Thursday, February 2, 2017


Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal - ROH Championship
Lethal focused on the neck. Cole hit a super butterfly suplex and suplex piledriver, but Lethal kicked out. Cole then hit the flipping piledriver, but got another near fall. Lethal pulled out a cutter, but couldn't capitalize. He then tossed Cole up and caught him with another cutter, but Cole kicked out. Cole won in a surprising fashion with a northern lights suplex.

So many big moves and near falls. Cole retains the title. I don't see how Lethal can be okay with that.

Match 2. James Storm vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Lashley
Storm pulled out a chair and hit both Matt and Lashley. Lashley hit Storm with a t-bone slam. Storm suplexed Lashley from the top to the outside! Matt hit Bobby with the Side Effect. Storm then hit Matt with the Last Call. Storm hit Lashley with the Eye of the Storm onto a chair. Matt took control and hit Storm with a super back suplex and Side Effect to win.

Matt Hardy was not his usual self. He was more meticulous instead of fast paced. Nice win.

Match 3. John Morrison vs. Chris Hero
Morrison locked in a camel clutch. Hero sent Morrison to the outside, but it backfired. Morrison connected with the Moonlight Drive and won.

Wow. Morrison did not give Hero a chance. Morrison makes a claim to be the next title challenger.

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes - TNA X-Division Championship
These two countered everything early. Cody busted out the Alabama Slam. Angle came back with a release belly-to-back. He then hit three German suplexes. Cody kicked out of the Olympic Slam and a diving splash. Angle landed three more Germans. He put Cody away after a second finisher.

Cody is the future, but Angle is the present and one of the best. Great match.

Match 5. WGTT vs. The Briscoes
The two newest teams to ROH are on the big stage. The winning team will face ReDragon. Mark hit Shelton with a huge powerbomb and frog splash but took out the ref in the process. After pummeling Haas in the corner, Jay hit a butterfly piledriver. Mark got a near fall on Shelton after a bicycle kick. He then hit a powerbomb and a diving elbow to win.

A good tag match with the heels going over. Briscoes/ReDragon? I can handle that.

Match 6. CM Punk vs. Pentagon Jr - ROH Television Championship
After some back and forth, Punk landed a spike piledriver. He then hung Pentagon over the top ropes, twice before hitting a diving elbow. Pentagon got a near fall after a brain buster. Punk hit a tornado DDT through the steel post. Pentagon hit a double underhook suplex into an arm breaker. Punk escaped a Mexican surfboard and hit the GTS to win.

This was a great, fast-paced match. Punk wins the title and is clearly the best in the world.

Main Event. Alberto Del Rio vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA Championship
Del Rio wore down Hardy. Jeff landed a tornado DDT on the outside. They went back and forth for a little. Jeff landed a diving elbow. He busted out a Side Effect and Swanton Bomb, but ADR kicked out. Hardy survived the cross arm breaker. Jeff hit a sunset flip bomb, but it was countered and Del Rio held the ropes as the ref countered three.

Jeff almost had it, but ADR survived. Jeff deserves a rematch.

Recap: Only one title change, but the other matches were good to great. The summer is heating up.

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