Thursday, November 17, 2016

NXT/ECWCW TakeOver: Dallas, Year 3

Match 1. Apollo Crews vs. Austin Aries
Aries hit a back suplex and discus elbow. He then countered a slam and hit a brain buster. Crews landed three consecutive powerbombs, but got a near fall. Aries connected with a huge 450 splash and won.

That was a fun opening match.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Emma vs. Becky Lynch - NXT Women's Championship
Becky pulled out a bat and hit Emma. All four women were fighting on the outside. Becky dodged a dive and locked Emma in an armbar. Alexa hit Asuka with a missile dropkick. Alexa and Emma were back on the outside as Becky hit Asuka with a t-bone suplex and won.

Wow. I wasn't expecting Asuka to get pinned. Good for Becky, though.

Match 3. Wyatt Family vs. Gargano and Ciampa - NXT Tag Team Championsip
Even though they're on Raw, the Wyatts still have the tag titles. Ciampa came out firing. Harper caught Gargano with a sit-out slam. Rowan came in and worked over Ciampa. Gargano was getting tossed around, too. Ciampa then hit a powerbomb to back stabber, but got a near fall. Harper and Ciampa fought on the outside as Gargano pinned Rowan with a Samoan driver.

Excellent tag match. Ciampa and Gargano used their quickness to take down the big men.

Match 4. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio - ECW Television Championship
This should be a high-flying match. Van Dam landed a super kick and a rolling heel kick. RVD got a near fall after a package slam and Rolling Thunder. Rey dropkicked RVD to the side of the head. RVD hit a super German suplex, but got another two count. Rey won after a sit-out bulldog.

I wish weapons were introduced, but they pulled out some big impact moves.

Match 5. Hall, Nash and Wight vs. Harlem Heat and Dallas Page
An interesting pairing to say the least. Booker hit Hall with an ax kick and snap slam. Hall tagged in The Giant and hit a sidewalk slam. Wight and Nash worked over Page. Stevie Ray adn Wight fought on the outside. Hall and Nash hit Booker with a diving elbow/back breaker combo. Page hit Hall with a superplex and got the win.

Page gets the pin and I think Harlem Heat get another tag title shot.

Match 6. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami - NXT Championship
Itami landed a clothesline and kicked Joe in the side of the head. He then landed a Falcon Arrow and double foot stomp. I haven't seen Joe take a beating like this in a while. Itami continued with a double underhook suplex and German suplex. Joe began his comeback and got a couple of near falls on Itami. He then hit a super German suplex. Itami kicked out and won with the GTS.

Hideo Itami takes down the beast and wins the NXT title. That was a little one-sided.

Main Event. Sting vs. Ric Flair - WCW Championship
Sting left and pulled out a table. Flair brought in a table of his own. Flair set up a table in the corner, but Sting speared him against it. Flair powerbombed Sting right in front of the table. Flair went to drive Sting through the table, but Sting moved. Both men hit multiple signatures and finishers, but couldn't put the other through a table. After a lot of back and forth, Flair elbow dropped Sting through a table.

Now that was a main event. Neither man wanted to lose. That was a MOTY.

Recap: Great first even for NXT and ECWCW. There were some surprising title changes, too.

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