Sunday, January 29, 2017

July Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Rusev vs. Cesaro vs. Neville

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Tamina

Match 3. The New Day vs. The Club

Match 4. Bayley vs. Charlotte

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batista attacked Balor as he was entering the ring. He then hit a spine buster. Balor made a quick comeback, but Batista ended it with a Batista Bomb.

Batista showed Balor who The Animal is. Balor needs to go through Batista to get back to the title shot.

Match 1. Titus O'Neil vs. Mark Henry

Match 2. Paige vs. Nikki Bella

Match 3. Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins vs. Kane and Bray Wyatt
Bray and Rollins fought on the outside. Rollins hit Kane with a full nelson suplex. Bray hit Rollins with a ura nage and senton. Kane hit Bryan with a shoulder breaker and leg drop. Bryan kicked out of the Sister Abigail. Rollins busted Bray open with a Pedigree. He continued with a superplex and Phoenix Splash. Kane choke slammed Rollins to win.

That was a good tag match. Kane and Bray worked well together.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd accidentally knocked out the ref at the opening bell. Ziggler hit two back suplexes. Kidd connected with a heel kick. He then DDT'd Ziggler on the apron. Ziggler landed a German suplex with a bridge and won.

Kidd needed this win over the champ.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens

Match 1. Tye Dillinger vs. Bobby Roode
Roode landed a running high knee. He later hit a spine buster, but got a two count. Tye shook off a Death Valley Driver and hit a missile dropkick. Roode connected with another spine buster and won.

A nice win for Roode. He's climbing the ranks.

Match 2. Bo Dallas vs. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami
Joe pinned the champ.

Match 3. AJ Styles vs. Adam Rose

Match 4. Crews vs. Samson vs. Nakamura vs. Aries
This should be won. A win for any star will do wonders. Aries quickly sent Samson to the outside. Nakamura and Crews joined them. Nakamura pulled out a bat and hit Crews a few times. Aries hit Samson with a discus elbow and won.

Aries pinned Samson, so not that impressive. He needs a win over a top star and then maybe a title shot.

Main Event. DIY vs. American Alpha

Match 1. Arn Anderson vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Bret Hart

Match 2. Vader vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck

Match 4. Dusty Rhodes vs. Rob Van Dam

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Rey Mysterio
Flair pulled out a table, but Rey took it and drove it into Flair's ribs. Flair then had his turn with the table. He then thumbed Rey's eye and hit a low blow. Flair almost won with the Figure Four. Rey hit two seated bulldogs. Flair won after a knee smash and piledriver.

The champ sends a message to everyone gunning for him.

Match 1. Jeff Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio attacked Jeff from behind on the ramp. Hardy came back with a package suplex. ADR hit a jumping arm breaker. Jeff hit the Whisper in the Wind. Jeff broke out of two cross arm breakers. After a back breaker, Del Rio won with a super kick.

Jeff looked to have had ADR set up for the Swanton Bomb, but couldn't connect. ADR is a great champ.

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Christian

Match 3. R-Truth vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Raven

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes
Cody landed a cheap shot to start the match.

Main Event. James Storm vs. Drew Galloway

Match 1. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jay Briscoe
Jay continued the attack after the match before Charlie Haas made the save.

Match 2. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 3. John Morrison vs. Fenix vs. Prince Puma

Match 4. CM Punk vs. Pentagon Jr.
Punk landed a spike piledriver. He then hit the running knee/bulldog combo. Pentagon hit the rebound clothesline. Punk connected with a nice moonsault. After a back suplex, Punk hit the GTS, but Pentagon kicked out. Punk kicked out of a brain buster. Pentagon kicked out of a diving elbow. After much back-and-forth action, Pentagon won with a second brain buster.

What a match. I just wish it was for a title. These two can put on a heck of a match.

Main Event. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal

Recap: This was an impactful week. ROH and TNA have their PPV next. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

NXT/ECWCW TakeOver: Unstoppable, Year 3

Match 1. Taz vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Rhyno - ECW Television Championship
The champ was getting worked over by his challengers. Taz hit Rey with a release German suplex. He later hit Rhyno with a t-bone suplex. Rey hit Rhyno with a flying head scissors. Rhyno hit Taz with a half nelson back breaker. Rey then hit Rhyno with a flipping sunset bomb to win.

Great opening match with the underdog getting the win.

