Friday, October 30, 2015

April Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Finn Balor vs. JBL

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma
The original "Divas" Revolution. Paige countered a fisherman suplex into a roll-up and they went back and forth. Paige landed multiple kicks to Emma's back. Emma landed a sit-out powerbomb. She later locked in the Dil-Emma. Emma won with a second diving cross body.

What an upset. Paige had this won a couple of times. Emma could see a title shot in a few weeks.

Match 3. The Vaudevillains vs. Enzo and Cass

Match 4. Rusev vs. Ricky Steamboat

Match 5. 4-Way - The Rock vs. Hideo Itami vs. Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler
So many different styles. The Rock and Edge in NXT? Nice. Edge sent Hideo to the outside. Ziggler landed a release German suplex and side dropkick on The Rock. They then went to the outside as Edge landed the Edge-O-Matic on Hideo and won.

Edge stole that win. Smart to keep that match short, though.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt
Wow. Brock immediately locked in an arm bar. Bray grabbed a sledgehammer, but Lesnar caught him from behind with a back suplex. Bray grabbed the weapon and hit Lesnar multiple times in the ribs. Bray went for a crossbody, but Lesnar caught him and hit the F5 to win.

Dominant win for Lesnar. Who is going to stand in his way?

Match 1. Shawn Michaels vs. The Miz
Can Miz even the score? Miz landed a running hangman and falling neck breaker. Michaels locked in a modified Figure 4. He landed a moonsault and diving elbow drop, but Miz still kicked out. Miz ducked the Sweet Chin Music. A little while later, Michaels hit the super kick and won.

HBK - 2, Miz - 0. This doesn't look good. After the match, HBK went for a handshake, but Miz left in frustration.

Match 2. Dean Ambrose vs. Rick Rude

Match 3. Prime Time Players vs. New Day

Match 4. Ryback vs. Roman Reigns
Two young stars battle it out. Ryback quickly took Reigns to the outside. He broke up the count, and Reigns took control. Back in the ring, hit a tilt-a-whirl slam. Ryback hit the Meat Hoom clothesline and Shell Shock, but Reigns kicked out. Reigns busted Ryback open with a Superman punch. Ryback hit a second Meat Hook and won.

This was a war. Ryback got the win, but Reigns isn't done yet.

Match 5. Triple H vs. Booker T

Match 6. John Cena vs. Batista
Batista dead lifted Cena and landed a powerbomb. Cena came back with some tilt-a-whirl slams and sunset flip powerbomb. He then connected with the AA, but Batista kicked out. Cena remained on offense and won with a sit-out powerbomb.

Super Cena, amirite?

Recap: I'm surprised at the short 4-way match. Michaels is dominating Miz and Ryback manhandled Reigns.

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