Sunday, January 8, 2017


Raw has the Money in the Bank match.

Match 1. The New Day vs. Wyatt Family - Raw Tag Team Championship
Rowan hit E with a pump handle back breaker. Big E landed a T-bone suplex and spine buster on Harper. Rowan got a near fall after a chokeslam. Kofi and E landed a super Big Ending to retain.

Not much of a title match. Rowan and Harper looked good, but one big move and it was over.

Match 2. Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins - WWE World Championship
This should be good. Rollins hit two STOs. Orton landed a twisting back suplex. Rollins hit a Shining Wizard and a package suplex. Orton tried fighting back, but Rollins hit his springboard knee to the head. Orton connected with two high-impact back suplexes. Rollins got a near fall after a curb stomp. He then tried cheating with his feet on the ropes. Orton hit his second rope DDT and punt kick to retain his title.

Wow. Neither fan used their true finisher. We saw a curb stomp and punt kick. They wanted to end each other.

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - Intercontinental Championship
These two put on some great matches in the past. Kidd wasn't giving Ziggler any breathing room. He landed a double foot stomp as Ziggler was in the tree of woe. Ziggler created some momentum. Kidd put him in the Hart Lock. Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper and the ZigZag, but got a near fall. Ziggler won with another Heart Stopper.

That was a great match. Kidd was aggressive, but Ziggler pulled out the win. This isn't over.

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback
Ambrose sent Ryback to the outside to start the match. He locked in the Regal Stretch. Ryback blocked an apron DDT and connected with Shell Shock, but got a two count. Ambrose hit a suplex from the apron and hit Dirty Deeds to win.

As Ambrose celebrated, he was still trash talking Ryback.

Match 5. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kevin Owens
They had a collar-and-elbow lock up to start. Owens won that exchange. He then hit a second-rope moonsault. Owens continued his offense with a package side slam and pop-up powerbomb, but Eddie kicked out. Owens then won with a camel clutch.

This was a one-sided match. Owens is not a path of destruction and could be heading for the WWE title.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Finn Balor - Raw Universal Championship
Cena overpowered Balor early, but Balor was countering a lot. Finn landed a sit-out powerbomb. Cena hit a half nelson neck breaker. I've never seen that before. Balor connected with the shotgun dropkick. Balor went to the top, but missed a diving cross body. Cena pulled off the AA, but Balor kicked out. Balor landed two Bloody Sundays. Cena tried coming back, but Balor hit Coup de Grace. Cena kicked out, but Balor was still in control. Balor went to the top again, but Cena caught him with an AA and won.

That was a damn good match. Balor tried everything he could. But, Cena wins again.

Main Event. MITB - Lesnar vs. Reigns vs. Sheamus vs. Rusev vs. Batista vs. Cesaro
This is star-studded. Cesaro slammed Reigns multiple times. Reigns made the first attempt at the briefcase. Sheamus German suplexed Reigns onto a ladder. Batista hit Cesaro with a Jackhammer. Lesnar suplexed Rusev multiple times. Reigns broke free and climbed up a ladder. Sheamus took away the ladder, but Reigns was able to pull down the briefcase.

The Roman Empire is building a foundation.

Recap: This was a great show. No title changes, but that doesn't take away from anything. Cena has to watch his back for Reigns now.

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