit a superplex. Cesaro won with three straight gutwrench slams.

A good match for both. Cesaro has a lot more competition to take care of.

Match 3. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte - Raw Women's Championship
Charlotte tossed Sasha out of the ring and landed a powerbomb. Sasha tried fighting back, but Charlotte kept her down. Sasha pulled out the backstabber. She then DDT'd Charlotte on the apron and got the win, with her feet on the ropes.

Damn. Sasha had to cheat to retain her title. I expect Charlotte to demand a rematch.

Match 4. Hell in a Cell - Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - Intercontinental Championship
This match belongs in a cell. Ziggler planted Kidd with a back suplex and DDT. After a German suplex, Kidd landed a huge moonsault. Ziggler hit a superplex and rolling neck breaker. He then caught Kidd with a super kick. Kidd kicked out of a Zig Zag. Kidd locked in the Hart Lock. Ziggler landed a second finisher onto a chair and won.

I think it's safe to say this feud is over, and what a feud it was. So many good matches.

Match 5. Hell in a Cell - Batista vs. ?????
Who is Batista's opponent? It's...CM PUNK!!! This isn't fair for Batista. He has to fight in a cell against someone he didn't prepare for. Batista landed a couple of big slams. Punk countered a spear into a DDT. Batista countered a hurricanrana into a powerbomb. He then hit a deadlift bomb. Punk connected with the GTS and got a near fall. He went for the diving elbow, but Batista sprung up and landed the spear to get the win.

Despite the loss, it's nice to see Punk on Raw. Batista proves he's one of the best.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens
Bryan locked in a couple of submissions early. Owens rolled out of the ring, frustrated. Owens threw Bryan into the ropes but Daniel countered and took Kevin down. He then hit a flying headbutt to win.

Holy crap. While this wasn't a title match, this is a big win for Bryan. The title will be on the line next time.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose - Universal Championship
Lesnar charged at Ambrose, landed strikes in the corner and clotheslining him out of the ring. Dean countered two suplexes. He found an exit out of Suplex City! Lesnar hit three German suplexes and an F5 and won.

Lesnar destroyed Ambrose. I wonder if anyone can stop The Beast.

Recap: No title changes but some great matches. We also got a new addition to Raw in CM Punk.

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