Match 2. No Way Jose and Rich Swann vs. Authors of Pain
Can Jose/Swann overcome the odds? Akam caught Jose with a Samoan drop. Jose came back with an airplane spin. Swann landed a back handspring cutter. He then hit a Falcon Arrow. Swann pinned Akam after a tornado DDT.

Swann and Jose send AoP their first tag-team loss. Watch out for them.

Match 3. DIY vs. American Alpha - NXT Tag Team Championship
Gable countered a dive from Gargano into a power slam. Ciampa had Gable in an airplane spin and landed a running boot in the corner. DIY hit a buckle bomb/kick to the head combo. A bloody Gable hit a superplex and tagged Jordan. Ciampa hit a frog splash. Alpha landed a super double back body drop, All four men fought in the ring. DIY hit a second corner finisher to retain their titles.

A great tag title match. So many near falls. Gable just too much offense.

Match 4. Impact Players vs. The Outsiders - WCW Tag Team Championship
Two completely different styles. Justin hit Nash with a belly-to-belly side slam. Nash came back with a sidewalk slam. Hall tossed Storm around. Storm caught Hall with a super kick and got the win!

Whoa. I was not expecting that. The Outsiders won't go away quietly.

Match 5. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho hit a double underhook back breaker. RVD connected with a side kick off the ropes. Jericho came back with a powerbomb and Lionsault for a near fall. After locking in the Walls of Jericho, he hit a second powerbomb. RVD hit a super German suplex. Jericho hit three more powerbombs. He then busted Van Dam open with a kick to the head. After another German, RVD won with the Five Star Frog Splash.

Great match and a great finish. Jericho was in control for most of it, but the frog splash hurts.

Match 6. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes - WCW Championship
Flair, looking to get his title back, was aggressive early. Dusty tried landing some moves, but Flair kept cutting him off. Flair locked in the Figure Four. Dusty made a comeback with his punches. Flair ducked a clothesline and locked in another submission. He then won with a knee smash, but Dusty had the ropes as the ref counted three.

A screwy finish as Flair gets the gold back. Dusty will get a rematch, and rightfully so.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Championship
Hideo landed a back suplex and hurricanrana. Joe hit a T-bone suplex. Hideo ducked a clothesline and hit the hesitation dropkick. Joe hit a running elbow and enziguri. Itami connected with a dive to the outside. Joe locked in the Coquina Clutch. After a flurry of strikes, Hideo hit the GTS and won.

Hideo solidifies himself at the top guy in NXT. There are plenty of challengers waiting, though.

Recap: This was a great event. Three titles changes and a couple of surprising finishes. It's only July.

Monday, January 23, 2017

July Week 2, Year 3

The next NXT/WCW show is at the end of the week.

Match 1. Bayley vs. Naomi

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Tamina

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. The Club
Kalisto had the better of Anderson early. Gallows came in and took control. Kalisto countered a slam and hit a roll through heel kick. Gallows came back with a Jackhammer. The Dragons hit a diving elbow/powerbomb combo. Gallows hit Sin Cara with a two-handed chokeslam to win.

The New Day walked out and looked at their next potential challengers.

Match 4. Rusev vs. Xavier Woods vs. Braun Strowman
Whoa. What a win.

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Batista
Batista attacked Balor after the match. He got his revenge alright.

Match 1. Daniel Bryan vs. Darren Young

Match 2. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella

Match 3. Paige vs. Brie Bella
Nikki walked out and stood in her sister's corner. Paige and Brie went back and forth. Nikki distracted Paige just for a second. Paige got a near fall after the Paige Turner. Brie landed a big kick to the head and the Bella Buster, but Paige kicked out. Brie hit a second finisher to win.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn
Orton walked out and sat next to the announcers. The lifetime rivals locked up. Owens got a near fall and then turned his attention to Orton. Zayn attacked Owens from behind. Owens stole Zayn's move and locked in a Koji Clutch. Zayn connected with the Helluva Kick and won.

Zayn defeated the champ, despite the distraction.

Match 1. DIY vs. American Alpha
AA hit Gargano with a double leg sweep. Ciampa got a near fall on Jordan. He then hit a huge frog splash. Gable beat down Gargano on the outside. Ciampa rolled Jordan up a couple of times, but it paid off the third time.

This was a small taste of what to expect on Sunday.

