Sunday, May 21, 2017


A lot of titles on the line, including the new Cruiserweight Championship.

Match 1. Dallas Page vs. Roddy Piper
Piper got a cheap shot and took the match to the outside. He got a near fall after a running bulldog. Page landed a huge sit-out powerbomb. Piper kicked out of the Diamond Cutter and a superplex. Page escaped out of two sleeper attempts. Piper won with a second bulldog.

Wow. A good opener with a lame finish. Page isn't done yet.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss - NXT Women's Championship
Can Alexa end Asuka's record run? She got pressure on Asuka early. Alexa kicked the face of Asuka multiple times. Asuka hit a running boot and German suplex. Alexa hit two second rope face busters and the Eat Defeat but got a two count. After a dropkick, Alexa won with Twisted Bliss.

Oh my! Alexa did it! She pinned Asuka to win her first NXT Women's Championship.

Match 3. Sting vs. The Giant
Sting took the big man down quickly. The Giant got up and tossed Sting to the outside. Sting came back and landed a diving elbow to the back and the Scorpion Death Drop to win.

Not the most exciting end to this feud. Sting comes out on top.

Match 4. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick - Cruiserweight Championship
The winner will be the inaugural Cruiserweight champ. Kendrick hit a running boot at the opening bell. Swann hit a sit-out uri nagi. He later hit a rolling senton and snap cutter. Kendrick hit a dropkick to the knee and a superkick. Swann was kicking out of everything. Kendrick countered a submission and won with a second superkick, leaving Swann a bloody mess.

Kendrick did what he said he was going to and walk out the champ. He's the man with a plan.

Match 5. TM61 vs. The Revival - NXT Tag Team Championship
It's been a while since we've seen TM61. Dash caught Shane with a t-bone suplex. Miller hit Dawson with a back breaker and torture rack, but missed a frog splash. The two teams went back and forth for a bit. Shane got a near fall after a powerbomb. He then pinned Dash after a swinging sidewalk slam and 450 splash.

Holy crap! I did not expect TM61 to win there. The Revival were going strong, too.

Match 6. Dusty Rhodes vs. Rob Van Dam - WCW Championship
A big opportunity for Van Dam. Two completely different styles. Dusty kept RVD grounded. He got a two count on his double punches. Van Dam hit a hurricanrana. Rhodes got another near fall after the bionic elbow. RVD hit two reverse superplexes. Dusty came back and won with a second elbow.

Van Dam put up a good fight but didn't hit enough big moves.

Main Event. Austin Aries vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Championship
Can Aries take down The Destroyer? He drove Joe into the railing and hit a back suplex. Joe hit a big suplex and tied Aries up in the tree of woe. Aries hit a swinging STO. Joe came back with the Chimera-plex. Aries landed hit own suplex combination and locked in the Last Chancery. Joe connected with the Muscle Buster but Aries kicked out. Aries then hit the brain buster and won.

That was a great match. Neither man wanted to stay down. Back-to-back brain busters put Joe away.

Recap: The two top champs retain their titles. Two rivalries come to an end in ECWCW. We do have new NXT tag, women's and Cruiserweight champions. It's a new chapter in NXT.

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