Thursday, November 17, 2016

May Week 1, Year 3

This is the first full month. All the shows will have a PPV throughout the month.

Match 1. Rusev vs. Batista

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Naomi

Match 3. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback
This is the first step in the Dean Ambrose singles run. Dean kept Ryback grounded. Ryback hit a big splash. Ambrose locked in the Regal Stretch and a DDT on the apron. Back in the ring, he hit a powerbomb with a bridge and won.

That's a big win for Ambrose. Let's see what Roman can do next week.

Match 4. Neville vs. Braun Strowman

Main Event. John Cena vs. JBL
JBL gets a big win over the champ.

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd countered a slam and hit his own back suplex. He then planted Zayn with an STO. Zayn connected with the Blue Thunder Bomb, but got a near fall. Kidd locked in the Hart Lock. He then landed a dive to the outside. After a Koji Clutch attempt, Zayn won with a second BTB.

After the match, Dolph Ziggler came out and stared down Kidd as he got up.

Kidd is the current IC champ and now Ziggler is targeting him.

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Brie Bella

Match 3. Prime Time Players vs. The Dudleyz

Match 4. Natalya vs. Nikki Bella

Main Event. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kevin Owens
The match quickly spilled to the outside. Owens hit a back suplex on the ramp. Eddie landed a dropkick and diving leg drop. Eddie then hit the Three Amigos. Owens hit a suplex of his own and hit a package power slam. Eddie hit a tornado DDT through the turnpost. Owens kicked out of a superplex and won with a pop-up powerbomb.

A great match. Owens defeated one of the best ever. Watch out Orton.

Match 1. Rich Swann vs. No Way Jose vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas vs. Johnny Gargano

Match 2. Adam Rose vs. Elias Samson

Match 3. Tye Dillinger vs. Bo Dallas

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. Hideo Itami

Main Event. Bobby Roode vs. Apollo Crews vs. Austin Aries
Roode and Aries were double teaming Crews. It didn't last long as Aries threw Crews into Roode. Someone brought in a bat, but it was never used. Crews hit Aries with three powerbombs. Aries hit Roode with a brain buster. Roode took out both men with a sledgehammer. Aries landed a German on Roode and pinned Crews after a discus forearm.

That was a great main event. All three can stake a claim for the NXT title.

Match 1. Bret Hart vs. Cactus Jack

Match 2. Rick Rude vs. Finlay

Match 3. Vader vs. Lex Luger

Match 4. The Outsiders vs. Harlem Heat

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Sting
Legends. Flair hit a back suplex and snap suplex. He countered a press slam into a DDT. Sting tossed Flair out of the ring. Flair grabbed the nether regions of Sting right in front of the ref. Where's the DQ? After a butterfly suplex, he locked in the Figure Four. Out of nowhere, Sting hit a back breaker and Scorpion Death Drop, but Flair kicked out. Flair hit a superplex and knee smash to win.

The damage to the back wa too much for Sting to shake off. Flair wins this round.

Match 1. Bobby Lashley vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Ken Shamrock vs. R-Truth vs. Raven

Match 3. Christian vs. Matt Morgan

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Drew Galloway
Jeff hit a suplex and snap DDT. During the match, Drew decided to leave the ring and walk up the ramp. Jeff looked frustrated as the ref counted to 10.

That's an interesting strategy for Galloway. I guess he didn't want to face Hardy tonight.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 1. Tyler Reks vs. Mil Muertes

Match 2. Shelton Benjamin vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Match 3. Pentagon Jr. vs. Matt Sydal vs. Drago

Match 4. Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal
Jay slapped Cole across the face. Cole returned the favor. He locked in an Indian Death Lock. Lethal kept Cole grounded with neck breakers and a gut buster. Cole then DDT'd Jay on the apron. Lethal dodged a superkick and hit a cutter. Moments later, he landed a backspring cutter, but Cole kicked out. Wow! Cole then won with a kneeling brain buster.

After the match, Cole went for a handshake, but Lethal walked away.

That was an amazing match. The title match will be awesome.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. King Cuerno
Cuerno kicked Punk in the back. Punk locked in a dragon sleeper. Cuerno landed a package suplex. Punk hit his running knee and bulldog combo. He then hit a tornado DDT through the turnpost. Cuerno went for a dive, but Punk countered it. He went for a dive from the top, but Punk caught him in mid-air and won with the GTS.

That was a great match. Punk and Cuerno can fight forever.

Recap: NXT and ECWCW have their first pay-per-view this week. There will be a lot of MOTY candidates each and every week.

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