Match 2. Adam Rose vs. Apollo Crews

Match 3. Austin Aries vs. Elias Samson

Match 4. No Way Jose and Rich Swann vs. Authors of Pain

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Samoa Joe
Joe attacked Itami after the match with a chair.

Match 1. The Unholy Alliance vs. The Outsiders

Match 2. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho

Match 3. Sting vs. Vader
This match quickly spilled to the outside. Vader landed a huge power slam and locks in a camel clutch. Vader continued with a chokeslam. He then hit two Vader Bombs, but Sting kicked out of both of them. Vader kicked out of a Scorpion Death Drop. Vader can't put Sting away. Vader finally won with a powerbomb.

Holy crap. Vader put Sting through hell, and then some. Wow.

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. Impact Players

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes
Flair and Dusty brawled before the bell even rang.

Match 1. Kurt Angle vs. Ken Shamrock vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Jeff Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 3. Cody Rhodes vs. Christian
Despite losing, Angle appeared at ringside. Christian took control of the distraction and landed a diving headbutt. Cody landed a straightjacket DDT. Christian hit an inverted DDT and the Killswitch to win.

Can Cody recover and be 100 percent when he faces Angle?

Match 4. Damien Sandow vs. Raven

Main Event. Eric Young vs. EC III

Match 1. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal
Cole hit a quick back stabber. Lethal planted him with a DDT. After a second DDT, Lethal took apart the announce table. Cole connected with a dive to the outside. Lethal hit a diving forearm and a Lethal Destroyer to win.

Can these two make it to next Sunday without killing each other?

Match 2. Tyler Reks vs. Mil Muertes

Match 3. Pentagon Jr vs. Son of Havoc

Match 4. WGTT vs. The Briscoes
The Briscoes were arguing early. Haas locked Jay in a single-leg crab. Haas hit mark with a butterfly suplex and won with a brainbuster.

Mark and Jay were arguing after the match, too. This doesn't look good.

Main Event. Zack Sabre Jr vs. Matt Sydal

Recap: A big week for the major rivalries. These stars want to end this once and for all, or do they?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

July Week 1, Year 3

Match 1. Bayley vs. Tamina

Match 2. New Day vs. Enzo and Big Cass
After the win, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows stood atop the stage.

Match 3. Rusev vs. Xavier Woods

Match 4. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte
Tamina tried to distract Sasha.

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Batista
One night after losing to Cena, Balor has a big test in front of him. Balor hit a Slingblade and neck breaker. He escaped a powerbomb and hit the shotgun dropkick. He then hit a falling gut buster. Balor continued with a diving elbow to the outside. Holy crap! Balor won with a second Slingblade.

Balor bounces back and gets a big win. Maybe another title shot?

Match 1. Paige vs. Nikki Bella

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. Simon Gotch vs. Jack Swagger

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd
Ziggler walked out and sat at ringside. Bryan sent Kidd to the outside. Kidd threw Bryan into the corner and went after Ziggler. Bryan attacked Kidd from behind. Bryan locked in the Yes Lock, but shouldn't get the submission. Kidd landed a twisting neck breaker. Bryan won with the Yes Kicks.

Kidd was more focused on Ziggler and the IC title. Bryan gets a nice win.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
After defeating Eddie, Owens moves on to the champ. Owens hit a back suplex and cannonball splash in the corner. Orton connected with a knee to the temple. He then hit a Lou Thesz Pres for a near fall. Orton kicked out of the pop-up powerbomb. Owens then won with the package side slam.

A win over the champ is a step in the right direction for Owens.

Match 1. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Jason Jordan

Match 2. Bo Dallas vs. Elias Samson

Match 3. Rich Swann vs. Rezar

Match 4. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe
Itami attacked Joe after the match.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Hideo then had to turn his focus towards Shinsuke. Nakamura hit the Samoan driver for a near fall. Itami countered the Kinshasa into a drop toe hold. He then hit a full nelson suplex. Nakamura kicked out of the GTS. Itami then won with multiple kicks to the head.

The champ continues with a full head of steam. A big win over Nakamura.

Match 1. Rick Rude vs. Taz

Match 2. Dusty Rhodes vs. Vader

Match 3. Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam

Match 4. Sting vs. Fit Finlay vs. Ricky Steamboat

Main Event. Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair
Dusty attacked Flair from behind. Luger hit a running forearm and spike piledriver, but Flair kicked out. After another forearm, Luger made Flair tap in the torture rack.

