Sunday, May 7, 2017

November Week 1, Year 3

Match 1. Kane vs. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin

Match 2. Naomi vs. Emma

Match 3. Tye Dillinger vs. The Miz

Match 4. Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose
Big E attacked Kofi from behind. We haven't seen E since he turned on his partners. Kofi recovered and fought back. They finally got into the ring and Kofi got a near fall after a diving splash. After a bulldog, Dean hit the Dirty Deeds and won.

Big E came back out and watched his former partner struggle to his feet.

Ambrose was in the middle here. Big E is making a statement.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho
Punk made his debut last night against Batista. Punk hit a suplex and the running knee/bulldog combo for a two count. He then caught Jericho in midair before hitting the GTS to win.

Punk gets his first win on Raw. Watch out.

Match 1. Sheamus vs. Mark Henry

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. Jack Swagger vs. Heath Slater

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Sami Zayn
Bryan landed a butterfly slam into an armbar. Bryan landed the Yes Kicks and caught him in the Yes Lock. Sami pulled out the Blue Thunder Bomb. He then locked in the Koji Clutch. Bryan hit the half-and-half suplex and a diving headbutt. Sami hit his own half-and-half. They traded signatures again. Bryan won with more kicks to the head.

After the match, Kevin Owens ran down and attacked Bryan with the title.

A great match ruined by the attack from the champ.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
Cena hit a back suplex and gut wrench slam. Bray ran over Cena and stomped on him. After a snapmare, Cena landed the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and the AA but Bray kicked out. Bray landed a senton and DDT on the apron. After some back and forth, Bray pulled out a sledgehammer and got himself disqualified.

Wow. I guess Bray didn't care about winning, just hurting Cena.

Match 1. Carmella vs. Summer Rae

Match 2. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 3. Rich Swann vs. Brian Kendrick
Swann countered a full nelson into a jaw breaker. Kendrick superplexed Swann from the top to the outside. Holy crap! Swann came back with a back handspring cutter. He hit an apron dropkick and won with a super kick and rolling senton.

A great match from both competitors. They will compete for the new championship at the PPV.

Match 4. Adam Rose vs. Rhyno

Main Event. Apollo Crews vs. Austin Aries

Match 1. Sting vs. The Giant

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. Rey Mysterio

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. Luger and Anderson
Two similar teams. D-Von hit Lex with a spine buster and gut wrench slam. He and Arn fought on the outside. The Dudleyz wore down Luger. Luger hit a huge fall away slam. Arn planted D-Von with a spine buster and pinned him after a spike DDT.

A good tag match between two powerful teams.

Match 4. Dusty Rhodes vs. Bret Hart

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Roddy Piper

Impact of Honor
Match 1. WGTT vs. The Wolves

Match 2. Bobby Lashley vs. Damien Sandow
Sandow took down Lashley on his way to the ring. In the ring, Lashley hit a t-bone suplex. Sandow tried coming back, but Lashley slammed him and crushed him in the tree of woe to win.

This was more of a beating than a match. Lashey dominated him.

Match 3. Aerostar vs. Matt Sydal

Match 4. King Cuerno vs. Son of Havoc

Main Event. Johnny Mundo vs. PJ Black vs. Zack Sabre Jr
This is going to be a fun match. Sabre Jr was in control of both opponents. Black grabbed a steel chair and hit both men. This is a new side to PJ. Sabre landed a super back suplex on Mundo. PJ landed a huge moonsault onto Mundo. Mundo came back with a huge diving cross body and the Moonlight Drive. PJ busted Mundo open with twisting flapjack. Sabre won with a full nelson suplex and a bridge.

Sabre is one of the best technical wrestlers and showed it off here.

Recap: A great week. Raw and SD have the top stars. NXT has the young guys. ECWCW full of vets and IoH have great athletes. There's a lot to enjoy.

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