Friday, October 30, 2015

April Week 1, Year 1

Here we go. Week 1.

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Ricky Steamboat vs. Fit Finay

Match 3. Ken Shamrock vs. Jack Swagger

Match 4. Elimination - Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady vs. Konnor and Viktor
The Ascension hit Cass with two Fall of Man finishers, but he kicked out. After a huge uppercut, Viktor eliminated Cass, leaving Enzo by himself. He didn't last long as Viktor hit a superplex and sitout double underhook powerbomb to win.

Dominant win by The Ascension. They are atop the tag rankings.

Match 5. Falls Count Anywhere - Daniel Bryan vs. Baron Corbin
Big size difference with these two. Bryan brought in a ladder and suplexed Corbin onto it. He later connected with his kicks to the chest and head. The match spilled to the outside. Corbin busted Bryan open with a chair shot. Baron won after a sidewalk slam and the End of Days.

Impressive match by both men. We haven't seen the last of these two.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Bo Dallas
Balor came out firing. He landed a falling kick and got a near fall. Balor kicked Bo out of the ring and hit an STO. Bo landed a tornado DDT and a double-arm DDT, but Balor kicked out. He hit the Coup de Grace, but Bo kicked out. Balor landed a sit-out powerbomb to win.

Balor escapes with the win. Bo gave it everything he had. Future title match?

Match 1. Ryback vs. Christian

Match 2. The New Day vs. Goldust and Stardust
E and Stardust went to the outside early. Kofi hit the Boom Drop, but Stardust was able to kick out. Big E and Kofi hit a flapjack/DDT combo on Stardust. Stardust hit Cosmic Wasteland, but Kofi kicked out. Big E came in and landed a super fall away slam and Big E splash. New Day hit their tag finisher a second time and won.

Stardust failed to get to his corner to tag Goldust. Could that have cost them a title shot?

Match 3. R-Truth vs. Adam Rose

Match 4. Shawn Michaels vs. The Miz
Miz landed some punches and a snapmare driver, but Michaels kicked out. After spending some time outside the ring, Michaels connected with a snap DDT and Sweet Chin Music. He then hit a huge moonsault, but Miz kicked out. Miz fought back, but HBK landed back-to-back super kicks to win.

Michaels proves why he is the icon, show stopper and main event. Three super kicks, though?

Match 5. John Cena vs. Kane

Match 6. Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho slapped the disrespect off the Rollins' face. He kept the offense going with a moonsault and superplex. After a suplex, Rollins went to the top rope. He jumped off, but Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker, but Rollins kicked out! Rollins threw Jericho up in the air and caught him with the Pedigree. Jericho won with a second Codebreaker.

Jericho is still the best in the world. Good main event.

Recap: That was week 1 of my Universe. There are so many new matchups that I can't wait to exploit. The championship matches will take place at the end of the month.

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