Dusty came back out. Flair went after him and the two needed to be separated.

Luger gets the cheap win after the pre-match attack.

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Eric Young vs. ECIII

Match 2. Ken Shamrock vs. Matt Morgan

Match 3. Christian vs. Damien Sandow

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes
Angle targeted the legs of Cody. Angle countered a suplex and hit a German suplex. He hit about three more. Cody connected with the Disaster Kick off the ropes. Angle landed three more Germans. Talk about Suplex City. Angle landed a super German suplex, but Cody still kicked out. Angle popped up and hit the Olympic Slam to win.

A great match. I can only hope the title match is just as good.

Main Event. Alberto Del Rio vs. Drew Galloway

Match 1. Pentagon Jr. vs. Adam Cole
Pentagon targeted the right arm, weakening it for the armbar. Cole connected with a knee drop brain buster. Pentagon locked in the armbar, but Cole escaped. Cole won with the flipping piledriver.

That was a good match. Cole is a fighting champion.

Match 2. Matt Sydal vs. T.J. Perkins vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Chris Hero

Match 3. ReDragon vs. War Machine

Match 4. Charlie Haas w/ Shelton Benjamin vs. Mark Briscoe w/ Jay Briscoe
Haas sent Mark to the outside. This could get ugly. He hit a t-bone suplex and then a half nelson suplex., Jay tried to get involved, but the ref tossed him from ringside. Mark landed a huge moonsault. He then won with a boot off the ropes.

Mark didn't need his brother to win. I wonder how Shelton feels about the loss.

Main Event. Jay Lethal vs. Mil Muertes

Recap: What a week. There is a lot bad blood flying around on all of the brands. Things are coming to a boiling point.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Raw has the Money in the Bank match.

Match 1. The New Day vs. Wyatt Family - Raw Tag Team Championship
Rowan hit E with a pump handle back breaker. Big E landed a T-bone suplex and spine buster on Harper. Rowan got a near fall after a chokeslam. Kofi and E landed a super Big Ending to retain.

Not much of a title match. Rowan and Harper looked good, but one big move and it was over.

Match 2. Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins - WWE World Championship
This should be good. Rollins hit two STOs. Orton landed a twisting back suplex. Rollins hit a Shining Wizard and a package suplex. Orton tried fighting back, but Rollins hit his springboard knee to the head. Orton connected with two high-impact back suplexes. Rollins got a near fall after a curb stomp. He then tried cheating with his feet on the ropes. Orton hit his second rope DDT and punt kick to retain his title.

Wow. Neither fan used their true finisher. We saw a curb stomp and punt kick. They wanted to end each other.

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd - Intercontinental Championship
These two put on some great matches in the past. Kidd wasn't giving Ziggler any breathing room. He landed a double foot stomp as Ziggler was in the tree of woe. Ziggler created some momentum. Kidd put him in the Hart Lock. Ziggler hit the Heart Stopper and the ZigZag, but got a near fall. Ziggler won with another Heart Stopper.

That was a great match. Kidd was aggressive, but Ziggler pulled out the win. This isn't over.

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback
Ambrose sent Ryback to the outside to start the match. He locked in the Regal Stretch. Ryback blocked an apron DDT and connected with Shell Shock, but got a two count. Ambrose hit a suplex from the apron and hit Dirty Deeds to win.

As Ambrose celebrated, he was still trash talking Ryback.

Match 5. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kevin Owens
They had a collar-and-elbow lock up to start. Owens won that exchange. He then hit a second-rope moonsault. Owens continued his offense with a package side slam and pop-up powerbomb, but Eddie kicked out. Owens then won with a camel clutch.

This was a one-sided match. Owens is not a path of destruction and could be heading for the WWE title.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Finn Balor - Raw Universal Championship
Cena overpowered Balor early, but Balor was countering a lot. Finn landed a sit-out powerbomb. Cena hit a half nelson neck breaker. I've never seen that before. Balor connected with the shotgun dropkick. Balor went to the top, but missed a diving cross body. Cena pulled off the AA, but Balor kicked out. Balor landed two Bloody Sundays. Cena tried coming back, but Balor hit Coup de Grace. Cena kicked out, but Balor was still in control. Balor went to the top again, but Cena caught him with an AA and won.

That was a damn good match. Balor tried everything he could. But, Cena wins again.

