Sunday, February 12, 2017

July Week 4, Year 3

Match 1. Rusev vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Tamina

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 4. New Day vs. The Club
Anderson hit Kofi with a running knee at the start. He then hit E with a cutter, but got a near fall. He was on fire. The Club then hit the Magic Killer. Big E fought back for a bit. Kofi then took down Gallows. New Day hit the Super Big Ending and won.

WHAT?! How did New Day win? They were getting destroyed all match.

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Balor attacked Batista before the match, but The Animal still won.

Match 1. Tyler Breeze vs. Darren Young w/ Titus O'Neil

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Paige

Match 4. Hype Bros vs. Kevin Owens and Randy Orton
Can KO and Orton co-exist? Owens landed a senton from the second rope and a German suplex on Ryder. Mojo sent Orton to the outside. Owens and Orton worked well together. Owens hit Mojo with a cannonball splash and won with the pop-up powerbomb.

I'm impressed Owens and Orton didn't turn on each other. Could this be the turning of the tide?

Main Event. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Ziggler has huge momentum heading into the PPV.

Match 1. AJ Styles vs. Bo Dallas vs. Adam Rose

Match 2. Apollo Crews vs. Tye Dillinger

Match 3. Elias Samson vs. Hideo Itami

Match 4. DIY vs. TM61
Shane Thorne hit Gargano with a spin slam and top-rope splash. He then slammed Ciampa down. Nick Miller caught Gargano with a roundhouse kick. He landed the Gory Special on Ciampa. TM61 looked good. Shane landed a top rope brain buster and a sit-out powerbomb. He busted Ciampa open with a Complete Shot and won with a 450 splash.

American Alpha appeared at the top of the stage and saw the wreckage.

Wow. TM61 dominated from bell to bell. That was amazing to watch.

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. Impact Players

Match 2. Vader vs. Rey Mysterio

Match 3. Dusty Rhodes vs. Lex Luger
Flair attacked Dusty from behind with the world title. Luger took advantage with clotheslines and suplexes. He hit a running forearm and spike piledriver, but Dusty kicked out. Dusty fought back a little bit, but Luger won with a reverse Mexican stretch.

Flair walked out again and laughed at Dusty.

I wonder if there's an alliance between Flair and Luger...

Match 4. Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat

Main Event. Extreme Rules - Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dam

Match 1. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
Jeff caught Drew with a super kick. Drew fired back with rights. He countered a hurricanrana into a powerbomb. Jeff kicked out of the Irish Curse and the Future Shock. A bloody Jeff connected with the Swanton Bomb but got a two count. After some back-and-forth action, Jeff won with a Twist of Fate.

Alberto Del Rio attacked Jeff while he was celebrating.

Big win for Hardy as he'll get another title shot. ADR wants anything else but that.

Match 2. Ken Shamrock vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. Raven

Match 4. Eric Young vs. Ethan Carter III

Main Event. Cody Rhodes vs. Kurt Angle
Cody hit a straightjacket DDT. He later hit a senton splash from the middle rope. Cody followed it up with a disaster kick but got a two count. Angle landed a frog splash. The match spilled to the outside. Cody put Angle through the announce table with an Alabama Slam. Oh my God! Angle made it to his feet and somehow hit the Angle Slam and won.

How?! How did Angle win this match?

Match 1. CM Punk vs. Aerostar vs. Fenix
Fenix and Punk double teamed Aerostar. Punk landed a back breaker. Fenix followed it up with a diving leg drop. Fenix pulled out a bat. Aerostar hit a super sunset flip on Fenix. Punk kicked out of a flipping inverted DDT by Fenix. Punk came back with a GTS and won.

A high-flying, fast-paced match. Punk still holding strong as the TV champion.

Match 2. Son of Havoc vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 3. WGTT vs. The Briscoes
Mark sent Haas to the outside and wore him down on the ramp. He got a near fall after a back suplex and Michinoku Driver. Shelton hit Jay with a double underhook suplex and wheel kick. WGTT landed a double hip toss. Mark broke up a pin after a Complete Shot. Mark missed a bicycle kick on Haas, but connected with a frog splash. Haas won with a straightjacket brain buster and German suplex.

That was a fun tag match. WGTT look good since reuniting in ROH.

Match 4. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal

Main Event. Prince Puma vs. Drago

Recap: It's now time for the Raw/SD event. There could be some big changes coming. There were some great matches this week, especially the tag matches.

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