Sunday, February 12, 2017


Six titles will be on the line.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - Intercontinental Championship
These two rivals locked up. Kidd hit a Complete Shot. Ziggler connected with a super kick and got a two count. He then locked in a sleeper hold. Kidd drove Ziggler face-first into the turn post. After a diving elbow, he locked in the Hart Lock. Ziggler hit a super back suplex. He then hit the Heart Stopper elbows and won.

That was an exciting opening match. Ziggler retains the IC title again.

Match 2. Paige vs. Nikki Bella - SD Women's Championship
Paige threw Nikki into the steps. Nikki hit a spine buster. Paige got a near fall after a German suplex. She then got a near fall after the Paige Turner. Nikki got her own two count after the Bella Buster. Paige connected with a dive through the ropes. After another near fall, Paige won with the Ram-Paige.

A good women's match. Paige finally ends Nikki's reign as champion.

Match 3. The New Day vs. The Club - Raw Tag Team Championship
Anderson wore down both opponents in the first few moments. Gallows distracted the ref as Anderson hit Kofi below the belt. He then hit a running knee and cutter to win the tag titles.

The Club won the titles with a bit of controversy. I expect a rematch soon.

Match 4. Sasha Banks vs. Tamina - Raw Women's Championship
Tamina overpowered Sasha early. She landed a pump handle drop and knee smash. She then had Sasha in a torture rack. Sasha came back with forearms to the back and then a back stabber. Sasha locked in the Bank Statement, but Tamina escaped. Tamina DDT'd Sasha on the apron. Sasha landed her own DDT on the outside and won with a second back stabber.

Oh my God. Tamina was dominant for most of the match. Sasha was resilient in retaining her title.

Match 5. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Balor suplexed Batista from the apron. Balor later hit the shotgun dropkick and a sunset flip from the second rope. Balor then hit a dive over the top onto Batista. Batista connected with a huge spine buster. Balor hit a second dropkick. He went to the top for Coup de Grace, but Batista speared him in mid-air to win.

After the match, Batista continued the beating on Balor.

A great showing by Balor. He tried to put The Animal away, but the spear broke him in half.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens - WWE World Championship
Orton hit a Lou Thesz Press. Orton hit his back breaker, but Owens kicked out. Owens hit the Buckle Bomb and got a near fall. Owens landed a Samoan drop on the outside. He then mocked Orton and connected with the RKO to win the WWE title.

Oh man. It's one thing to get beat, but to lose to your own move. That's low.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose - WWE Universal Championship
Ambrose was aggressive early. He hit a front headlock driver. Cena tried fighting back, but Ambrose kept the pressure. Cena hit a sit out powerbomb. Ambrose hit the rebound clothesline and Dirty Deeds, but Cena kicked out. Cena fought back again. Ambrose locked in a Regal Stretch, but Cena escaped. He then kicked out of a second Dirty Deeds. He finally won with a powerbomb and bridge.

Dean Ambrose is the new champ! He dominated Cena and deserves the title.

Recap: There were four title changes. Raw and SmackDown are on new paths in the second half.

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