Main Event. MITB - Lesnar vs. Reigns vs. Sheamus vs. Rusev vs. Batista vs. Cesaro
This is star-studded. Cesaro slammed Reigns multiple times. Reigns made the first attempt at the briefcase. Sheamus German suplexed Reigns onto a ladder. Batista hit Cesaro with a Jackhammer. Lesnar suplexed Rusev multiple times. Reigns broke free and climbed up a ladder. Sheamus took away the ladder, but Reigns was able to pull down the briefcase.

The Roman Empire is building a foundation.

Recap: This was a great show. No title changes, but that doesn't take away from anything. Cena has to watch his back for Reigns now.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

June Week 4, Year 3

This is the final week before Raw/SD Money in the Bank.

Match 1. Naomi vs. Bayley

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Wyatt Family

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback
Ryback didn't allow Dean to get in the ring before he attacked him. He then hit the meat hook clothesline and Shell Shock to win.

Ryback then got a chair and hit Ambrose a few times.

The ref couldn't do anything about the pre- or post-match attacks. He's on a warpath.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Rusev

Match 1. Bray Wyatt vs. Mark Henry

Match 2. Hype Bros vs. The Usos

Match 3. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Ziggler ran down and speared Kidd before the bell rang. He then hit a reverse slam and the Heart-Stopper. Kidd hit a springboard elbow. Ziggler hit 10 more elbows and got the win.

This is just a snippet of what to expect at the PPV.

Main Event. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kevin Owens

Match 1. Elias Samson vs. Tye Dillinger

Match 2. No Way Jose vs. Akam

Match 3. Bo Dallas vs. Adam Rose

Match 4. Johnny Gargano vs. Chad Gable
This is going to be a wrestling classic. Gable landed a release German suplex, Gargano hit a couple of back breakers. Gable landed a DDT on the apron. Gargano got a near fall after a Samoan Driver. He then won after planting Gable with a DDT.

This tag match is going to be amazing.

Main Event. Hideo Itami vs. Austin Aries
Samoa Joe attacked Hideo from behind before the match. Itami broke out of Last Chancery. Aries landed three suplexes in a row. He then tossed Hideo up and caught him with a discus elbow to get the win.

Joe then walked out and signaled he's coming for Itami's title.

Things don't look good for Hideo.

Match 1. Tommy Dreamer vs. Vader vs. Rhyno

Match 2. Chris Jericho vs. Roddy Piper
Rob Van Dam attacked Jericho after the match.

Match 3. Ric Flair vs. Rick Rude

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. The Outsiders

Main Event. Sting vs. Dusty Rhodes
Despite losing, Flair appeared and attacked Dusty from behind. Sting landed a couple of leg drops. He then hit a tombstone, but Dusty somehow kicked out. He then won with the Scorpion Death Drop.

Flair came back out and stared down Dusty as he struggled to get up.

Match 1. James Storm vs. Matt Morgan

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 3. R-Truth vs. Eric Young vs. Cody Rhodes

Match 4. Alberto Del Rio vs. Jeff Hardy

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Drew Galloway
Cody Rhodes walked down and stood at ringside. Galloway came out with a running knee and got a near fall. Whoa! He later got a near fall after his Irish Curse and Future Shock. Angle came back with the Olympic Slam. Rhodes got involved and distracted Angle. They went back and forth before Drew won with an Irish Curse.

Galloway defeated the X Division champ.

Match 1. The Briscoes vs. Shelton Benjamin and ?????
Who is the mystery man? It's...Charlie Haas! The World's Best Tag Team is back! Haas hit a straightjacket brain buster. Shelton hit Mark with a T-bone suplex. Things broke down as all four men were in the ring. Shelton busted Mark open with a super kick. Mark busted out a Burning Hammer. Jay hit Haas with a butterfly piledriver and won.

A great tag match. Briscoes, War Machine, ReDragon and now WBTT? This looks good.

Match 2. Roderick Strong vs. T.J. Perkins vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 3. Aerostar vs. Pentagon Jr.

Match 4. CM Punk vs. John Morrison

Main Event. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal
Cole blocked a cutter. Lethal then hit a complete shot and a gut buster. Cole connected with a back stabber. He went for a dive, but Lethal blocked it. Jay then hit the Lethal Combination. After a moment on the outside, Lethal won with a jumping cutter.

