Thursday, January 26, 2017

NXT/ECWCW TakeOver: Unstoppable, Year 3

Match 1. Taz vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Rhyno - ECW Television Championship
The champ was getting worked over by his challengers. Taz hit Rey with a release German suplex. He later hit Rhyno with a t-bone suplex. Rey hit Rhyno with a flying head scissors. Rhyno hit Taz with a half nelson back breaker. Rey then hit Rhyno with a flipping sunset bomb to win.

Great opening match with the underdog getting the win.

Match 2. No Way Jose and Rich Swann vs. Authors of Pain
Can Jose/Swann overcome the odds? Akam caught Jose with a Samoan drop. Jose came back with an airplane spin. Swann landed a back handspring cutter. He then hit a Falcon Arrow. Swann pinned Akam after a tornado DDT.

Swann and Jose send AoP their first tag-team loss. Watch out for them.

Match 3. DIY vs. American Alpha - NXT Tag Team Championship
Gable countered a dive from Gargano into a power slam. Ciampa had Gable in an airplane spin and landed a running boot in the corner. DIY hit a buckle bomb/kick to the head combo. A bloody Gable hit a superplex and tagged Jordan. Ciampa hit a frog splash. Alpha landed a super double back body drop, All four men fought in the ring. DIY hit a second corner finisher to retain their titles.

A great tag title match. So many near falls. Gable just too much offense.

Match 4. Impact Players vs. The Outsiders - WCW Tag Team Championship
Two completely different styles. Justin hit Nash with a belly-to-belly side slam. Nash came back with a sidewalk slam. Hall tossed Storm around. Storm caught Hall with a super kick and got the win!

Whoa. I was not expecting that. The Outsiders won't go away quietly.

Match 5. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho hit a double underhook back breaker. RVD connected with a side kick off the ropes. Jericho came back with a powerbomb and Lionsault for a near fall. After locking in the Walls of Jericho, he hit a second powerbomb. RVD hit a super German suplex. Jericho hit three more powerbombs. He then busted Van Dam open with a kick to the head. After another German, RVD won with the Five Star Frog Splash.

Great match and a great finish. Jericho was in control for most of it, but the frog splash hurts.

Match 6. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes - WCW Championship
Flair, looking to get his title back, was aggressive early. Dusty tried landing some moves, but Flair kept cutting him off. Flair locked in the Figure Four. Dusty made a comeback with his punches. Flair ducked a clothesline and locked in another submission. He then won with a knee smash, but Dusty had the ropes as the ref counted three.

A screwy finish as Flair gets the gold back. Dusty will get a rematch, and rightfully so.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Championship
Hideo landed a back suplex and hurricanrana. Joe hit a T-bone suplex. Hideo ducked a clothesline and hit the hesitation dropkick. Joe hit a running elbow and enziguri. Itami connected with a dive to the outside. Joe locked in the Coquina Clutch. After a flurry of strikes, Hideo hit the GTS and won.

Hideo solidifies himself at the top guy in NXT. There are plenty of challengers waiting, though.

Recap: This was a great event. Three titles changes and a couple of surprising finishes. It's only July.

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