Lethal is determined to get his title back. He's got a couple of weeks until he gets his shot.

Recap: A huge end to June. I liked the TNA and ROH shows. They're a little more hardcore. Money in the Bank is up!

June Week 3, Year 3

We have a break this week before Raw and SmackDown have their show at the end of the month.

Match 1. Wyatt Family vs. The Club
This could be a hard-hitting match. The Wyatts beat down Anderson on the outside. Harper hit a sit-out powerbomb and butterfly suplex. Anderson came back with a powerbomb of his own. Gallows took care of Harper and Rowan. Anderson connected with a running knee. The match broke down as the ref got taken out. When he came to, the ref called the match off.

The ref couldn't contain these two teams.

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks

Match 4. Cesaro vs. Ryback
Ambrose attacked Ryback from behind. Ryback blocked an uppercut and hit a spinning powerslam. Cesaro hit a super belly-to-back and a German suplex. He then tossed Ryback up and connected with an uppercut to win.

Ryback shook off the pre-match attack, but it wasn't enough. Cesaro gets the win.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Rusev

Match 1. Prime Time Players vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Paige

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. The Miz

Match 4. Eddie Guerrero vs. Bray Wyatt
I wonder if K.O. will make an appearance. Eddie was aggressive early. Bray hit a front suplex and second-rope senton. He then DDT'd Eddie on the apron. Bray busted Eddie open. Eddie hit a sit-out powerbomb. After a running senton, Bray won.

After the match, Kevin Owens walked out and he and Eddie almost came to blows.

Bray was in control for most of the match. He's making moves up the rankings.

Main Event. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd
Ziggler was able to fight off a pre-match attack.

Match 1. Hideo Itami vs. Apollo Crews
Samoa Joe distracted Itami during the match.

Match 2. American Alpha vs. DIY
Whoa! Ciampa hit Gable with a flipping face buster. He hit a spinning back suplex and hung Gable over the top rope. Jordan took control over Gargano. He got a near fall after an overhead suplex. DIY hit a Buckle Bomb/heel kick combo on both Jordan and Gable to win.

The champs dominated AA. I don't see these two being down with each other yet.

Match 3. Andrade 'Cien' Almas vs. Bo Dallas

Match 4. Rich Swann and No Way Jose vs. Authors of Pain

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Here we go! AJ landed a front suplex. Nakamura tried getting momentum, but AJ caught him with the Styles Clash for a near fall. Nakamura hit a Samoan driver. He then set up and connected with the Kinshasa to win.

Damn. That was a quick match. I hope we get another match sooner rather than later.

Match 1. Dusty Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Match 2. Vader vs. Rick Rude

Match 3. Rob Van Dam vs. Roddy Piper
Chris Jericho attacked RVD from behind. Piper was like a rabid dog, attacking Van Dam and not giving him space. After a running knee, he locked in the sleeper hold and won.

Jericho came back out and stared at Van Dam.

Piper doesn't care how he won, he just knows he did.

Match 4. Ric Flair vs. Fit Finlay

Main Event. The Outsiders vs. Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck
Harlem Heat caused a distraction.

Match 1. EC III vs. Eric Young vs. Christian vs. Drew Galloway
Carter pulled out a sledgehammer, but Young took it away. Carter got it back and landed some shots. Drew hit Christian with a big boot. Young landed a Death Valley Driver. Carter thumbed Drew in the eyes and hit a low blow. Christian suplexed Young from the top to the outside. Galloway hit Christian with a running knee and won.

Drew rebounds after losing to Hardy last week. He'll be a player soon.

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes

Match 3. Bobby Lashley vs. Ken Shamrock vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Matt Morgan vs. Raven

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Alberto Del Rio
Champ vs. Champ.

Match 1. T.J. Perkins vs. Cedric Alexander

Match 2. ReDragon vs. The Briscoes
The Briscoes make their official debut. O'Reilly landed a T-bone suplex on Jay. He then hit an overhead suplex and brainbuster combo on Mark. Jay hit O'Reilly with a double underhook pile driver. Whoa! Mark landed a huge super kick and diving elbow. Jay hit a second piledriver and won.

The Briscoes are ruthless. The ROH tag division just got insane.

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Pentagon Jr.

Match 4. King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes

Main Event. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal
Lethal is on the path to get his title back.

Recap: This was a crazy week. New superstars, brawls and sneak attacks. We're just three months in.